The House of the Senate rejected the no-confidence motion filed against the government by the M5S. I no were 183, the yes 96, no abstention.
– The House of Senate rejected the no-confidence motion filed against the government by the M5S. I no were 183, the yes 96, no abstention.
Present the Senate also the premier Matteo Renzi . “E ‘legitimate to disagree on the measures but it is impossible to deny that those topics to programmatic action center have been successfully addressed by the government and parliament. I am referring to the constitutional reform, electoral law and the tax measures”, replied the prime minister in the classroom to the criticisms contained in the Fi-confidence motion.
“i accept the challenge on the theme of morality in politics, always slippery issue,” he said Renzi still listing the 5 points of criticisms contained in the motions of no confidence in the Senate, in particular that of Fi.
“the numbers of the Jobs Act – said Renzi – are not numbers you may have misunderstandings. the INPS data today but marked slowdown in 2015, and are very simple data there were 911mila permanent contracts more. Quell’incentivo we wanted to us and we are proud that this incentive has helped employers to hire. and we are sorry that someone has pulled back compared to that commitment. ”
The current government scheme “has been at the base of your support for the government Letta failed based on assessments of your party leader – replied the premier Fi on the charge of lack of political morality an unelected government -. As you can challenge to Ncd and then to Ala to remain faithful to the covenant to which also you were bound and has failed to correttissime political assessments. you have changed my mind another “no.
Then again: “I am for the righteousness for justice-. Italy has known figures of heroes judges but has experienced in the last 25 years of authentic barbarism related justicialism pages. the guarantees notice was a final ruling media, lives of decent people were destroyed while the criminals had their gain populist attitude of those who did everything a lump. the notice of investigation has never condemned “. “The judges have to speak with the judgments and we encourage them, but the sentences are to arrive early because we want to know who’s responsible, the culprit, who steals,” said Renzi talking about the investigation of power.
Davigo, justicialism? Convicted did the deputies . There are certainly people who then investigated were not guilty, but there are also “sentenced by final judgment they have done for five years the deputies.” He says the president ANM Piercamillo Davigo during Dimartedì transmission. Words that have an indirect reply to the President of the Council Matteo Renzi who had spoken of justicialism.
“We are accustomed to being told ‘this is not, it is the next’, but in the meantime we wait I’ll proposal : try to send home do not believe either of you for two reasons: either because you like to lose, or because you want to use the Senate as a sounding board, a flag to wave on talk shows. but i tell you frankly that the talk, the media, social are not Italy, Italy is elsewhere, “said Renzi criticizing the frequent use of the opposition to the motion of no confidence.
” Today in the Senate – it reads on Grillo’s blog – it votes no confidence in the Government proposed by M5S. Sfiduciamoli. to take care of the citizens, not the lobby. ” I wrote Beppe Grillo on twitter with a link that refers to his blog. “Today the Senate will vote of no confidence to the government of the bankers and oilmen given by the Movement 5 Stars: must go home because they make only the interests of lobbies, their friends and their relatives!” Reads the blog.
the transition does not bother at all the majority, some of the numbers and the support, which should not be decisive, also verdiniani. “We are loyal to no-confidence motions – ironically the prime minister – there are a fortnight, a month when I’m tired.” Attempts to shove that in fact, according to most, are revealed boomerang that strengthen the government. As well as the lack of a quorum on drills comforts the majority in view of the challenge on which Matteo Renzi in the first bet all his chips: the constitutional referendum of October.
Until then, the Chairman of the Board aims to explain the reasons “of a simpler policy”, giving their opponents the desire to manipulate consultation, as done with the question on the drills.
Zanda, year to 31 no-confidence motions, waste of time – “Many of the interventions of the opposition that I have heard so far in the Hall of the Senate have already announced that the government will have a majority.” So the chairman of the Senate Democratic Party Luigi Zanda talking to the microphones of television news. “In this legislature – he added – between the House and Senate have been 31 motions of censure, almost one a month. To present motions of no confidence has become a serial ritual with one goal, to make waste time to Parliament.”
Napolitano, listen manipulated not forget D’Ambrosio – “are published also manipulated interceptions, pieces of conversations taken out of context. what happened to my adviser D’Ambrosio who has put his guts with a heart attack. And some things I do not forget them. ” So Giorgio Napolitano said the passage of the intervention as Justice of the Senate Renzi. “In the past there have been serious cases of hype against persons who received notices of investigation and then they are proved to be innocent, but they paid a high price from the privacy point of view.”
Meanwhile in the House we have been reached by the opposition deputies of the signatures required for the confirmatory refrendum request .
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