Saturday, April 30, 2016

Renzi inaugurates the museum of the Bronze, “serves Italian who says yes” – Video – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

Reggio Calabria – “ Serve the determination and courage of an Italy that says you ‘and who knows try” . Matteo Renzi arrives in Reggio Calabria, the first stage of a mini-tour in the South, and opens The National Museum , reopened after 10 years of work in fits and starts. And right before Bronze Statues , kept there, points out that the “museum and ‘a symbol” of a country that closes all open yards, ending the works and shares. “There ‘need to make a commitment together: for the next two years the controversy let’s leave them to the professionals of the controversy.” Accompanied by ministers Graziano Delrio and Dario Franceschin , the prime minister visited the new exhibition spaces and signs terms for Calabria , which provide for a series of investments to the region, and city ​​’metropolitan Reggio Calabria “.

Marc, opens the new home of the Riace Bronzes

” the figure of 15 per cent of tourists foreigners in the South and ‘little, but it’ s an improvement. When we arrived in 2014, the entire area under Rome had a matter of foreign tourists less than the province of Bolzano “Renzi noted.” But there is no anger in my heart when you think with Calabria, Puglia, Sicily and Campania, all this gift of God, not to speak of Sicily, does not the province of Bolzano? “.” to us, however, ‘we do not pay to get angry, but we get paid to solve problems. “

Bronzes Riace, the ‘caught’ jewelry 44 years ago by a sub

The visit ‘so the opportunity for an ad the A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria, will be’ completed within the year and inaugurated on December 22 . In the month of July , continued the prime minister, it will be ‘made a new survey on highway construction sites and on that occasion he will speak’ also of interventions for the Ionian highway 106. While for the Strait Bridge ” certainly ‘to our attention but first we have to complete more’ important works such as the Salerno-Reggio Calabria and the situation with regard to the links, for example the high speed ‘Napoli-Palermo. Only after it can ‘talk of the bridge over the Strait. “And the next step, ensures, and’ broadband.

Do not miss yet another dig at” professionals of controversy “,” those who, by morning to evening, they mean more and no of all, the ones who never okay anything, those who want to tell the South only as a scene of crime. Then there are those who, very modestly, with all their limitations, with all the difficulties ‘, they try to tell you’. In this Italian saying is’ I wish to join the courage and determination of the Calabrian people. “

Renzi insists:” I wish there was a commitment to those who do not can not ‘more’, who to speak ill of Italy lives in the world no. With all due respect, with all the humility ‘, with all the necessary courage, today inaugurated a museum, today signed two pacts, but today, most of all, I think we need to give Italy the space that you want to say’ to the future. Say in an archaeological museum and ‘even more’ beautiful ’cause this past makes sense only if we will be able to invest in the future. “

A passage is dedicated to the fight against’ Ndrangheta . “the battle against crime ‘and not’ won, so we are in the front row with the judges, with security forces, with the living forces of society ‘civil fighting against the’ Ndrangheta,” assures.

After Reggio Calabria, the premier stops in Catania. “Catania and ‘a city’ beautiful I just visited from above, squares, churches, the relationship with the Roman and Greek culture. And once you think in this theater culture and how much and ‘our country great. A country of extraordinary beauty. The word pride must once again take up the dictionary of politics. The pride of being Italian because this word ‘was little used, “says just arrived at the Teatro Massimo Bellini, and even in the city’ Etna, Renzi get to sign, with Enzo Bianco mayor, Pact for Catania.

In his speech, Renzi ranges from migrant terrorism . “Africa and ‘the continent with the highest growth rate. Some countries have a growth rate higher than in other countries of South East Asia. If we equip Italy for a real dialogue with the Mediterranean, if we can make the Mediterranean the heart of the new Europe, we will realize that this is’ the practical way to prevent our brothers and sisters die at sea, “he says. While in About the attacks, he observed: “Those who killed Charlie, at the Bataclan, in Brussels, are not people from elsewhere, but been born, raised, educated in our European schools. In whole sections of our community ‘and’ lost the sense of identity ‘. Where missing a meeting place indentitario, and ‘more’ easy that any dangerous. “” That ‘situations happening internationally called cultural issue at stake: if Italy – when adding not do’ never miss the its commitment, and ‘also because’ what ‘and’ happened in recent months in Europe is not ‘just a problem that comes from the outside, but it’ s a problem that arises in our suburbs. “

the last stage of Renzi and ‘ Palermo , the tram depot of Roccella, Brancaccio, for the signing of the pact for the city’. a crowd greets him inside the building, a sign of the new public policy of mobility ‘town. Before arriving, Prime Minister pays tribute to Pio La Torre, the Communist Party leader killed by the Sicilian Mafia 34 years ago , in the place of the attack, via Li Muli. present, among others, the president of the Ars Giovanni Ardizzone, the governor Rosario Crocetta, mayor Leoluca Orlando and the prefect Antonella De Miro.

“Today we brought a flower in place of the ambush in Pio La Torre to say that the fight against crime ‘was organized, the mafia, against all forms of illegality’, not ‘a priority’ of each other, but for all Italians and should be a battle that must unite all good people “, he underlines Renzi, that” in the short story in our martyrs there ‘the challenge for the future, for freedom ‘. We have to live up to our responsibility’. “



Renzi in Calabria and Sicily: “South restart”. And remember Pio La Torre –

“We will distribute the south in two years.” And ‘the promise of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi visited today in Reggio Calabria, before and then to Palermo. The Prime Minister has laid a flower at the place where he was killed Pio La Torre. “Together with my party today I brought a flower on the site where Pio La Torre was killed. It ‘a way to tell the name of all that the fight against crime, mafia and all forms of lawlessness is a priority that must unite all Italians. In memory of the martyrs there ‘a seed, their dreams they walk on our legs. ” This was underlined by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, the applause, the depot where the trams Roccella signed the Pact for Palermo.

“Tomorrow May 1 – reiterated the prime minister – we will gather at the Palazzo Chigi, and CIPE will award 3.5 billion of funds: 2.5 billion for research and culture. ” This was announced by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi to Catania to sign the Pact for the South with the mayor Enzo Bianco. “Over the past 10 years, Italy has not even grown because it has no spending the EU funds, and is one shameful scandal have thrown our money, have wasted our resources,” the premier said.

about two hundred people have objected to the presence of the chairman of the Board, Matteo Renzi in Catania . The protest, punctuated by slogans against the government and the prime minister, has been kept at a distance by the security service arranged around the Theatre Max ‘Vincenzo Bellini’. There were no incidents. The premier Renzi, before leaving, he met the commissioner Marcello Cardona to congratulate him. Singular protest of a local resident who has hung a sign on the ironic situation of the district of Catania: “Ciaone old town.”

The President of the Council, Matteo Renzi, was this morning in Reggio Calabria , and signed the “Pact for Calabria” and the “Pact for the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria”, together with the regional president, Mario Oliverio, and the mayor of Reggio, Giuseppe Falcomatà. The signing took place in the National Archaeological Museum, which was inaugurated this morning the new production, just in the room where they are exposed to the Riace Bronzes.
“Today, right from the Museum of Reggio Calabria, we have to give space Italy, which wants to say yes, and wants to look to the future “, the premier said during his speech in the national Museum of Reggio Calabria.

” All together for the next two years we aside the controversy and let’s leave them to professionals not. I just say enough to those who said the South as a place where everything goes wrong . to these I say to try for once to say yes. “

“we have to continue the battle against crime because this is not yet won. that’s why we are in the front row with the courts and with law enforcement agencies to fight all forms of crime.”

Sa-Rc: Renzi, site visit in July and 22/12 inauguration – “in late July, we will do an inspection on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria and 22 December there will be the inauguration, so as we announced. ” He said Matteo Renzi in Reggio Calabria. “On the occasion of the visit – he added – also will address the issue of the work of the 106.”


Salvini-Berlusconi, duel across the board – Il Sole 24 Ore

History of the article


This article was published April 30, 2016 at 08:15.


the day after the turn of Alfio Marchini who actually certifies the division of the center in the race for the mayor’s chair Capital Silvio Berlusconi’s attempt to lower tensions with Meloni-Salvini duo launching appeals to unity coalition and trying to minimize the rift: “These are administrative elections,” recalls a telephone connection with the transmission radio too. An observation that does not calm the allies, indeed. Milan aside, the center is now imploded everywhere. Through a sort of mini media marathon (first Radiouno and then on Channel 5) Knight explains why dell ‘operation “Marchini” and the project he has in mind.

The first thing the blue leader clarifies regard to reading that many observers give the choice to converge on the entrepreneur Roman. The hypothesis of a new covenant of the Nazarene is branded by the Fi leaders as “stupid”, or rather the goal is to “send an illegitimate government at home”, perhaps already with the October referendum, according to the polls reserved who arrived at palazzo Grazioli, winning give the “No” to the reforms. But it is the two allies, the League secretary and leader of the Brothers of Italy, Berlusconi dedicated most attention. The tones are indeed calm the Knight denies having ever said “hard things” against them, but the message is clear: do not think that I out of my way. Berlusconi says without mincing words: “Without me, the center does not exist”, but above the pivot of the coalition remain moderate and extreme wings will decide whether to go alone “will eventually isolate themselves.” The former prime minister then invites to overcome the divisions in the political views because only “united you win otherwise you deliver the country to the left.” Same goes for the Capital elections for which the Knight renews the call to abandon the divisions and converge on Marchini who has the opportunity, he said, to get on the ballot: “To make the mayor serve managerial capacity, rather melons it is a policy. ”

The call for unity and the explanation provided by the blue leader are slow to the desired effect. And as in a relay race before Meloni and then go Salvini counterattack. The leader of FDI and candidate to the municipality of Roma points the finger at “a center-inciucista” and then launches a particular attack in Forza Italy guilty of “helping an infamous government.” Even harder the League secretary that not only reiterates what has been said in recent days: that the Knight is “blackmailed” by Renzi for companies but essentially proclaimed as now the time has come for Berlusconi retirement: “I am grateful but time passes for everyone. He can not always say the same things for 20 years. ” And that tension remains the stars proves the request to Stefano Parisi, the candidate of the entire center in Milan to refrain from commenting on the situation of Roma. In the evening, in an interview with Tg1, the League’s leaders seem to bite the brake on the controversy and launch more conciliatory messages: “The choice of Berlusconi does not mark the end of the center, is just a poor choice for Rome.” But the die seems to have suddenly: “After the elections, whatever the outcome, there will be a different, and concrete project which would exclude those who look at the past,” he had said in the morning Salvini. The only obstacle in the League’s leader is to preserve the alliances with Fi in the cities in which were left standing as in Milan. So much so that today held a meeting with the joint candidate Parisi.

As for Forza Italy, working at the end of the lists in Rome. The Azzurri will present the historic logo with Berlusconi but without any reference to Marchini. And to underline the strong competition with Giorgia Meloni, the knight has chosen as leaders Alessandra Mussolini. The former prime minister then look to the campaign for the constitutional referendum, a challenge that will see him take the field directly against Renzi. “Dear friends – the Knight wrote in a letter sent to regional and district coordinators – you need to prepare as of now in the best way in the referendum to be held in autumn on constitutional reform imposed by the Democratic Party and the Premier Renzi. Now we have to organize with other parties of the center to conduct the referendum battle against this wrong and illiberal reform. It’s a battle to do with seriousness explaining the reasons for our “no” but also an attempt to Renzi, Prime Minister ever elected, to use the referendum improperly for political legitimacy. ” “In this battle – still writes Berlusconi – our positions will partly coincide with those of some forces of the left and the 5 star movement. But it is important not to confuse our position with them. “




Gabrielli new head of the Intelligence Police in Pansa. At the top of Toschi Finance – The Messenger

It is the new geography of command posts, the output out of the Council of Ministers yesterday. A waltz of names for safety leadership and intelligence. “No friend ‘, is keen to stress the premier Renzi, rather the result of mediations and natural succession of institutional notable names. In fact, as already announced he becomes Chief of Police, the current prefect of Rome, Franco Gabrielli. It replaces Alessandro Pansa who, by the Department of Public Security of the Interior Ministry, passes to occupy the chair of Dis, the two intelligence coordinating body (Aisi, interior, Aise, external). Just as was the case previously for Ferdinando Masone and Gianni De Gennaro. The role had been so far covered by Ambassador Giampiero Massolo, which will sit at the Fincantieri. The government, said Renzi, will identify “in the coming weeks,” the new prefect of the capital, given that the current special commissioner in the Capitol, Francesco Paolo Trim, seems to have declined. But even if it appears too early to talk of a successor, in these hours I have circulated the names of the prefects Frattasi Bruno and Luciana Lamorgese, among the possible candidates for the post of Gabrielli. The transition, however, will not be immediate, because Pansa will leave only after the party of Police to be held, as always, at the end of May.


 And if a policeman has been invested in the service coordinator at the AISI (internal secret service) summit was appointed General Mario Parente, former head of the Ros, backed by extensive experience of terrorism and crime. A change everything inside the weapon, as it will replace the head, General Arturo Esposito, who will shortly retire. No change of guard, however, for AISE command, where Alberto Manenti, director remains.

Other loose knot is one that concerns the Guardia di Finanza summits, where, instead of the general Saverio Capolupo (who will retire on May 24 and serve as secretary of state function) will be the number two Giorgio Toschi. The general, who was born in Chieti, has already manning the command of Special departments of yellow flame and held the position of inspector charged for the Corps education institutions. Admiral Valter Girardelli, however, is the new Chief of Staff of the Navy. He leaves the post of head of the Defense Minister’s Office, and replaces Admiral Giuseppe De Giorgi, expiring mandate after finishing suspect in the investigation of the oil power. Renzi thanked him for his “extraordinary career” to which “any kind of controversy can take away something.” Army General Carmine Masiello will be the new military adviser of Prime Minister’s office.


 The decision to accelerate the change summit was taken after a dinner with the prime minister and the president of the Republic Sergio Mattarella. The appointments were also agreed with the Interior Minister Angelino Alfano and Undersecretary with proxy terrorism Marco Minniti, at which the Prime Minister has asked, a few hours before officialdom, to communicate them to Copasir. The new appointees will remain in office for two years, because – said Renzi – is the time of life of the government. And also because so required by law: any government, in fact, has 45 days after the settlement, to confirm or change the institutional leaders.



Renzi urges the South, “Enough controversy, Space Italy that says yes to the future ‘- Il Sole 24 Ore

History of the article


This article was published April 30, 2016 at 13:20.

a day dedicated to the South for Matteo Renzi, that after the “Pact for Napoli”, signed a few days ago, continuing the campaign for local and regional arrangements for the implementation the master plan for the South. Today is the turn of Reggio Calabria, Catania and Palermo. A tour de force in the most depressed areas of the country to re-launch a message of optimism: “The problems must be solved, but it takes determination, courage and determination of an Italy that says yes” and “not just” but boh , However”.

No those who complain dele missed opportunities: “I do not need ‘
Speaking on the sidelines of a visit to the National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria, the” home “of the Bronze Statues that today reopened to the public after a long restoration project, they visit accompanied by the Minister for cultural heritage Dario Franceschini, the prime minister is said to agree with “whoever denies, those who complain of lost opportunities, those who say” my mom , we could do better, ‘ “because” often right, but this attitude is not needed. ” And The “Pact for the South”, signed today with the president of the Region Calabria Mario Oliverio and the mayor of Reggio Calabria Giuseppe Falcomatà continues Renzi, is a good example of a new rappirto attitude among local governments and government of Rome for revitalizing the economy of the South.

“The money for Reggio Calabria and there but I ask the commitment of all”
“We pay to solve problems, not to get angry – then insists Renzi – and on days like these the attitude is wavering, on the one hand there’s the pride, passion, I want to say that party, that’s great, but on the other also think that anger, how many missed opportunities, I would eat me hands but we can make it if we stop to make a list of what is wrong and try to change. ” The money for Reggio Calabria and ensures the prime minister, “there are, but I ask your help: if we want the Calabria back in Serie A is the commitment needs of all, for the next two years, let’s leave the controversy professional polemics, those who want to say no to everything, that he never okay anything, and told South only as a land of criminals. Then there are those who modestly, with their limitations, they try to tell you. In this Italian who says yes to join the Calabrian people. ”



Mattarella: “On crimes of pedophilia rapid and rigorous inquiry” – TGCOM

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Gabrielli police chief – Firearms and Shot

The Council of Ministers has ratified the Agreement on the Security Summits: Alessandro Pansa, now head of the Department of Public Security of the Interior Ministry, was put in charge of Dis, the two intelligence coordinating body (Aisi, interior, Aise, external). Will replace Ambassador Giampiero Massolo. Instead of Pansa to Chief of Police was appointed the prefect of Rome Franco Gabrielli . The government, said Renzi, will identify “in the coming weeks” the new prefect of the capital.

Al civil intelligence service, Aisi (ex Sisde), General Arturo Esposito, replaced by his deputy, and former head of the Ros, Mario Parente. The financial police, instead of the general Saverio Capolupo goes number two of the Financial Police Giorgio Toschi. Admiral Valter Girardelli is the new Chief of Staff of the Navy and takes the place of Admiral De Giorgi. The Army General Carmine Masiello is the new military adviser to Chigi .

“we chose a method and made the appointments together and also we have chosen to make them for only two years because we are serious people and in 2018 it will vote to elect a new government” it may renew the assignments. “We think of winning but since we are serious we have given a period of two years under the nominations” , said the Chairman of the Council at the end of the CDM.

“When it comes to making appointments on safety we want to enhance institutional figures. they changed governments and the appointments were made. Today, politics vindicates the opportunity to make appointments with complete transparency. it is totally institutional appointments. there are roped and braiding, there is a clear mechanism by which the services there goes the chief of Police “, said Renzi. “I asked the authority delegated to the Services, Senator Minniti, to communicate before the opposition made the appointments. I have not called him the individual, because it did not seem appropriate.”

Franco Gabrielli was very keen to get on the highest chair of the Public safety Department. After four and a half years at the helm of the Department of Civil Protection to deal with earthquakes, floods, fires, but also of “miraculous recovery” of the Costa Concordia, and after a year at the top of the Prefecture of Rome in the season of Mafia capital. The “cop” as he calls himself, was born 56 years ago in Viareggio, a law graduate, married and father of three children, comes into the police in 1985 from counter to today, he has followed some of the most sensitive events of ‘last three decades: the investigation of New Br, the management of the’ emergency earthquake in L’Aquila , the recovery of the Costa Concordia to the extraordinary Jubilee. On that latter occasion, the opening day, has banned the transport of weapons in the province of Rome .


Friday, April 29, 2016

Bagnasco: work, insufficient improvement –

“The work is essential for human life” and especially “for young people, because they do a family, a life plan because otherwise, as the Pope says, there is no dignity.” This was stated by the Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco on the occasion of the conference “Forming to educate towards a new work ethic” which took place this afternoon in Genoa at the Ravasco Institute. But, he added the cardinal, “without an ethical dimension, not just the work, and not even enough of good laws, which are also necessary, because the soul of the law, as the soul of the work, is always a moral code and spiritual”.

In fact, for the cardinal, “we need a vision.”
 Indeed, “there are no laws without vision and a characteristic of our times – he said – it seems to me that of a multiply, a proliferation of laws, trying to respond to the phenomena of social conditions. But, if we think about it, this is not a good sign because the multiplication of laws is a sign of weakness on the part of a state and a society. ” “The law – he said – it takes and how, serve and serves that are fair and just, but a company company that illudesse to solve social problems, at all levels, with the laws, although good, has no vision” .

And speaking of work and unemployment, Cardinal Bagnasco said the widespread ISTAT figures released today by stating that “ the observatory of our parishes and of our Christian communities not yet recorded this improvement that all we hope, we hope, and that hope . ” In fact, “the tails of those looking for work, who are unemployed, or who have never been employed, continue notevolemente, not only for young people who are the big part, but also for middle-aged people who have family and economic commitments to be honored. ”

On arrival at the conference, the cardinal also issued a statement on the decision of the Austrian Government to build a fence along the border of the Brenner Pass, between Italy and Austria, to try to monitor and control the flow of migrants. “Do not is with the walls or the closure of borders that face humanitarian problems but on other planes and other modes” the cardinal said. “This situation of universal migration, planetary – continued – it must be seriously addressed at the global level, namely the UN, and not just Europe or Italy who is doing it as best he can” and “I do not think in this respect, there is still a strong effort, clear and purposeful. ”

In the course of his talk about school, education and training, the archbishop recalled that, “in order to work that young people seek, a company must articulate their own reality, not in a preliminary way or ideological, but in a way consistent with the reality itself by offering different paths because we are not all equal. ” Equality explained “it is human dignity and being all children of the same God, but for the rest we are different in many respects.”

According to the cardinal, then, “in the West, but especially in Europe, we risk becoming no culture, to be plurilaureati, super-technological, quite capable in a thousand things but without culture, without culture, there is a lack of training. the triumphs education but the training loses. ” And “culture is all the more necessary in Europe in the face of the dominant nihilism because the roots of nihilism, that is completely equivalent because nothing has value compared with other, are European.” “For this – he said – we are more accountable to the world certain nihilistic tendencies and individualism”.

At the same time, “we should have a greater reaction of consciousness and awareness, pride, respect to cultural heritage, which we should not make arrogant in front of anyone or anything, but we must make it responsible “. “Instead – he continued – I think it is the nihilism that makes Europe arrogant than other cultures while, less developed from a technological point of view, certainly outweigh us by cultural values ​​but that Europe continues to be treated by ‘ top to bottom. ” In other words, we are facing “a form of neo-colonialism, imperialism, which is not less than the past.”


Government, Verdini to the table today with the majority: “So we will discuss the laws before you vote on them” – The Daily

The verdiniani from now on will take part in the meetings of the majority groups to examine the law and amendments before going to the classroom. If it is not an invitation to the government, close enough. “We are in paradise,” he said Denis Verdini out from the meeting with the delegation to dem Montecitorio . “We are not in the majority. The opposition says that we are not in opposition, we we are in paradise . ” The former bridge builder of the Covenant of the Nazarene, Senator accused in 5 trials and convicted in corruption for the restructuring of the Marshals School of Florence, left Forza Italy after the break between Berlusconi and Renzi to form Ala group supporting the government and which has often been decisive to pass certain pieces of legislation. Currently it has 20 members and is the third group of Senate majority: Only 28 April raised the membership of a cosentiniano Doc ( Antonio Milo ) who has found other senators (like Vincenzo D’Anna and Ciro Falanga ) close to former Undersecretary Nicola Cosentino , is currently in jail on charges of collusion with the Camorra.


The meeting took place in the office of the Democratic Party leader in the House Ettore Rosato : on one side there was the dem delegation composed of leaders and the Deputy Secretary Lorenzo Guerini, the other group leaders to Ala Ignatius Abrignani and Lucio Barani and the leader Denis Verdini. Downstairs you are together representatives of the reformist Democratic Left territories, who argue with the majority: “Every time he approaches Verdini we lose votes,” said the deputy of the minority Robert Hope .

paradise Verdini and Ala means to compare with the majority on the measures before arriving in the Chamber. a change in the form that is likely going to affect radically the galaxy that supports Renzi government. “Among the groups of Ala and the Democratic Party,” said Verdini, “there was not yet any meeting and saw that we were born to support reforms it was necessary that we see ourselves. It was necessary to speak to us so far because we voted on the measures which have arrived in the Chamber, but now we would like to see them before. We agreed on a method of comparison without which we found ourselves in difficulty “. So Verdini and its will participate in the meetings of the majority groups to explore together the PDL and the amendments? “Yup. This is important for the functionality of the work in the House and Senate to complete the path of reforms “.

Verdini then avoided the merits of the applications on the prescription reform and the criminal justice system: “Today we have not spoken of the individual measures,” he said. “So, we have not discussed prescription. If you want my opinion on the subject, I say that they are right all. Right who he wants the long prescription and those who want to short process. To agree … You can not be on trial a lifetime, you can not drop in prescription crimes, but there should be a reflection. The responsibilities are many, not only of the limitation period. It also depends on how the justice, there are so many things. But since I am a defendant , I can not talk about justice, I defend myself in court. “

The first concrete help of Verdini and its will in the ‘yes’ campaign in the referendum confirmatory the constitutional reforms scheduled for next October . Wing voted in favor of the Bill Woods . “We talked about the formation of committees of Yes,” said Verdini, “without establishing anything yet. Even the Democratic Party friends are thinking about what to do. Our intention is to vote yes, it is obvious since we are born to do. ” And when asked whether the collaboration foreshadows the birth of a party of the Nation , countered: “To answer a question like this, we should do a press conference. However, a press conference not’ll never make it, because you’re weird. “



Appointments security, Gabrielli on pole for the Police and Toschi for the Guardia di Finanza. Slide the appointment of Carras – The Daily

“It will be a Council of Ministers that will last and will be challenging,” anticipates Matteo Renzi video link with the ‘ Internet Day of Pisa. In the meeting on Friday evening, the government intends to formalize the appointment of the Security forces top that expire in the spring. Are coming out Alessandro Pansa (Police), Saverio Capolupo (Guardia di Finanza), Arturo Esposito (AISI) and Giuseppe De Giorgi (Navy) for the age limit, while Giampiero Massolo (Dis) concludes the four-year term. E ‘instead destined to slip even the controversial choice of Mark Carras , a friend of the prime minister and president of Florence Airport spa, as a consultant for the cybersecurity complete with a dedicated staff. Government sources quoted by ‘ Ansa have indicated that the nomination will not be decided today. A reflection supplement it became clearly necessary after the opposition protests and also in light of the news that the recruiter Use Michael Leeden, close to Carras is at the center of an investigation of the CIA .

Police – According to the latest rumors, for the succession of Pansa who turns 65 on June 9 was chosen the name of Franco Gabrielli , the current prefect of Rome

Guardia di Finanza – For the chair of the general Saverio Capolupo , which turns 65 on May 24, the race is between the general Giorgio Toschi , the current second in command who has spent most of his career in Tuscany, and the general Luciano map , current commander of the special units, with the first favorite.

secret services – as for the secret services, though the ambassador did not come Giampiero Massolo extended to the leadership of the Off , the body that coordinates the internal and external intelligence services, in pole apart from the Commissioner of Rome Francesco Paolo Trim along with the deputy chief of police, Luigi Savina . For the summit of the ‘ Aisi The number one candidate is the current Deputy Director and former commander of the ROS Carabinieri Mario Parente . Few meager hope cultivates the commander of the Legion Carabinieri Toscana, General Emanuele Saltalamacchia .

Navy – There then the chapter Navy, with Admiral Giuseppe De Giorgi which expires after finishing in the dust of the ‘ investigation of power on oil. For his succession the right name would be to Admiral Valter Girardelli , current head of the Cabinet Minister of Defense, in the runoff with the commander of the naval team, Filippo Maria Foffi .



Salvini: “Now the general election without the Knight” – The Republic

MILAN – “After what happened in Rome, it changes everything. Nothing is more obvious to the policies.” The leader of Matteo Salvini League is furious after choosing the former Knight to focus on Marchini. “No wonder more than anything, but the fact that the most enthusiastic of this change is Gianfranco Fini speaks volumes about how Berlusconi has lost the plot.”

Salvini, is saying that the league is to question the alliances in other cities?
“For me, nothing changes. in Rome we have a candidate. Giorgia Meloni. I want to see in the end how many votes will succeed in taking Forza Italy in the rest of Italy.”

Did you expect?
“Berlusconi now changes his mind every day. Maybe the changes again. With Marchini wins Casini-Verdini Alfano–axis Berlusconi ready to Renzi help. This simplifies the least doubt that Berlusconi said he was fiercely opposition and instead wants to support Renzi. “

you may not place more Stefano Parisi in Milan?
“I unlike Berlusconi does not’ll blow the agreements. in Milan a candidate and there is also a shared program. on Bertolaso ​​at the end we saw that I was right.”

“Berlusconi has spoken for months calling it the best candidate and it turned out that was not the genius he said and abandoned him. My opponent is Renzi. Berlusconi, if anything, will only succeed to allungargli just a little ‘life’ What changes then in your relationships?
“I do not change my mind every quarter of an hour, but what has happened has not happened in a small town of Brescia. I’m not one who makes revenge, but things will never be the same again. I continue to receive messages from members of Forza Italy that are still in disbelief and shocked. “

Why do you say no to Marchini?
” A candidate we already have and we also a program. Marchini is the axis with Casini and Alfano who are with Renzi. “

There are, however, the same people who are your allies in Milan.
” Milan has a his project and a candidate that we chose together. In Rome, however, there was talk of mice, bathrooms in the Tiber, Roma. And we have seen what happened to Bertolaso. The Melons program there and has definite ideas neighborhood by neighborhood. I am convinced that the majority of voters of Forza Italy will not vote for a candidate who helps Renzi. “

Are you sure?
” It is evident that there is a agreement between Marchini and Giachetti “

” If one goes to the ballot helps the other. It is a

Why did the Berlusconi?
” Definitely have a friend law on the rights for television and not have new rules on conflict of interests does not I’m sorry. As a company man would also respectable. As opposition leader not. “

Berlusconi is over?
” We see at the end the votes takes Forza Italy. Then we’ll talk. “

Interview Politics
Matteo Salvini

Summit with Pd: Verdini enters majority – Newspaper

of course not meet the Nazarene, “it will be a normal comparison on the agenda of the next parliamentary appointments,” says Assistant Secretary of the Democratic Party Lorenzo Guerini.

the meeting is on the agenda for today, in the House, present – with the same Guerini – the group leaders Pd Ettore Rosato and Luigi Zanda. On the other side of the table, representatives of Wing: Lucio Barani for senators, Francesco Saverio Romano for Members and he, Denis Verdini. Both the Democratic Party that the head of Ala derubricano decisively the meeting, presented yesterday by various press organs as a “new Nazarene” to sanction the entrance in most of the former Berlusconi government. None of this, explain: the meeting takes place away from the party headquarters or government, including parliamentary delegations and no members of the executive.

Verdini, yesterday, was very upset about the leak on the meeting, “the Nazarene,” which had been offered to the Democratic Party the right to express minority scandal and shame (immediately relayed by grillini, who ask Mattarella to verify the “new majority”) and give him the prime minister: “the encounter with Verdini is an inexplicable madness “, he moaned via twitter Robert Hope, aspiring Renzi antagonistic to the next Congress. “For a long time – he explained Davide Zoggia – the Democratic Party left us we say: this will change the nature and objectives of the Democratic Party.” Pier Luigi Bersani joined the chorus: “Verdini in the majority? I want to see this! “Sighed Transatlantic, chased by reporters. Forgetting, apparently, that Verdini majority had already not only seen but also welcomed with open arms he, as secretary of the Democratic Party: the first in the Monti government and then – after losing the 2013 elections – in that of Enrico Letta. But, as there is today at Palazzo Chigi the hated Renzi, the votes of a welcome Verdini time they quickly turned into the devil’s dung for Bersani and his. Even so, they notice the renziani, “with the support of the Democratic minority in the Senate verdiniani can no longer exercise its power to blackmail the numerical majority, and suffers.” Indeed Hope points out that the Renzi government should return to depend on the frond Pd, and not from Wing: “Of Verdini we have no means need. Also because there is a majority and are not required the votes of the most controversial figures.

<'p> For the leak that led the way to the new controversy, Verdini was irritated with her. That turbulent and talkative company of parliamentarians – growing: just yesterday it was announced entry into the group of a new senator, coming from fittiane – that for weeks file complains to him, “Let the bearers of votes for Renzi, and not only do not there is nothing but from Palazzo Chigi treat us as well as outcasts and tell us that we are not decisive ‘, was the commotion juice. The meeting with the Democratic Party was therefore sought and obtained to give a political sop to the troops of Ala, and show that – as seats and electoral alliances, apart from sporadic cases like Naples, are not at issue – at least on the parliamentary measures verdiniani are involved in preliminary discussion. “We want to make our contribution to the evaluation of the texts, before you vote for them: justice, conflict of interest, short limitation – says a Parliamentary Wing – We are not available to support everything at face value.”


Renzi, tripped social neo-centrism of Berlusconi: “I think the two-party” – Intelligonews

This is a Matteo Renzi across the board that participated in the direct #matteorisponde on Facebook. It debunks the bud the idea that, after the convergence of Berlusconi on Marchini, preventing a neo-centrist front as an alternative to populism: “No, I believe in bipolarity. This is why I believe in the Democratic Party, “said the premier. hot topic is that of the fight against corruption: “Every time – he said – that emerges a story of corruption I indignant, I get angry. But we must all recognize that there are distinctions between whole classes and individual or organized groups who make mistakes. You can not fire on everyone because if you say you are all equal then the thieves get away. Woe to generalize because who does generalizes those who steal the game. ”

And when asked to put tougher rules replied: “We are, we are not afraid. It’s never too that is done, we are ready to lend a helping hand not only to local governments. I believe that the control should be everywhere. harsh rules we have already done but always ready to do more. ” Question referendum on constitutional reforms: Renzi explains that “concerns specific points on which there was talk for 30 years”, such as bridging the perfect bicameralism. “If the referendum will see defeated yes – it continues – I will draw the consequences. I know where I came from and I know that politics is service. I’m customizing? No, if you lose an epochal challenge that you do? Stories that people have wrong? No you did wrong. ” On civil unions, Renzi said: “The May 9 will begin the vote; approval will depend if we put trust. We have not decided yet, but it is likely is not safe. ”

Finally, the clarifications economic: “Yes to the support for the games Iva: between May and June with a measure on competitiveness will try to give a stronger hand to Iva” games, but “lower the ‘ VAT at this time is not the priority. It was increased last by the government that preceded me in September 2013. I have not shared that choice now but imagine having money to save taxes will go on VAT is a tactical error. We have to put more money in the hands of workers and allow entrepreneurs to have tax rebates if they invest on your business, if you do not bring money for a walk. “


Berlusconi turns on Marchini, brawl right – Il Sole 24 Ore

History of the article


This article was published April 29, 2016 at 6:38.


When the big blue cross the threshold of palazzo Grazioli everything is already decided. In those same rooms, just before, a handshake between Silvio Berlusconi and Alfio Marchini sanctioned the understanding that Italy Force door to drop Guido Bertolaso ​​and support the entrepreneur’s race for mayor of Rome. But even more, on the political level, approximates the former premier to the moderate center and away from the axis Lepenist Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini. And the centrists toast. Pierferdinando Casini exults: “That Berlusconi is a turning point.”

The worrying survey and the risk of a blue debacle, unable to keep up the “duo” Salvini-Meloni, causes the head of Fi is convinced in the horse racing gearbox. And in the afternoon is the same Guido Bertolaso ​​to withdraw the nomination: “I decided to sit down on the bench to foster the unity of the moderates, but I remain available to the city.” The turning point, after all, is nothing but a return to the past. Marchini fact – explained Berlusconi himself at the top of his party – has always been our first choice, as Lettieri and Parisi is a “man of action”, is not by politics and then was a candidate who also liked to Matteo Salvini. considerable detail, so much so that the Blues decide to put black on white in the note which announced before lunch time to converge on the entrepreneur Roman. But that the agreement with Marchini was in the air you could sense that the contacts were never interrupted despite Bertolaso ​​was armored to the sound of statements by Berlusconi. To seal the agreement a phone call with the Knight and then the meeting this morning at Palazzo Grazioli.

Support for Marchini allows Berlusconi to get out from the shadow in which it was done with the isolation of Roma and the risk that its candidate came last in the election race. “Now we can play the game,” was the premise with which the former prime minister greeted at Palazzo Grazioli the general staff of the party. The big Fi, the Knight did understand how what he has in mind is a project that goes beyond the local elections: rebuild a moderate force – was the reasoning – allows us to be the scales not only in a possible runoff in the capital but also in the general election. Isolate the more radical wing represented by Giorgia Meloni Matteo Salvini and then the other goal: “To win the league – explains one of the big blue present at lunch – he needs us, just look at the situation in Milan.” And it’s tough reaction of both Meloni Salvini, both convinced that the real instigator of Berlusconi’s choice Renzi. “A pattone of the Nazarene” summarizes the candidate FDI, while the Northern League leader exclaims: “Renzi and Casini call and Knight responds.” The secretary of the Right Francesco Storace seems determined to converge on Marchini.

The decision to pool all the forces of Marchini has the effect of silencing the in Fi domestic disputes though, tells who was present at the top, Giovanni Toti did not fail to express his doubts with respect to the fact of turning away from the Northern League which governs Forza Italy in three regions of the North.

But the possibility of reopening a dialogue with moderate forces (the project has always been sponsored by companies, the right hand man Gianni Letta and the so-called magic circle), thus strengthening the role Fi is for the former head of government the best card you can spend in the future is with the League and with the Democratic Party weblog Matteo Renzi. Woe to talk about a new “covenant of the Nazarene” but certainly the Knight leaves open all possibilities. Here we need to look at the results of the administrative and especially to “test” the consent of Alfio Marchini. Several still problems to solve such as the presentation of the lists and the hypothesis that fi is not obliged to present its symbol since the Roman businessman always has professed as a man “free from political parties.”




Thursday, April 28, 2016

Corruption, Mattarella: to combat it serves cohesion of politicians is more serious – Il Sole 24 Ore

History of the article


This article was published April 28, 2016 at 12:50.
the last change is the April 28, 2016 at 16:44 hours.

“corruption is a system commitment, not a single body of the state, which does not it would be enough”. This is the appeal launched at the opening of the academic year of the Higher School of Magistracy in Scandicci from the Head of State Sergio Mattarella, who called for “a broad alliance between all the healthy forces to further develop the necessary antibodies.” Politics and the judiciary as all the other branches of government should therefore “work” because “the conflict generates distrust”, and this exacerbates the problems of the country and weakens the fight against corruption. ” From Mattarella also came a strong warning to face “with determination” the problem of the length of the processes is not an independent variable “of justice.

Mattarella: political-togas cohesive to beat corruption
The President of the Republic stressed that “the citizens expect and expect cohesion” in the various organs of the State, and between those who hold institutional positions and policies to beat the phenomena of corruption and malfeasance. “The conflict generates distrust,” he continued with indirect riferiment0 the recent clash between the government and the judiciary. And he added: “Justice is a service and a value, the institutions must ensure knowledgeable to avoid mistrust genres and give space to the underworld.” The magistrates’ should take care of the rights “without which” there is no Republic “, all the institutions have to be united and to know how to” ensure justice with efficiency and rigor. ” Hence the reference to “a great alliance between healthy forces to develop the necessary antibodies”, added the head of state. “The fruitful dialectic between powers is expressed in the freedom to express opinions, in a fair and constructive dialogue – he added. The pertaining areas of the different powers are not fortresses in opposition to each other “.

” more serious corruption in politics, system ‘
For all of Mattarella must play their part in the fight against corruption, which must represent “a pledge system,” but “the actors of the policy for their part should add the knowledge – he added – that corruption in this area is more serious because in ‘political commitment assumes the dual duty of honesty for themselves and for the citizens you represent. ”

“Times of the crucial processes for true justice”
Among the priorities highlighted by the head of state, the need for more rapid processes. “The time jobs is not an independent variable for the exercise of jurisdiction and the recognition of the rights of the citizen”, emphasized the President of the Republic, who called for “maximum sharing” in Parliament for measures to regulate the matter . Mattarella has stressed that “the efficiency of the justice system is essential to enforce the ability of citizens to go to court to protect their rights.”



Rome: WiFi, Bertolaso ​​retires, we support Marchini – The Republic

Rome, April 28 – ‘With Dr. Guido Bertolaso, we decided to support the candidacy of the engineer and do our Alfio Marchini’. So ‘in a note of Forza Italy, where it is explained that’ our goal and ‘win, to give the Romans a city’ government at the height of the capital of Italy ‘. ‘Today the situation of Roma and’ dramatic, and you have to adopt urgent solutions: for us and ‘unbearable to watch the state of gradual decline that is leading to the Rome final collapse. We have noted that to win you need a unified proposal of moderate and liberal forces, with a strong civic spirit: an answer out of the logic of the party and the interests of the parties’. ‘For this – continues the statement of the blues – with Dr. Guido Bertolaso, we decided to support the candidacy of the engineer and do our Alfio Marchini’. ‘It’ s not a new choice. Marchini – remembers the statement – it was our first option, and had fallen for vetoes by an ally of the coalition. This is why we asked Guido Bertolaso ​​sacrifice to take the field to join the center-right, with the consent of all. Not his fault, it ‘for our choice, what began as a unitary solution today and’ become a divisive nomination. We can not allow the Romans they are to choose between continuity ‘of the disastrous management of the PD and the irresponsible adventurism of Five Star’. ‘With the same generosity’ and the spirit of service with which Guido Bertolaso ​​had put aside very important projects to run for mayor – says Forza Italy – today you and ‘made available to withdraw his candidacy in order to converge on the one best placed to win. Twice, has shown great responsibility ‘and love for the city’ of Rome, we will not forget. Besides Rome and Italy will still need him ‘. .

( 28 April 2016 )

other news


Renzi live on Facebook: “Probably the trust on civil unions. Aid to VAT numbers “- The Messenger

“The May 9 will begin voting on civil unions; approval will depend if we put trust. We have not decided yet, but it is likely is not safe, “said Premier Matteo Renzi in the direct” #matteorisponde on Facebook.

“Yes to support for the games Iva: between May and June with a measure on competitiveness will try to give a stronger hand to Iva, “games then announced the prime minister.

” Lowering the VAT at this time is not the priority. it was increased last by the government that preceded me in September 2013. I have not shared that choice now but imagine having money to save taxes will go on VAT is a tactical error. we have to put more money in the hands of workers and allow entrepreneurs to get tax breaks if they invest on own company, did not bring the money for a walk, “Goodman said Renzi.

the referendum on constitutional reforms,” ​​including specific points on which there was talk for 30 years, “as the overcoming of perfect bicameralism, then underlined the prime minister reiterating that he will resign if the no win.

“I am one of the few politicians I say when I lose that I lost. Others when they lose explain that they have won, “said Renzi. “If the referendum will see defeated we will draw the consequences. I know where I came from and I know that politics is service. I’m customizing? No, if you lose an epochal challenge that you do? Stories that people have wrong? No you did wrong. ” However, it said Renzi, the referendum ‘concerns specific points which is spoken for 30 years, and some of the Constituent Assembly: to overcome the perfect bicameralism and reduce the number of parliamentarians; and he has never made anyone. If Italians will tell you everything will become reality. ” “I believe that the ISI ‘vote means” change, we grow “, it means that Italy does not stop the clock of history. It is a great opportunity for citizens. But if I lose no rest attached to the chair, “he continued.

“We are trying to make a great recovery of international credibility of the country, especially because while we broaden the walls with broadband, some build walls and close borders, something backbeat and totally disconnected from any kind of reality, “he stressed Renzi.

” tougher rules? We are there, we are not afraid. It’s never too that is done, we are ready to lend a hand, not only to local governments, “said the premier. “I believe that the control should be everywhere. harsh rules we have already done but always ready to do more, “he said, answering a question of who invokes more control over crimes in small administrations.

“Every time I indigno emerges a story of corruption, I get angry. But we must all recognize that there are distinctions between whole classes and individual or organized groups who make mistakes, “noted the premier. “You can not fire on everyone because if you say you are all equal then the thieves get away. Woe to generalize because who generalizes makes the game of those who steal, “he said.

” No, I believe in bipolarity. This is why I believe in the Democratic Party, “he then tweeted the prime minister during the direct #Matteorisponde, in reply to those who question whether the antidote to populism is” a large center pole. ”

“We are already doing and will continue to do that,” so Renzi has also responded to a tweet in which he is asked to continue to press to get the truth about the murder of Julius Regeni, and that ‘ asks Italy to other European countries to do the same.

Finally, there is also room for football. “I’m not for Juve but I recognize that won one Scudetto hefty. Honor to Max Allegri and all his team, “the premier said, sending also” good luck to Renieri and his Leichester. “

When will the new minister of economic development? “We’ll talk next week.”



Rome, Bertolaso ​​retires: Berlusconi turns on Marchini. The wrath of Meloni – Il Sole 24 Ore

History of the article


This article was published April 28, 2016 at 13:52.
the last change is the April 28, 2016 at 14:15 hours.

Guido Bertolaso ​​withdraws from the race for mayor of Rome. It has ratified a long official statement of Forza Italy. “With Dr. Guido Bertolaso, we decided to support the candidacy of the engineer and do our Alfio Marchini. It is not a new choice. Marchini was our first option, and had fallen for vetoes by an ally of the coalition (the reference is to the party led by Giorgia Meloni, ed), “said the statement of the party of Silvio Berlusconi who scored after a roll and forth he went on for two months the end of a divisive and controversial within the party nomination. Could be held today a meeting between Silvio Berlusconi and Alfio Marchini.

“Bertolaso ​​responsible, the city needs him”
The note Fi bestows the honor of bestowed weapons to the former head of civil Protection. It raises the hope of a united center in Rome. “With the same generosity and spirit of service with which Guido Bertolaso ​​had put aside very important projects to run for mayor, today became available to withdraw his candidacy in order to converge on that in the best position to win. Twice, has shown great responsibility and love for the city of Rome, we will not forget. Besides Rome and Italy will still need him, “reads the note, which continues with a call to Salvini and Meloni allies:” We hope that, beyond this painful division, the entire center-right, all those who do not want Rome to deliver grillini or left, can meet and take a common path. In this sense, we appeal to our friends of the center-right: there is still time because all converge, as we have done, the candidate who has the highest chance of success. ”

Meloni: now Marchini and FI converge on Giachetti
Piccata replication Meloni, candidate for mayor backed by the League, which stuck. “We are happy with the simplification of the political in Rome. Now we expect further simplification with direct and open convergence of Alfio Marchini and Forza Italy on the Democratic Party candidate and Renzi, Roberto Giachetti. ”

Salvini: Renzi calls, Berlusconi responds
He did not hide his disappointment also the leader of the League Matteo Salvini, “Renzi and call Casini, Berlusconi responds. Continues the incredible ballet of Forza Italy which also changes a candidate today, “said the leader of the Northern League, who added:” As far as the league is now more clear and simple: the only candidate of the center in Rome and against all mess called Giorgia Meloni supported by the League. We are confident that the voters of Forza Italy will know who to choose and who is healthy. ”

After a fatal gaffe last
Despite the recent decision of Berlusconi Bertolaso ​​to armor the discontent inside Forza Italy, but especially the new ‘gaffe’ former head civil protection (that all afternoon have held court in the corridors of the House) had the effect of creaking in the race armor former undersecretary. A to skip all but the chair was the hypothesis of Bertolaso, then denied, to cooperate with the candidate of the Democratic Party and that of the Five Star Movement in the event one of the two to become mayor: “I could make available my professionalism – he had Bertolaso ​​told CorriereTv – and to give my modest contribution for Rays or Giachetti. ” Then correct words in a statement in which the former head of the Civil Protection clarified to be absolutely unavailable to “accept a political role in a junta of another candidate.” A clarification, however, which helped to ease tension. It is not the first unfortunate Bertolaso ​​output. The first, which cost him the support of Salvini, the former head of the Civil Defense (then candidate for mayor of the whole center) spoke it last February when he spoke of the Roma as “a category that has been harassed and penalized.” Salvini output that has never forgiven him.

The clash inside Forza Italy
For the withdrawal of Bertolaso ​​pressed “the party of the North”, led by Paul Roman, Maria Stella Gelmini and Giovanni Toti, but aimed to reinforce the axis with the League, resting Meloni. The other the moderate front ‘pro Marchini’ (Tajani, Confalonieri, Letta) in favor of a draft broader than administrative: unite moderates of the center (Alfano included) in the wake of the EPP.




Terrorism, six arrests in Lombardy and Piedmont: “They wanted to leave for jihad bringing the 2 sons and four years” – The Messenger

They wanted to leave for jihad in the Syrian-Iraqi war territories, bringing with him the two children of 2 and 4 years: a pair of suspected Islamic extremists, residents in the province of Lecco, was arrested in a joint operation Ros-Digos, in ‘ context of which they were issued six arrest warrants.

Recipient of the restrictive measure issued by the investigating magistrate in Milan for the crime of participation in association with international terrorism, including a Moroccan of 23 years, residing in the province of Varese: the young, the brother of a foreign fighter expelled from ‘ Italy in January 2015 with an order issued by the Interior Minister for terrorist reasons, would have to join the couple. The brother of the arrested, Oussama Khachia, would have died in Syria after joining Caliphate. Khachia had grown in Brunello, in the province of Varese, and was expelled from Italy January 28, 2015 for a few posts about Facebook for Isis. Later he was also turned away from Switzerland and finally would reach Syria where he died.

The operation, coordinated by the District Attorney of Milan in agreement with the National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor and Antiterrorism, began at dawn in several provinces of Lombardy and Piedmont, and was conducted jointly by the Digos Lecco, Varese, Milan – supported by the Central Service of the Antiterrorism DCPP / UCIGOS special branch officers – and the ROS Carabinieri, assisted by the local Carabinieri commands.

The couple and 23 year-old Moroccan arrested were in contact with two other spouses already living in the province of Lecco, parties to the Syrian-Iraqi region in February 2015, also achieved by the preliminary injunction as well as their relative, who has worked to bring together the past with aspiring fighters.



Lurking in Naples, prejudiced killed in car shots of gunfire – TGCOM

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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Migrants. Alfano: “With the EU activate at sea hotspot”. Avramopoulos: “interesting thesis” – Rai News

Alfano in the prefecture in Catania, met the European Commissioner for Migration, Avramopoulos. Interior Minister: “The dossier Libya as with Turkey.” “EU intervenes on migrants or outlook is grim”

Angelino Alfano and Dimitris Avramopoulos


the interior minister, Angelino Alfano, has had today, in the prefecture of Catania, a bilateral meeting with the European Commissioner for Migration, Dimitris Avramopoulos, on issues related to migration and asylum, the reform of the Dublin Regulation, the coast Guard and the European Border and migration Compact.
Minister Alfano intervened, together with Commissioner Avramopoulos and the director Frontex, Fabrice Light, at the inauguration of the new headquarters of the European regional Task force on management of migrants (Eurtf).

Alfano: “With the EU activate hotspots at sea”
“on Libya must be that European leaders take up the dossier with the same tenacity and the same power that he used the EU with Turkey is vital for us,” said the minister Alfano intervening in Catania town hall meeting with European Commissioner for Avramopoulos migration.

“We are studying a proposal to be presented to the European Union for the use of ships for the identification of migrants, in order to take fingerprints and personal details into the sea during relief efforts. So we will not have a permanent place on the ground, creating hotspots on the sea “added Alfano during the meeting.

” We have the need for decisive action by the European Union should come, we are at a crossroads because otherwise the ‘EU has a dark and very sad prospect “he has yet said the interior minister.” at the beginning of 2014 in Italy there were weaknesses, including the identification system: now we are one hundred percent of awards. commissions for the recognition of political refugee status are now in arrears zero “continued Alfano.” The mechanisms of returns are clear – the minister added – those who flee from wars or persecution will be welcomed, while those who are not in good standing with European laws will be repatriated. “

” the proposal of the Interior Minister, Angelino Alfano, to realize the hotspots in the sea is interesting and we are studying, “said EU Commissioner for migration, Dimitri Avramopoulos. “There’s a good chance to be accepted – he added – but we have to consider all the issues also from a legal point of view”

“It ‘sa great honor to be here in Catania. Enzo Bianco The mayor is a man who has had a great vision of the world, in 2001 had already seen what would have been the immigration development. This is the problem of governments: do not listen to the local authorities … “said the EU Commissioner for Migration in his speech in Catania City Hall before the inauguration of the headquarters Eurtf.” With the interior minister, Angelino Alfano – he added – links us a year and a half working on this topic. Have a European dimension is very important. He is an active politician, who knows the situation and have as a European politician level and I am very grateful to him for what he is doing. “


Moses, the House vote “yes” to the decadence of Galan by deputy – The Republic

Rome – Giancarlo Galan decade from the deputy charge. The House voted by 388 votes in favor, 40 against, essentially the group Fi, seven abstained. In the seat in Montecitorio takes Dino Secco. The vote of the House came after the green light of the Council for Elections, which had ruled in favor of the decline with only no of fi representative. For involvement in the story of Moses , after a plea bargain, the former minister of Forza Italy has been sentenced to imprisonment of two years and ten months and confiscation of assets for 2.6 million euro. Condemnation that Galan is serving under house arrest and that had triggered the procedure for forfeiture statutory Severino. “Trafficking in illicit influences” in relation to Moses, April 14 has been sentenced to two and a half years in prison Marco Milanese, a former political adviser to Giulio Tremonti.

The trouble for Galan are not yet finished. The Prosecutor of the Court of Accounts of Venice today asked the sentencing of the former governor of the Veneto and former minister in compensation for damage to image from 5.2 million euro, in relation to Moses, made after his plea bargain was become definitive. The Court has reserved its decision. At the hearing, the defense of Galan has focused on the fact that despite the now former politician has been President of the Region for 10 years, any crimes are prescribed from 2008, while in 2010 it was no longer governor not having been nominated . Later, under the Berlusconi government, Galan had been before Agriculture Minister, then to the Cultural Heritage. The image damage claim was made after the plea agreement Galan has become final.

The then governor was imprisoned along with 34 others arrested over the affair of dations linked to the achievement of Moses, the system of mobile barriers to protect Venice from high tides. Galan was summoned by the leaders of the Consorzio Venezia Nuova (vn) – at the time led by Giovanni Mazzacurati and responsible for implementing the Mose – for having pocketed dations millionaires and thus assist the work bureaucratic process. Following the investigation, the junta for permission of the Chamber gave the green light to the arrest.

Behind the bars of the prison in Milan of “Opera”, Galan remained for 80 days in order to be reunited with opted family, at least this is his version, for a plea bargain. He was then transferred to house arrest, and he agreed with the prosecutor of Venice and the green light of the magistrate Giuliana Galasso for a sentence of two years and ten months who is serving in a rented house, after the rejected loan application to social services. As to the payment of 2.6 million fine, to pay for it Galan sacrificed historic residence Villa Rodella Euganean Hills selling it to the state.

Chamber of deputies
force Italy
Giancarlo Galan

“Give me € 200 if you want her on your dog ‘- Corriere della Sera

in court area

“Give me 200 Euros if you want her on your dog ‘

rendezvous mistress went with the police
the man, 26, has been charged with attempted extortion

BOLOGNA – has a happy ending story of Blu, a nine-month poodle, that April 21 has moved away from home and ended up in the hands of a 26 year old, that to return to her mistress required a “ransom” of 200 euro. The original man from the province of Caserta and domiciled in Bologna has been denounced by the police station of Bologna for attempted extortion.

THE BACKGROUND – Thursday, April 21, shortly after noon the Blue Poodle owner opens the door to a lady who had citofonato asking her to enter the hall condominium for “meter reading ». The dog takes advantage of the moment when her mistress and owner of the house opened the door and fled from the apartment in Via Solferino. The 64 year old from Bologna then immediately alerts acquaintances and friends to help in the search of his dog, and paper the whole area of ​​the center with a poster. On notice there is a picture with the name of the dog, the phone number to which the possible discovery and communicate a message in which the 64 year old wrote the intention to reward anyone who had found. The woman, saddened by the death of his beloved dog, goes to the police station for STurn theft complaint against persons unknown, and just as puts on record what happened receives a phone call. From the high of the phone there is a man who says he found the poodle Giardini Margherita, but he is not willing to return the dog because his wives and his daughter if they were in love to the point of volerselo hold. Taking advantage of the emotions of the 64 year old, the call continued with a request: “want her dog? Pay”. The sum determined by man was 200 Euros and had already made an appointment for the same evening in via Zanolini, Massarenti. At that point the woman, together with the military in civilian clothes, was presented to the appointment. And the 26-year plan has not been successful. Indeed, it turned out that the young man from Campania had also invented the whole story of his wife and daughter, because it really is unmarried and childless. In addition he said that he had hidden the dog in a nearby apartment, when in fact, waiting for the ransom, had abandoned him in a nearby office, where the same work on behalf of an electricity company like “door-to-door contracts subjects.” Investigators are considering the location of a 25 year-old from Naples who, at the sight of the Carabinieri, was to “game” by pretending to be the wife of 26-year old, but once discovered the truth about the identity of man admitted to being only one colleague of the young malefactor work and they have nothing to do with the dog’s discovery.

HAPPY ENDING – The 64 year old was able to embrace Blue, her poodle and moved by the discovery explained: “Devolverò the sum of the ransom that I had been asked to kennels trebbo. I thank the police who helped me from the first moment and I appeal to people of my age so not caschino in blackmail of the sort. If I had not made a complaint, perhaps, just to have my dog ​​I would have paid the ransom. Instead you have to have the strength to denounce. ”

Maria Centuori
