The ‘piece of paper’ in Italy is a dream for a few . Or for many it is not a dream, a goal, a goal to aspire to: become “doctor” one Italian out of four. One out of two in Sweden; or Lithuania, Cyprus, Ireland, Luxembourg. By number of people between 30 and 34 years who have completed tertiary education cycle (university or another technical school), the beautiful country is in the queue, with 25.3% of graduates citizens: the last in Europe, where the average is 38.7%, and (slightly) below the EU target set for 2020 (26%), writes in the Eurostat report of 2015. We are, however, an improvement over 2002, when the share of graduates was even 13.1%. You get to graduate are 30.8% of women and 20% of men, a gap continues to grow.
shadow carousel
University and Work, a country two-speed
70 thousand students in less
The number of university graduates also in the middle of the eighteenth AlmaLaurea Report on the profile and the employment condition of graduates. Photographing an alarming decline of freshmen, patchy: dramatic in the South – says the research institute – where universities from 2003 to 2015 have lost 30% of participants; serious to the center (-22%); almost insignificant in the North (-3%). The data synthesis is less than 70 thousand students enrolled at the University. The abyss opens already after maturity: 54 graduates of 100 continue their studies in the South, 59 percent of the North. High spatial mobility, “although it is a positive phenomenon, by which students and universities can exploit to their full potential, at the same time reflects the deep social and economic divide that characterizes the Italian regions”, states the Report. Over the past decade, the southern regions have steadily lost human capital migrates to the center-north for study 20% of boys, while in the north moves only 2%. The disciplines that put in motion platoons of students are especially Psychology (32%), chemicals (27%), Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (26%), languages (25%). Less mobile students of economics and statistics courses (15%), education (16%), law (18%), engineering (19%).
Who makes the suitcases
in addition, mobility recalls mobility moves to work more frequently those who have already experienced a shift for study or study abroad during their studies. The analysis shows major differences with respect to the path of study undertaken: the science graduates are the most mobile (43%), followed by agricultural and veterinary (42%) and language (41%). Is clearly moving less than their graduates in teaching routes (25%), health professions (26%) and legal (27%).
geographical mobility in the transition from the University to the labor market is more frequent than mobility for study . Even in this case to move are predominantly graduates that come from families contexts culturally and economically advantaged. Five years after graduation, says Almalaurea, out of a hundred graduates living in the north, 7 they go to work, mainly abroad; by the Centre, is to move 13% of graduates, mainly in the North; South lost more than a quarter of its human capital: 26% working away from the family of origin.
Almalaurea photographer also employment gap: one year after the masterful title work 74% of Northern graduates and 53% of those in the South, with a gap of 16% in salaries: 1,290 euro net monthly in the north, 1,088 in the South. Five years after title, work 89 percent of graduates living in the north, while in the South the occupation involves 74% of graduates. Salaries: 1,480 in the north, 1,242 in the South.
school leavers
Italy also remains among black jerseys for school dropout, although on this front has already reached the reduction target set by Brussels comes to 14.7% (with a target that by 2020 would be set at 16%) the percentage of boys between 18 and 24 who have completed at most lower secondary education and who do not follow any training. Remains the gap between boys who leave (17.5%) and girls (11.8%). We are not bottom of the class, because behind us include Spain (20% of dropouts), Malta (19.8%) and Romania (19.1%). And we go a lot better than 2006, when overall attrition was at 20.4%. But the virtuous models we space out of many lengths in Slovenia only 5% of children leave school early, in Cyprus and in Poland 5.3%, Lithuania 5.5%.
April 27, 2016 (modified April 27, 2016 | 13:50)
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