And regional president arrives late at the session of the regional council convened to Stella, the birthplace of Sandro Pertini, in Savona, on the occasion of the celebrations of 25 April. It arrived an hour late, Giovanni Toti, from the discontent of the opposition councilors, forcing all called waiting. And “jumping” the first part of the celebrations, when the regional council went at the family tomb of former President of the Republic, and partisan, to lay a laurel wreath. After arriving at Stella, Toti has dedicated his first words just Pertini, announcing the arrival in Stella, in September, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, on the occasion of the official celebrations of the anniversary 120.o Sandro Pertini birth. “Pertini had a role in the liberation of this country, but also in the construction of democracy in which we live – Toti said – We are proud to be an Italian citizen and predict today, on the occasion of the Liberation Day, a regional council own Stella seemed a great way to remember him. “the Region of Liguria has financed, among its first acts, the works for the recovery of the native home in Stella.

house Pertini
Venticinque Aprile
Giovanni Toti