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This article was published April 27, 2016 at 6:26.
the news of another suspect in the Democratic Party, Stephen Graziano, comes at a half time to togas and politics. The one between a violent clash and the promise of an agreement both on prescription and on wiretapping. Continued page 21
Economics & amp; Company
That promise to find an agreement, discuss the merits and find a way into Parliament for the new law on prescription and on wiretapping becomes the “possible” new page waiting, today, the judiciary and the political class. “By the summer” was the Andrea Orlando commitment that well knows the difficulties of finding a compromise, just to the Senate, where the numbers are tight to, and with Ncd with verdiniani. The point is the lengthening of the time limitation for corruption, so far a very tight knot for the majority that now the justice minister seems ready to dissolve. And that certain maturity – that gave in the interview yesterday in the Republic – suggests that the real olive branch that the Renzi government wants to offer to the judiciary and a willingness to take into account also a vote of confidence in order to break the mistrust each other.
in fact whenever the Prime Minister or the Executive have accepted the challenge of the times for a bill, beginning dall’Italicum, there was a willingness to get too far ratio of a yes or a no on the Government. In this case it would be extremely risky seen that the transition that awaits the law is in the Senate, where the measure not to the case is locked by more than a year. But it is also true that there the numbers get larger and easy only if the senators are cornered by a vote of confidence.
On the road seems less impervious interceptions. And this why? Because, as the minister said Orlando, he has chosen to follow the criteria of some important Procure use of non-criminal law interceptions. The test, in short, that if there is a willingness to cooperate, the policy is put in the position of having to legislate, without tears.
So, yesterday the news of the new investigation in the Democratic Party, Stephen Graziano, accused of having favored the Casalesi clan procurement, it falls right in the middle of this time. The time between the violent confrontation and the promise of an agreement. Including a question and answer without shades – which saw the face Davigo and Renzi – and reasonableness of those who have realized that justice is no longer perceived by the public as the exclusive Ring of two categories in the fight, one against the ‘ the other, to assert their autonomy or their privileges. And phrases like “the politicians steal more than before” or “investigations clockwork” are part of a past that had never considered all the “rest”, ie citizens confronted with justice, with errors and the long times. Or an economy also weighed down by the inefficiency of some offices. There are, in short, more parties, more than two duelists, who took a weight and to which are the answers.
It will be interesting to hear tomorrow, in Scandicci, what will he say Sergio Mattarella. He will speak at the school of youth magistrates and perhaps will not neglect a step to have its say on this sensitive time in togas and politics. Certainly, the Hill is considered necessary to work for a dialogue, as it also feels the words of Minister Orlando.
It is obvious that finding a context for collaboration between the judiciary and also to change essentially political controversy, especially in election campaign. And that is what some do not want to. Because the investigations were always a “free lunch” in the political struggle, by all parties from right to left and vice versa.

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