Friday, April 29, 2016

Summit with Pd: Verdini enters majority – Newspaper

of course not meet the Nazarene, “it will be a normal comparison on the agenda of the next parliamentary appointments,” says Assistant Secretary of the Democratic Party Lorenzo Guerini.

the meeting is on the agenda for today, in the House, present – with the same Guerini – the group leaders Pd Ettore Rosato and Luigi Zanda. On the other side of the table, representatives of Wing: Lucio Barani for senators, Francesco Saverio Romano for Members and he, Denis Verdini. Both the Democratic Party that the head of Ala derubricano decisively the meeting, presented yesterday by various press organs as a “new Nazarene” to sanction the entrance in most of the former Berlusconi government. None of this, explain: the meeting takes place away from the party headquarters or government, including parliamentary delegations and no members of the executive.

Verdini, yesterday, was very upset about the leak on the meeting, “the Nazarene,” which had been offered to the Democratic Party the right to express minority scandal and shame (immediately relayed by grillini, who ask Mattarella to verify the “new majority”) and give him the prime minister: “the encounter with Verdini is an inexplicable madness “, he moaned via twitter Robert Hope, aspiring Renzi antagonistic to the next Congress. “For a long time – he explained Davide Zoggia – the Democratic Party left us we say: this will change the nature and objectives of the Democratic Party.” Pier Luigi Bersani joined the chorus: “Verdini in the majority? I want to see this! “Sighed Transatlantic, chased by reporters. Forgetting, apparently, that Verdini majority had already not only seen but also welcomed with open arms he, as secretary of the Democratic Party: the first in the Monti government and then – after losing the 2013 elections – in that of Enrico Letta. But, as there is today at Palazzo Chigi the hated Renzi, the votes of a welcome Verdini time they quickly turned into the devil’s dung for Bersani and his. Even so, they notice the renziani, “with the support of the Democratic minority in the Senate verdiniani can no longer exercise its power to blackmail the numerical majority, and suffers.” Indeed Hope points out that the Renzi government should return to depend on the frond Pd, and not from Wing: “Of Verdini we have no means need. Also because there is a majority and are not required the votes of the most controversial figures.

<'p> For the leak that led the way to the new controversy, Verdini was irritated with her. That turbulent and talkative company of parliamentarians – growing: just yesterday it was announced entry into the group of a new senator, coming from fittiane – that for weeks file complains to him, “Let the bearers of votes for Renzi, and not only do not there is nothing but from Palazzo Chigi treat us as well as outcasts and tell us that we are not decisive ‘, was the commotion juice. The meeting with the Democratic Party was therefore sought and obtained to give a political sop to the troops of Ala, and show that – as seats and electoral alliances, apart from sporadic cases like Naples, are not at issue – at least on the parliamentary measures verdiniani are involved in preliminary discussion. “We want to make our contribution to the evaluation of the texts, before you vote for them: justice, conflict of interest, short limitation – says a Parliamentary Wing – We are not available to support everything at face value.”


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