MILAN – After days of clutches distance between Rome and Paris and the confrontation at the border of Ventimiglia to the French rejection of migrants who want to leave Italy to continue their journey across the Alps in the hope Europe, Matteo Renzi and Francois Hollande melt tension away meeting at Expo the day dedicated to the French pavilion. When the landlord Renzi found himself in front of the guest Hollande has taken a symbolic embrace, which was followed by the words.
“In the case of Ventimiglia there has never been tension between Italy and France” reassured Renzi, “sometimes the tension triggered by the statements of some ministers Italian or French. But it is the normality of a long-running engagement. It is not a problem Italian or French, but a European problem.” For his part, Hollande pointed out: “A Ventimiglia we only applied the rules of Dublin”, adding that “the repatriation should be done with European means, can not be a task that Italy must take alone.” After the tour of the institutional pavilions, the two then kicked off at Palazzo Italy bilateral meeting. Among the topics on the agenda, in particular that of migrants, as announced yesterday, the Prime Minister, but also the Greek crisis.
I migrants. “In Europe” on the theme of migrants “must prevail a combination of solidarity and responsibility. Against hysteria In Italy, the number of migrants is the same as last year. But at the same time ‘no’ to any kind of selfishness, “said Renzi, at a press conference in Milan. “The European Council will help to solve the immigration problem. It is not a problem Italian or French, but a European problem – stressed once again Renzi -. The problem is not only in Ventimiglia, but in many parts of ‘EU “. Hollande in tune. Even for the French president “is not up to Italy to assume alone the mission of return” of illegal immigrants, but “may be involved other countries.” For this, Hollande made clear, the EU will be to determine what should be done.
Having the next French president, Renzi has also confirmed that Italy, in the case of a non-supportive attitude on the part of ‘ EU immigration, is “ready to Plan B, has the ability to organize itself.” The adoption or not of the “Plan B”, continued the premier without going into detail, “does not depend on me. At all times of the discussion I said that immigration is not the problem of one country and that a country alone can not address the problem. ” “I know – he said the head of government – the problems of the Treaty Dublin 2, there are responsibilities and rules for countries in which migrants arrive for the first time in Europe” and on which France based its rejections at the border of Ventimiglia. “The agreement of Dublin is the most negative would be for Italy, but we respect it because it is an agreement”. “But that immigration – reiterated Renzi – is a global issue, huge, that in the coming months will be on the agendas of Europe. We are together or alone? Not a problem of data and figures but of approach, because so far the ‘ Italy did alone. Today it is important to give a message together and I’m happy because the position of Hollande is respectful of the rules of Dublin, but also the fact that it is a historical issue. “
On the other hand her, Hollande has reiterated the importance of rules. “A Ventimiglia we wanted to apply the rules of Dublin. There is closing the border, the excellent controls to minors. Immigration is a serious issue that needs to be deepened, Europe has rules and not change them for threats that meets on the street. The rules have to protect ourselves, but also make sure that our duty is to be exercised. ” The French president spoke of responsibility and solidarity: responsibility “to make each his due” and solidarity “because you work all together and united and not a country who must manage the burden for everyone else.” Referring again to Italy, which “should not make efforts instead of others. We must do as Europe, efforts to register migrants and ensure that their rights are guaranteed. Identify migrants for economic reasons, it can not remain forever but they must be repatriated and European means. As for those who are entitled to refugee status there must be a commitment that each country must take out. We’ll talk in the European Council on Thursday: everyone will say what it can offer to meet in a humane and worthy to question. But the formula of the units creates confusion, has no sense a share for people who are entitled to asylum, we must find other formulas. “
Hollande has therefore shifted the focus of what happens outside Europe. “We should develop a comprehensive strategy and action on the very causes of migration.” The first cause, the French president continued, “is the crisis in Syria and Iraq with a million and a half, two million displaced persons and refugees, these people end up knocking on the doors of Europe. We must act because Syria and Iraq there are political solutions. ” Solutions that, if you are going to implement in Iraq, in Syria, said the president “there are still steps to overcome. And then we have to intervene on the causes in Africa, in Eritrea, and in West Africa”.
The summary makes the mayor of Milan Giuliano Pisapia : “The conversation between Renzi and Hollande is a strong invitation to say it is not possible that France will close its borders and we must be allies in Europe to solve the problem of immigration epochal. One issue dear to the Holy Father that he asked to see migrants as victims “.
The Greek question. On the question of Greece, Renzi and Hollande said they point to “an agreement as soon as possible”, as explained by the French president, hope that a few hours before the Eurosummit Monday in Brussels and the European Council on Thursday, which will have at its center the crisis Hellenic. “There is no time to lose,” Hollande stressed that on the sidelines of the visit to Expo took part in a video conference with Prime Minister greek Tsipras and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, “every second has its importance”, for this the “negotiations and discussions should move forward so that we can reach an agreement” so that the international institutions “can assert certain principles”, and that “Greece can get funding.” Renzi optimistic: “We believe that it is possible a solution to enable Greece to remain part of the euro. On this we are all working. But the effort must be mutual, Greece must also cooperate.”
A baguette at the Pavilion France . Beating five children and shaking hands, the French Pavilion Matteo Renzi visited in particular the boulangerie, where he tasted a freshly baked baguette. Next to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Agriculture Maurizio Martina , which has the delegation to the Expo. Next to Hollande, the French counterpart of Martina, Stephan Le Foll , Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and the Minister of the Environment Ségolène Royal , which you have chased rumors of a possible transition to the stand Nutella, a sign of detente after the controversy triggered by his statements on allmbiente damages resulting from the use of palm oil. Among the personalities present, also Umberto Eco , the former French Minister of Culture Jack Lang , Giuliano Da Empoli and French actress Carole Bouquet , on his second visit to Expo.
Food waste. “France and Italy absolute protagonists. They have the task of making more gentle, beautiful and passionate this part time that we are living, “Renzi said after the meeting. Hollande signed at the Palace of Italian Expo the Charter of Milan, the document contains a number of commitments against food waste and for the fight against hunger, which can also sign the visitors of the exhibition and will be presented to UN Secretary Ban Ki-Moon on October 16. This is the legacy that Expo intends to leave after the conclusion of the event whose theme is ‘Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life’.
Hollande has announced that France will be a candidate for a next World Expo. “We will draw inspiration from this success for our candidacy. We have made a gift by allowing us to inaugurate the French pavilion on the longest day of the year so that you have a few seconds more to boast of our excellence.” After the summit with Renzi and the joint press conference, Hollande is back in the French Pavilion where he thanked everyone and stopped to shake hands with several visitors before leaving the show.

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