“The work is essential for human life” and especially “for young people, because they do a family, a life plan because otherwise, as the Pope says, there is no dignity.” This was stated by the Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco on the occasion of the conference “Forming to educate towards a new work ethic” which took place this afternoon in Genoa at the Ravasco Institute. But, he added the cardinal, “without an ethical dimension, not just the work, and not even enough of good laws, which are also necessary, because the soul of the law, as the soul of the work, is always a moral code and spiritual”.
In fact, for the cardinal, “we need a vision.”
Indeed, “there are no laws without vision and a characteristic of our times – he said – it seems to me that of a multiply, a proliferation of laws, trying to respond to the phenomena of social conditions. But, if we think about it, this is not a good sign because the multiplication of laws is a sign of weakness on the part of a state and a society. ” “The law – he said – it takes and how, serve and serves that are fair and just, but a company company that illudesse to solve social problems, at all levels, with the laws, although good, has no vision” .
And speaking of work and unemployment, Cardinal Bagnasco said the widespread ISTAT figures released today by stating that “ the observatory of our parishes and of our Christian communities not yet recorded this improvement that all we hope, we hope, and that hope . ” In fact, “the tails of those looking for work, who are unemployed, or who have never been employed, continue notevolemente, not only for young people who are the big part, but also for middle-aged people who have family and economic commitments to be honored. ”
On arrival at the conference, the cardinal also issued a statement on the decision of the Austrian Government to build a fence along the border of the Brenner Pass, between Italy and Austria, to try to monitor and control the flow of migrants. “Do not is with the walls or the closure of borders that face humanitarian problems but on other planes and other modes” the cardinal said. “This situation of universal migration, planetary – continued – it must be seriously addressed at the global level, namely the UN, and not just Europe or Italy who is doing it as best he can” and “I do not think in this respect, there is still a strong effort, clear and purposeful. ”
In the course of his talk about school, education and training, the archbishop recalled that, “in order to work that young people seek, a company must articulate their own reality, not in a preliminary way or ideological, but in a way consistent with the reality itself by offering different paths because we are not all equal. ” Equality explained “it is human dignity and being all children of the same God, but for the rest we are different in many respects.”
According to the cardinal, then, “in the West, but especially in Europe, we risk becoming no culture, to be plurilaureati, super-technological, quite capable in a thousand things but without culture, without culture, there is a lack of training. the triumphs education but the training loses. ” And “culture is all the more necessary in Europe in the face of the dominant nihilism because the roots of nihilism, that is completely equivalent because nothing has value compared with other, are European.” “For this – he said – we are more accountable to the world certain nihilistic tendencies and individualism”.
At the same time, “we should have a greater reaction of consciousness and awareness, pride, respect to cultural heritage, which we should not make arrogant in front of anyone or anything, but we must make it responsible “. “Instead – he continued – I think it is the nihilism that makes Europe arrogant than other cultures while, less developed from a technological point of view, certainly outweigh us by cultural values but that Europe continues to be treated by ‘ top to bottom. ” In other words, we are facing “a form of neo-colonialism, imperialism, which is not less than the past.”
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