Sunday, June 28, 2015

De Luca, ready to come with 7-8 councilors – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published June 28, 2015 at 8:12.


Tomorrow morning, the governor (suspended) Vincenzo De Luca will be in place in the regional council. And, barring unforeseen circumstances, it will present the program and most likely will present also the junta. They will be seven, eight technical advisors on the ten free spaces: the rest of the team, the former mayor of Salerno, will complete in the coming months, when the phase-in period will be exhausted, and even the majority parties will be less hungry than today. Moreover, the time required for the start of consultations were very low because the president had to sail the stormy seas of the law Severino.

So, De Luca confirmed the rumors of the last few hours following the script agreed, in recent days, with the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. It will challenge the opposition center-right and grillina clinging to the exit strategy afforded by the opinion of the State Attorney General for the indication of the vice president. The only figure who, during his absence, could drive Palazzo Saint Lucia avoiding a return to the polls as well as continue to ask several members of the center. The name currently most credited for the post of number two is always that of Congressman Fulvio Bonavitacola, deluchiano of strict observance and coordinator of the team of lawyers who are working tirelessly to appeal against the suspension. Act, however, was notified yesterday by the prefect Gerarda Pantalone senior adviser to Rosetta D’Amelio because it gives itself communication De Luca. Since that time, the former mayor will officially suspended.

The puzzle, however, is all legal: according to the former mayor of Salerno, the appointment of commissioners and the deputy is a political act and not administrative. So, despite the suspension, however, the governor could sign the decrees and start the bureaucratic machine so as to make it less traumatic his absence Palace Saint Lucia. Even the Attorney thinks in much the same way although he had suggested a decree of the Government to reaffirm with greater strength and to heal some unclear points. An assist but Renzi has decided not to grant the fellow party to avoid the barrage that would be triggered by a “ad personam law”.

On the other side of the fence, the positions are – obviously – antithetical. Forza Italy and the “Movimento 5 Stelle” the appointment of the government team is, however, an abuse that is reported, always tomorrow, with a new statement to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Naples. It would be the fourth in the space of less than ten days. The grillini also sent two telegrams yesterday – one of the premier and one to the prefect of Naples – which have expressed fears of “forcing more of an intricate situation” and “the settlement at the head of Campania of a subject that had already been sentenced, albeit in first instance, before the nomination and the election. ” Hypotheses, say the pentastellati, “Severino not required by law.”

Net of judicial interpretations, in any case, the most important move of De Luca is the urgent appeal to the District Court to seek a stay of the suspension. Encouraged by the recent experience of the Mayor Luigi de Magistris, regional president is convinced to stay out of the game a couple of weeks, no more. But it would still be weeks of hell for him and the majority supporting it. His predecessor Stefano Caldoro has repeatedly stated that the maneuvers of De Luca are outlawed, and even some lawmakers Monday blues may decide to occupy the council hall to prevent the celebration of the inaugural session and further delays to the appointment of the Board and the vice president.

“It was again rejected the request of law enforcement Severino – said De Luca, referring to its de Magistris during a local television transmission -. An important decision, another step towards respect for the Constitution and additional stress to Parliament to reestablish order in the laws. I hope that this latest ruling reminders all those who should do it, and that they are sleeping, to change the Severino in part unconstitutional. “




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