bill Cirinnà
Milan , June 20, 2015 – 12:14
The square is packed even before the start of the event and the nearby metro station St. John continues to push out people that you start to Family Day “We defend our children,” is the slogan of the national demonstration organized in Piazza San Giovanni, “to reaffirm the right of mom and dad to educate their children and stop the colonization Gender ideological theory in schools and in the Parliament and thwart the bill that would allow Cirinnà perspective adoption and surrogacy for same-sex couples, “said the promoters of the Committee ‘defend our children.” Among the colorful banners, balloons, signs and flags, the average age is very low in the sense that there are many children with young mothers and fathers. “We could have chosen other places in Rome – adds the committee spokesman Massimo Gandolfini – but our challenge was to fill the Piazza San Giovanni with hundreds of thousands of families from all over Italy, to protect the innocence of children and their right to have a father and a mother, and to reiterate the most clear opposition to any attempt to change our beautiful Constitution, equating homosexual unions to marriage. ” About one hundred parliamentarians who have joined: there are areas reserved for them, which are mixed with the crowd. The reason for the choice, the organizers want to emphasize, it is the “will to reaffirm the non-partisan and apolitical nature of the event. There is, however, the minister Alfano who had also participated in the past with other Family Day. On the other hand the event cashes membership of Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, who sent a message. And Riccardo Di Segni, the chief rabbi of Rome.
“We are a million”
“We are a million,” say the organizers from the stage. Many realities and associations in the square, including the Neocatechumenal, the baby of the group ‘Parliamentarians of the family, “the” Sentinels standing, “Evangelicals, the” Movement for Life “, the” Manuf pour tous “. “Any threat to the family is a threat to society, defend your families,” “Hands off our children”, “God made them male and female, ‘reads the banners. Protesters in the square from all regions of Italy.
The imam: gender bad for humanity
Even the imam of the mosque of Centocelle takes the stage of St. John to say that gender is “dangerous, bad for humanity. With your strength can defeat him – he said to applause – We are all here together, Muslims and Christians, to defend the family. ” So the head of the Imam Mosque Centocelle, from the stage of the Family Day which is being held in Rome. “Even the Islamic community – said the Imam – is against this dangerous project for the existence of humanity that wants to pollute the minds of our children.” During the event were made to listen to some words spoken by the Pope on June 14 last. The Pope spoke, among other things, of “ideological colonization, which poisons the family” and urged parents to ricatechizzare their families. “We need a real moral and spiritual rebirth,” said Pope Francis. They spoke, among others, Vincenzo and Sara Aquino, parents of 11 children: recounted the difficulties and joys faced in educating their numerous offspring and the role of the school. And ‘the Association of friends of persons homosexuals rejects bill Cirinnà: “It does good gay people,” he says in a message read from the stage of San Giovanni. “Gay marriage is not on the anthropological sense as well as an injustice,” he adds. After the speeches, a lot of space to the music with Francisco Arguello, said Kiko, Spanish artist secular initiator and founder of the Neocatechumenal communities in the world who sang, accompanying himself on the guitar, Bible passages, including excerpts of the Apocalypse , music by himself: “It seems that the Secretary of the CEI has that other but the Holy Father is with us – he said from the stage – I wrote to the Holy Father, after receiving letters of some families – he said – and the Pope he said when, last Sunday, said there are ideologies that colonize families and against which we must act. Someone is wrong if he thinks that he does not like the parades. ” Among others also he spoke a representative of the African community, welcomed on stage by journalist and former parliamentarian Mario Adinolfi.
shadow carousel
Family Day in the square: slogan, controversy and rain
Scalfarotto “Bizarre protest against rights’
“There is in Rome a rally against civil rights, is something rare and unique that there are people who demonstrated against the rights of other people. We must acknowledge that there are many complexities but the government is very determined. ” He said Ivan Scalfarotto, undersecretary for Reform and Relations with Parliament, on the sidelines of the opening event of the Milan Pride today in the United States Pavilion, at Expo.
Argumentative Grillini (Gaynet)
Very controversial Event also Franco Grillini, president of Gaynet Italy: “An event useless and odious, as all manifestations of hatred; a festival of homophobia, sad and pitiful as all racist demonstrations, where they will voice the uninitiated hatred towards sexual diversity and triumph that “amoral familism” largely responsible for the woes of the country. ” Micaela Bell also responsible Welfare and Rights of the Democratic Party and Alessia Rotta, Head of Communications of the Democratic Party in a joint statement that will tell skeptical on the use of instrumental themes of the bill: “The three-year plan of the training ensures the implementation of the principles of equal promoting opportunities in schools of all levels education to gender equality, prevention of gender-based violence and all forms of discrimination, in order to inform and raise awareness among students, teachers and parents on the relevant issues. Who now uses these words to spread theories exist and play on fears of people abusing their good faith is making improper operation. ” And they add: “We are using this item of good school – underline – to shout the educational emergency when it is very clear in its wording, only to boycott other paths legislative act as that which provides for the introduction of civil unions in Italy. It is a methodology – insist – that boycotting an education plan aimed at combating youth violence such as bullying, prevention of gender-based violence including that of men over women and all forms of racism and discrimination. “
The tweet of Marrazzo and #FamilyGay
The Gay Center responds via twitter at Family Day today in Rome. Fabrizio Marrazzo, spokesman for the Gay Center launches on social hashtag #FamilyGay. “For us every day is #FamilyGay. Tweet your own love for your rights and for your family. ” “The demonstration on Saturday – said Fabrizio Marrazzo, spokesman for the Gay Center – is a jump in the prehistory of civil rights. In addition it is questionable whether Alfano and Ncd are the government or already on the campaign trail to intercept a vote of opinion however that anti gay in this country is largely minority. Gay families are a reality regardless of who wants to erase. As young people are a reality that from schools to social networks are looking for answers to the culture of discrimination and homophobia. #FamilyGay Is our response. ” “Theory of gender, sex education at school, families omogenitoriali: what scares you do not know. But the family is wherever there is love. ” So Left Ecology Freedom launched at this time on the web and on social campaign with postcards #chiconoscenonhapaura, with which aims to unmask the “falsity of those who organized today Family Day in Rome.” Absolutely in favor of the event instead of Popular Alliance Dorina Bianchi: “The family is what unites us all. The controversies and conflicts not divert attention from its function: an act of love and a reference point for their children. ” The first signatory of the bill on civil unions, Senator Pd Andrea Marcucci tweets: “Who wants to religious wars, as the organizers of the Family Day, wrong century. Civil Unions are not against anyone, but for the rights and fairness. ‘
Meloni: “Stop the madness of gender in schools’
“I hope that this extraordinary mobilization of people to convince everyone the opportunity to stop the madness gender indoctrination in schools. Politics can not be blind and deaf to the appeal of Italian families: Renzi and Pd Cirinnà withdraw the bill and start working for a tax and a welfare state built for families and to ensure that the topic of birth is a national priority. No father and mother there are children, without children there is no future. ” He writes on the Facebook president of Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni. “The enthusiastic and generous participation of today the day of the family is the answer to the civil and peaceful effort to naturare the basic unit of society ‘. The nucleus that is the past and the future of any society. The model is only one family and anyone who tries to undermine it and to replace it will have to deal with millions and millions of men and women determined to defend the rights only and not replicable. And to remove without authority any of the biological differences with which men and women differ from conception? “. It ‘as said the leader of the Brothers of Italy – National Alliance Fabio Rampelli attending the Family Day today. And tweets Senator Area popular Ncd-UDC, Maurizio Sacconi: “A Piazza San Giovanni crowd extraordinary despite the bad weather. Curious tonight to see if they will give the news Rai account or will bend to political correctness. ” “Entertainment Piazza #SanGiovanni packed with men, women and children! In Parliament we will make their voices heard. #difendiamoinostrifigli. ” He writes, in a tweet, Interior Minister Angelino Alfano. And Matteo Salvini, secretary of the Northern League, writes on Fb: “A hug the mothers and fathers who are peacefully demonstrating in Rome, to defend the future of their children.”
Quagliarella: Government remains outside these contentions
” The government remains out of these disputes. ” To say it is the coordinator dell’Ncd, Gaetano Quagliariello. “My participation is a personal basis – adds – like that of many dell’Ncd. This is not to put the hat on this initiative: these are our principles. ” To those who pointed out that the Minister Alfano has chosen not to attend the event, he says, “It ‘been more respectful of other members of the government who have spoken a straight leg. The government is out. ”
June 20, 2015 | 12:14
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