Sunday, June 21, 2015

Demos survey. Renzi and PD down, M5S and Salvini and Beppe … – News Free

Rome, 21 June 2015 – Ups and downs in the last Demos poll commissioned by the newspaper La Repubblica. Compared to a similar survey three months ago many positions that change and in particular at a glance you see a decline for Renzi and the Democratic Party and growth for the M5S, Beppe Grillo and Mattei Salvini.



“As the year draws to a close, the declining popularity of the government, noted after the summer, will stop. Indeed, according to the recent survey of Political Atlas Demos, we are seeing a – however limited – turnaround. Even confidence against the prime minister, Matteo Renzi, resists. While the electoral support of the Democratic Party is growing, albeit slightly. Despite everything. Despite the problems and tensions of this phase. Punctuated by protests and union workers, the prospects obscure markets and labor market. Shaken in recent weeks by the scandal of Mafia Capital, last, dramatic, act in the history of corruption that pollutes the relationship between politics and society in Italy. But we see in detail the strong messages taken from the survey of Demos “writes Ilvo Diamonds in the article published on the official website of Demos.

The data shows that the Pd Matteo Renzi drops to 32% nationally, nearly nine points less than the European elections of May 2014 and 4 points lower also compared to the same survey conducted in March. Instead the 5 Star Movement grows by touching the peak of 26%.

At the national level, almost on the same level are Forza Italy (14.2%) and the League (14%). Left Ecology and Freedom (Sel) Nichi Vendola is positioned at 5.6%, Area People (Ncd together and UDC) Angelino Alfano is 3.5%, while the Brothers of Italy’s Giorgia Meloni little more down to 3, 3%.

In terms of the Government all, 76% of Italians see the government Renzi “weakened” by the municipal and regional elections of the end of May, only 12% consider it “stronger”, while the 7% think that the strength of the government “has not changed”.
As for the trust placed in the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, this fell to 41% compared to 49% in just three months ago, placing itself at a historic low.

It grows strong confidence in Matteo Salvini that grows 32 to 37% followed by Beppe Grillo passing 25-31%.
falls consent for Giorgia Meloni that falls 30% against 33 % in March and bucking Maurizio Landini increase to 28% from 22%.
Among grillini does well Luigi Maio to 28%, more than Silvio Berlusconi below 27% and winning three points from 24% March. Nichi Vendola virtually stable at 25% down to 5 points while Interior Minister Angelino Alfano that wins the trust of only 24% (in March was 29%).

On the question of migrants who attempt to reach our shores, more than half of Italians, 51%, think that it is appropriate to “reject” rather than “welcome” (41%). “While most of the respondents feel threatened, however: disturbed by the” others “, who are on the edge of our cities. Almost 70%, in fact, would like the Roma camps were (euphemistically) cleared “read Republic.

Demos & amp; Pi is a research institute founded by political and social Ilvo Diamonds and deals with surveys, polls, society and public opinion.×150.jpg News Free Italy Matteo Renzi, survey
Rome, 21 June 2015 – Ups and downs in the last Demos poll commissioned by the newspaper La Repubblica. Compared to a similar survey three months ago many positions that change and in particular at a glance you see a decline for Renzi and the Democratic Party and growth for the …


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