Rome – Acceleration decided on school reform, trying all out to keep the dialogue open. But if that does not bear fruit, it must get the approval of the bill with confidence. And ‘what emerged from the meeting at Palazzo Chigi the premier Matteo Renzi with the parliamentarians of the Democratic Party in the presence of, among others, the Minister for Reforms, Maria Elena Boschi , and Education, and Stefania Giannini . “There is an intention to approve the measure on the school as quickly as possible but at the same time we ask the opposition to cooperate with 3 thousand amendments because we can not approve the reform and if it continues it is only a way to slow time “, said the leader of the Democratic Party in the House, Ettore Rosato , after the meeting on Good school.
” We will work to improve the text in the Senate, to do everything in the best way can also asking the cooperation of the opposition because recruitment is a common interest, “he said Rosato still stressing:” The measures we can compare the merits, because with 3 thousand amendments assumptions can not be done but there is just a willingness to scuttle the measure. ” “It goes on school reform with determination, with maximum collaboration to find the broadest possible arrangements, but with the idea that the time is very tight to recruit from the beginning of the next school year,” he added in the late morning to Gr1 Rai Rosato. To Renzi, noted, “is not a change in strategy, is a very clear message. We ask everyone to work together in a reform that serves the country. We ask you to abandon its resistance – reiterates – to allow quick approval that allows to comply with the time needed to carry out 100 thousand bureaucratic and assumptions “. While the chairman of the Senate Education, Andrea Marcucci, announced Tuesday that it will be present in the committee.
SHEET The Good School 12-point
The recruitment. The premier Renzi gave so off the ‘turning’ of operational meetings on the dossier school. A tour d’horizon from which, as stated Rosato, emerges a commitment to quickly close the process in the Senate of the Bill School, asking the opposition cooperation, especially in terms of the number of amendments. Just as much care would be guaranteed by the government on the recruitment section. A sign of openness, especially on this point, also comes from the minority dem. “The reform of the school must be made. There are conditions to bring home the result – said Maurizio Martina, exponent of the ‘Left and’ change the Democratic Party and Minister of Agriculture – .Possono be changed for the individual points of the bill improve it, but it should be done quickly. We have both the reform is hiring. Today also we had Chigi statements in this direction. “
Civic Choice asked involvement of allies. “That the President of the Council meeting a delegation of deputies and senators of his party to agree the timing of the next few weeks and the priority for the coming months is fine and it is, indeed, more than ever appropriate. Provided – said Enrico Zanetti, secretary political Civic Choice – just as happens with the allies that even recently, at crucial stages, guaranteed compactly government vows that just a part of the Democratic Party – he said – has however denied “.
Cgil against. Toni polemical those of Susanna Camusso, CGIL leader who said: “It sounds like a huge joke and it is more and more unbearable.” Speaking of confrontation with the government added: “We are still waiting for the call might have lost our address.” Sull’aut aut government, which is also ready to put confidence, Camusso said: “Now we feel. There is a maxi-amendment on which you want to put your confidence. We went beyond the normal dialectic in the relationship between the parties . There is no respect for the world of education and the social partners “.
Serracchiani replica Camusso. At CGIL leader replica Debora Serracchiani, deputy secretary of the Democratic Party:” We are at paradox. For Camusso is unbearable the government’s commitment to lead quickly to port a new organization of the school “by taking” 100 thousand temporary workers? This attitude leaves aghast. Never seen a union complains while stabilize so many workers ” .
M5s not withdraw amendments. “To blackmail the government does not give in: not withdraw our amendments to the education bill, because they are all substantive amendment. Pick them would lend the side a government that is destroying the public school Italian and turn your back to the teachers, students and families for months asking to withdraw this reform inadmissible “. They said in a joint statement by the parliamentary commissions M5s Culture House and Senate. “Our position is clear: we must carving out the part on recruitment of temporary workers and approve quickly just that. Everything else, the principal manager in the live call, the relief for equal interference of private schools – reiterated groups pentastellati – is to be thrown in the trash. If Renzi will put the trust of this reform shall bear all the responsibility. “
Sel attack. ” In this government and its majority There are swindlers: it must be said Italians. We and other opposition forces asking for months now the government a very simple thing: make a decree for carving out the law school hiring of temporary teachers, make a decree to hire them and we voting without going through the street, not even an amendment. The voting immediately to ensure the school Italian certain start of the new school year, and to provide thousands of temporary workers a clear future. Because they have not wanted to do, they can not now afford to say that the opposition that prevent the hiring of 100 thousand people. ” This was stated by the national coordinator of Sel, Nicola Fratoianni . No step back on the amendments, in fact, Fratoianni continues: “They made a bad law, the law of the oppositions presented legitimately amendments for improvement and change. This is the task of the parliament and its components. We can no longer accept ‘idea that every time the Parliament has something to say, Palazzo Chigi take it and say: know that there is, there is you, that is the parliament, there is democracy that is a nuisance , and then we put the trust, or else you can not do this . “
ARCHIVE The reform of school
times. The objective and ‘dismiss the text in the Senate within the next week. If the cooperation of other groups will not result in the withdrawal of the amendments, the Democratic Party will not stay that way the confidence of a major amendment that will contain however the proposed amendments of the minorities. The decisive confrontation from this point of view will occur in view of the meeting of the Committee next Tuesday. If there will be the withdrawal of the amendments the speakers should present the maxi-amendment to arrive in the classroom between Thursday and Friday. According to timing tight, the reform will be passed in the House the following week, where, however, is expected to pass in committee.
READ School year risk
Will it close in tight then, because the risk is to postpone for one year. The time for discussion on the Good School Senate has lengthened and, to put into practice all the news you need time. At first, the final approval of the bill was scheduled for mid-June, but only a few days ago have begun voting on amendments in the Culture Committee in the Senate. It would take at least one / two weeks to finish everything. Then, the measure will have to return to the House for third reading. Do slip in July, the final approval of the reform makes it impossible to activate the next school year.
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