Thursday, June 25, 2015

School, Senate approves confidence. Brawl in the classroom – The Republic

Rome – The reform of the Good School has passed the first hurdle, to Palazzo Madama. The classroom of the Senate has given the green light to the confidence on the maxi-amendment presented two days ago by the speakers, Francesca Puglisi of the Democratic Party and Franco Conte of Ap, in the Senate Education Committee . Now the measure goes to the House where it will arrive on July 7. The votes were 159 in favor, those against 112. At the time of pronouncement of the outcome of the vote by the Senate President Pietro Grasso of the vote boos and protests by the opposition.

” The Senate said yes to an important measure for the government and the country. The school good starting point to build relaunch education, “he tweeted Education Minister Stefania Giannini , satisfied with the outcome of the vote.

Despite the defections within the Democratic Party (dissidents Corradino Mineo , Walter Tocci and Roberto Ruta did not attend the vote in open disagreement with the measure), the government has stood the test. Majority and government raking in confidence with only two votes less than the absolute majority, and the Senate is 161 votes. So, is noted by sources of the majority, the Democratic Party has held up well in the face of internal discontent of the minority. For Ncd were missing and 3 senators did not vote: Esposito, Bonaiuti (both absent for health reasons) and Giovanardi. For the opposition, the League and Forza Italy in the lead, the failure to reach an altitude of 161 shows that the government no longer has an absolute majority in the Senate.

He approaches so the approval of the reform establishing the ‘super Principal ‘with the power to choose and evaluate teachers and giving the green light to the special plan of recruitment (100 thousand), which will be implemented in the coming months. A reform that has divided the schools that responded with a general strike on May 5 and has seen against the unions with the Camusso that even today has not mince words to challenge the government: “Vote of confidence? A very bad news for the Italian school. And ‘the proof of the many lies told by the Prime Minister and his government than the need for a debate on reform. “

The teachers also protested today on the streets of Rome while classroom he voted Reform: three thousand among teachers and administrative staff departed from Mouth of Truth after marching 17 towards Campo de Fiori. There were tense moments in the course Renaissance, opposite the main access to the Palazzo Madama, where a group of about twenty teachers and school staff has loudly objected to the approval of the bill Good School.

SHEETS reform in 12 points / The original text of the maxi-amendment

The satisfaction of the Minister Giannini . “A very important day for our government but also for me personally because although it is not the final step is a critical step approved by the senators with large numbers.” And ‘the beaming of Education Stefania Giannini , after the vote on the reform of the school.

“It’ the first time you can break through a wall that many ministers were not managed to cross: the wall full autonomy. Of evaluation that had never been able to enter the school, a qualifying element, “he adds. Then he wanted to respond to those who attacked her for not having spoken in the courtroom: “I do not feel absolutely commissioner, you have to speak when the time is right and today the Regulation suggested that you proceed in this way.”

Day of power in the Senate, protests M5S, Sel and League . It ‘was a day of tension in the Senate, with the opposition on a war footing for both the choice to put the issue of trust is to challenge the merits of the measure. M5S, Sel League and gave battle in court with protests egregious.

Against the reform to the forefront of the parliamentary party of Nichi Vendola, some wearing a shirt that says ‘academic freedom’ and ‘right to education’: “We demand that the minister (Giannini, ed ) we are worthy to make us hear your opinion if you really worked on this lousy law – said the leader of the Mixed Group Loredana De Petris while his colleagues gave life to protest with whistles and bells -, especially since the Senate has been deleted, this is the situation in which we have reduced “.
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Senators of M5S , just after the announcement of confidence given by the Minister for Reforms Maria Elena Boschi, staged in the classroom a kind of “funeral”, lighting of votive lamps in memory of the school, “finally buried” – in their opinion – by design government bill. The red candles have become a kind of symbol of the protest against the bill good school, because they were used by teachers and school staff in the protests that have accompanied the protests to the government measure.
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colorful protest even by senators leaguers who exhibited signs reading ‘Outside the bullies from school and a photomontage of the Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, and the star of’ Happy Days’, Fonzie. Then new protest of the League, with even stronger tone: Northern League senators have raised a banner that read ‘We defend our children from the school of Satan’, while others have shown the sheets with the message ‘The school is not in Renzi and Dean is not called Agnes’.

During statements vote, there were moments of tension with the Senate President Pietro Grasso called several times to enforce the order in the courtroom, especially during the intervention of Senator Pd Francesca Puglisi. Just inside the Democratic Party emerged the first distinction: the first senator Roberto Ruta , then Walter Tocci and Corradino Mineo that there have voted confidence: “We will not vote confidence in the government school in the Senate because we can not accept another reform pretend, another break with millions of voters, yet another humiliation of Parliament”, they stated the two dissenters in a dem Note. Absent also Felice Casson , near Civati, officially ‘on leave’.

During the vote challenge by the senators Five Stars for the senator for life Giorgio Napolitano who voted confidence in the government when the former president of the Republic has passed in front of the bench of the presidency by saying “yes”, flew screaming for him.

Grillo against good school . Strong opposition to the reform of the M5S school license plate Renzi. “They killed the public school,” she wrote on Twitter Beppe Grillo . Blog the dose increased the coverage parliamentarians M5S: “They killed the Italian school. In doing so it was an ignorant and arrogant government, which gave the final blow to a country already crippled by transforming the state school in the horrible copy of a ‘ company, with a principal managers who choose the teachers and the school does as he pleases. Quite a coup for the Democratic Party government, which had failed even to the center-right Berlusconi worst! “.

Without mincing terms of the judgment on the decision: “This is not a reform, it is a crap made in the image and likeness of the government who wanted her and sets before the Parliament, with yet another vote of confidence, and then to students, families, teachers and all those precarious ‘disposable’, what the government and the Democratic Party have used and deceived before the election and then threw a moment later. “

E ‘back in the day, the dissent of some members Ncd after a clarifying conversation Senators area popular with Education Minister Stefania Giannini:” It’ was ruled out that any reference to the theory of gender is eligible for extracurricular school activities, “he said the coordinator Ncd Gaetano Quaglieriello: Rejoice on Twitter Angelino Alfano :” The strength and the courage to really change, “wrote the Minister of the Interior.


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