Sunday, April 17, 2016

Referendum on drills, turnout at 19 to 23% – Il Sole 24 Ore

History of the article


This article was published April 17, 2016 at 20:44 hours.
the last change is the April 18, 2016 at 1:12.

Quorum failure on the referendum on the augers. According to the final data of the Interior Ministry, it is 32.1% turnout at the polls close in Italy for the referendum question on the duration of drilling at sea in the 8,000 Italian municipalities. The final since the influx of residents abroad was much lower: 19.8%. Basilicata is the only region in which it was reached a quorum (50.3%). Given high (41.6%) but far from the quorum in Puglia. Both regions are promoters of the referendum. Negative attendance record for the Trentino Alto Adige (25.2%) followed by Campania (26.1%) and Calabria (26.7%). For the record, the partial data of the examination recorded in Italy over 80% yes. With the lack of a quorum (50% + 1 of the votes) at the national level of the extraction of oil and gas activities on the part of active platforms within 12 miles of the coast will continue until all of the fields. In case of victory of the yes the platforms would have had to close and be dismantled on expiry of existing concessions.

Renzi: net result, dem agogia not pay
the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, who has called for abstention, has decided to maintain until the last electoral silence and announced that he would speak only to the polls closed. From Palazzo Chigi did not hide satisfaction with the lack of a quorum, “There are winners and losers – he said – the Government shall not be reckoned among the winners but includes us ingengneri workers and that tomorrow will return to their companies knowing that they will have a future ». And again: “He won those working on the platforms. I am where you also risk one place work. He lost those who wanted a count at all costs’. Renzi for the message of this referendum is that “it does not pay to be demagogic.” The assessment is clear: “Italy has spoken: this referendum was rejected. It is a net result, clear, above expectations of all the commentators. ” With a final admission: “I have suffered much for choosing not to vote,” even though “it was an option allowed by the Constitution.”

Emiliano: they voted 14 million, government energy policy changes
Despite the lack of a quorum, the president dem Puglia, Michele Emiliano, among the promoters of the referendum on drills, stressed its positive aspects in the consultation notice: “I am going to vote 14 million people. A resounding success – wrote on Twitter that commits the government to change its industrial and energy policy. “

The controversy on the tweet of Coal
It has provoked bitter controversy day the hashtag #ciaone addressed the supporters of the yes renziano Ernesto Carbone, member of the secretariat of the Democratic Party. “First they said quorum – Carbone wrote on Twitter Then 40. Then 35. Now, for them, the important thing is to participate #ciaone”. He replied to Miguel Gotor hard snout, senator of the Democratic Party minority that has called “embarrassing” the fact that at this time “prominent leaders of the Democratic Party are mocking tweet shots to those citizens who have chosen to vote in the referendum and thus to participate actively in the democratic life of their country. ” And he added: “It is an irresponsible attitude.” Harsh reaction also Nicola Fratoianni the Italian Left, which he wrote on twitter: “Anyway #ciaone rhymes with #cialtrone”. In the evening new tweet clarifier Carbone: “To all the special outraged: #ciaone was for those who promoted an unnecessary referendum, not for those who went to vote.”

The positions of the parties
appointment came the Democratic Party split: contrary to the indication to refrain addressed by Prime Minister-Secretary Matteo Renzi, the minority-voting without being united on the merits (Hope voted yes, no Bersani, as Prodi and D’Alema). The Five Stars are compact for yes. As well as Italian Left. To the same effect, so the league Matteo Salvini and Brothers of Italy Giorgia Meloni, in the name of “defense of our sea.” Less net positions in Forza Italy: if the parent company in the Senate Paul Romans did not go to vote, they crossed the no box many blues representatives, like the president of the deputies Renato Brunetta. On the other hand, yes it is deployed, the governor of Liguria Giovanni Toti. Marry the abstention line the Ncd Alfano and almost all verdiniani Ala. Alfieri of turnout chairmen of the House and Senate Laura Boldrini and Pietro Grasso.

Mattarella voted in Palermo
The president of the Republic Sergio Mattarella voted in evening for the referendum. He did it in Palermo in the polling station set up in the Piazzi state school, in via Rutelli, not far from his home in via Freedom.

So you voted in the past
There have been 16 so far the elections relating to referendums, from the divorce of 1974 to the 4 questions of 12 June 2011 on water and nuclear power. After years of massive turnout (quorum exceeded all abundantly – with 87.7 record in 1974 – except on hunting and pesticides of 3 June 1990) the six referendums carried out from 1997 to 2009 did not reach the quorum of 50% plus one of the votes, necessary for the validity of referendums. Quorum, however, the referendum of 2011 was passed last round when it reached 54.8%.



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