Rome – The associations of the Committee for the yes in the referendum on drills filing an appeal with the Ministry of Economic Development to ask for an immediate freeze of five mining concessions within 12 miles. The announcement today at a press conference in the House. According to Enzo Di Salvatore , constitutional expert and drafter of the referendum questions, “These concessions have expired long ago, and the extension is illegal. The law provides that they extended the existing titles, not those expired. The Mise not It has never spoken about it, so the oil companies are continuing to pull out without authorization “. Despite the defeat of the referendum, therefore, they want to continue a battle that instead the premier Renzi be closed. “The Italian people have spoken and that was 70 to 30. I read that those who have lost explains that won” but it’s time “to undertake to keep the clean sea, perhaps taking care of water treatment plants, which should make the regions. The Italian ask us to work not to make controversy “.
in addition to the use of Mise, the Committee for the yes has prepared another at European level for the violation, by Italy, the rules governing the extraction of hydrocarbons (Directive 94/22 / EC). Salvatore has made it known, in fact, that the MEP Barbara Spinelli (GUE / NGL) group has tabled a question to the European Commission asking whether it agrees to open an infringement procedure for breach of the rules on competition on the extension of the concessions.
during the meeting with journalists, the Committee has explained his reasons. Thanks to the referendum on drills “There have been changes to legislation proposed by the government and approved by Parliament. This is not demagoguery. Petroceltic and Shell gave up. The research permits have been blocked. If this has happened I think is a win,” he added the president of the regional council Lucan Piero Lacorazza . While Francesco Borrelli , chief of the Campania region, it is a success to have brought the focus of debate energy issues: “It has not reached the quorum – he said – but it was traced the furrow Italy will lead more and more towards renewable and further and further away from oil. from this incident will create a stronger dialogue with the government. “
” If there is a loser in Italy today is democracy – he continued Enzo Di Salvatore -. we can not rejoice if two-thirds of Italians are not going to vote. However, we managed to become ‘national-popular’ an issue of national energy policy. First they discussed only in university classrooms. the referendum path was a success. Without the referendum we would still have the energy policy of the Monti government in 2013, implemented by the Unlock Italy, we would have 27 processes for concessions within 12 miles, there would be the croaker Sea pit in front of the ‘Abruzzo. Instead Shell and Petroceltic are gone. “
Matteo Renzi will still have to” take account “of” 13 million yes, “according to Loredana De Petris :” We have to thank the millions of citizens who went to vote and assure that their commitment was not, is not and will not be useless – said the senator Sel – the fact that over 15 million people are are ever at the polls, despite a campaign of sabotage and disinformation unprecedented, is a very important result. Of these, as many as 13 million was the ‘you’, and it is very significant that in Basilicata, where the citizens know the environmental issues related to drilling in the sea, we have reached a quorum. “
a “Pyrrhic victory” for Renzi also spoke Renato Brunetta , the parent company of Forza Italy Room, with an eye to the constitutional referendum next autumn: “Looking to 2006, those who said ‘no ‘the constitutional reform of Berlusconi were 20 thousand less than the nearly 16 million went to the polls yesterday, and then – notes – if we could bring to the referendum of October all those who voted in the referendum on augers, or’ yes ‘or’ no ‘, would win the’ no ‘to’ schiforma ‘Renzi-Woods, the’ no ‘would win 60 to 40, as it did 10 years ago. “
” Renzi should be ashamed to have incited the Italians to abstain from a referendum, this is the role which, according to our politicians or politicians, they must have the citizens, “said the mayor candidate in Rome M5S Virginia Rays , leaving the Casaleggio Associati in Milan.
And after the referendum is also inervenuto the WWF . “Millions of Italians today called for climate agreements signed in Paris are implemented and want to Italy a renewable future. At the conclusion of this referendum it is good to say that the government has the main responsibility for bringing Italy to referendum compared to a provision on the extension of the concessions offshore platforms, inserted at the last minute in the Stability Law 2016, which knew from the outset to be contrary to Community law and that it will be forced to change to European intervention, ” he wrote in a note to the WWF. “He did everything to derail the referendum. The quorum was not reached, but the polls show a very strong request to be changed the energy policies of our country.”
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