Friday, April 29, 2016

Government, Verdini to the table today with the majority: “So we will discuss the laws before you vote on them” – The Daily

The verdiniani from now on will take part in the meetings of the majority groups to examine the law and amendments before going to the classroom. If it is not an invitation to the government, close enough. “We are in paradise,” he said Denis Verdini out from the meeting with the delegation to dem Montecitorio . “We are not in the majority. The opposition says that we are not in opposition, we we are in paradise . ” The former bridge builder of the Covenant of the Nazarene, Senator accused in 5 trials and convicted in corruption for the restructuring of the Marshals School of Florence, left Forza Italy after the break between Berlusconi and Renzi to form Ala group supporting the government and which has often been decisive to pass certain pieces of legislation. Currently it has 20 members and is the third group of Senate majority: Only 28 April raised the membership of a cosentiniano Doc ( Antonio Milo ) who has found other senators (like Vincenzo D’Anna and Ciro Falanga ) close to former Undersecretary Nicola Cosentino , is currently in jail on charges of collusion with the Camorra.


The meeting took place in the office of the Democratic Party leader in the House Ettore Rosato : on one side there was the dem delegation composed of leaders and the Deputy Secretary Lorenzo Guerini, the other group leaders to Ala Ignatius Abrignani and Lucio Barani and the leader Denis Verdini. Downstairs you are together representatives of the reformist Democratic Left territories, who argue with the majority: “Every time he approaches Verdini we lose votes,” said the deputy of the minority Robert Hope .

paradise Verdini and Ala means to compare with the majority on the measures before arriving in the Chamber. a change in the form that is likely going to affect radically the galaxy that supports Renzi government. “Among the groups of Ala and the Democratic Party,” said Verdini, “there was not yet any meeting and saw that we were born to support reforms it was necessary that we see ourselves. It was necessary to speak to us so far because we voted on the measures which have arrived in the Chamber, but now we would like to see them before. We agreed on a method of comparison without which we found ourselves in difficulty “. So Verdini and its will participate in the meetings of the majority groups to explore together the PDL and the amendments? “Yup. This is important for the functionality of the work in the House and Senate to complete the path of reforms “.

Verdini then avoided the merits of the applications on the prescription reform and the criminal justice system: “Today we have not spoken of the individual measures,” he said. “So, we have not discussed prescription. If you want my opinion on the subject, I say that they are right all. Right who he wants the long prescription and those who want to short process. To agree … You can not be on trial a lifetime, you can not drop in prescription crimes, but there should be a reflection. The responsibilities are many, not only of the limitation period. It also depends on how the justice, there are so many things. But since I am a defendant , I can not talk about justice, I defend myself in court. “

The first concrete help of Verdini and its will in the ‘yes’ campaign in the referendum confirmatory the constitutional reforms scheduled for next October . Wing voted in favor of the Bill Woods . “We talked about the formation of committees of Yes,” said Verdini, “without establishing anything yet. Even the Democratic Party friends are thinking about what to do. Our intention is to vote yes, it is obvious since we are born to do. ” And when asked whether the collaboration foreshadows the birth of a party of the Nation , countered: “To answer a question like this, we should do a press conference. However, a press conference not’ll never make it, because you’re weird. “



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