Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Migrants. Alfano: “With the EU activate at sea hotspot”. Avramopoulos: “interesting thesis” – Rai News

Alfano in the prefecture in Catania, met the European Commissioner for Migration, Avramopoulos. Interior Minister: “The dossier Libya as with Turkey.” “EU intervenes on migrants or outlook is grim”

Angelino Alfano and Dimitris Avramopoulos


the interior minister, Angelino Alfano, has had today, in the prefecture of Catania, a bilateral meeting with the European Commissioner for Migration, Dimitris Avramopoulos, on issues related to migration and asylum, the reform of the Dublin Regulation, the coast Guard and the European Border and migration Compact.
Minister Alfano intervened, together with Commissioner Avramopoulos and the director Frontex, Fabrice Light, at the inauguration of the new headquarters of the European regional Task force on management of migrants (Eurtf).

Alfano: “With the EU activate hotspots at sea”
“on Libya must be that European leaders take up the dossier with the same tenacity and the same power that he used the EU with Turkey is vital for us,” said the minister Alfano intervening in Catania town hall meeting with European Commissioner for Avramopoulos migration.

“We are studying a proposal to be presented to the European Union for the use of ships for the identification of migrants, in order to take fingerprints and personal details into the sea during relief efforts. So we will not have a permanent place on the ground, creating hotspots on the sea “added Alfano during the meeting.

” We have the need for decisive action by the European Union should come, we are at a crossroads because otherwise the ‘EU has a dark and very sad prospect “he has yet said the interior minister.” at the beginning of 2014 in Italy there were weaknesses, including the identification system: now we are one hundred percent of awards. commissions for the recognition of political refugee status are now in arrears zero “continued Alfano.” The mechanisms of returns are clear – the minister added – those who flee from wars or persecution will be welcomed, while those who are not in good standing with European laws will be repatriated. “

” the proposal of the Interior Minister, Angelino Alfano, to realize the hotspots in the sea is interesting and we are studying, “said EU Commissioner for migration, Dimitri Avramopoulos. “There’s a good chance to be accepted – he added – but we have to consider all the issues also from a legal point of view”

“It ‘sa great honor to be here in Catania. Enzo Bianco The mayor is a man who has had a great vision of the world, in 2001 had already seen what would have been the immigration development. This is the problem of governments: do not listen to the local authorities … “said the EU Commissioner for Migration in his speech in Catania City Hall before the inauguration of the headquarters Eurtf.” With the interior minister, Angelino Alfano – he added – links us a year and a half working on this topic. Have a European dimension is very important. He is an active politician, who knows the situation and have as a European politician level and I am very grateful to him for what he is doing. “


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