Reggio Calabria – “ Serve the determination and courage of an Italy that says you ‘and who knows try” . Matteo Renzi arrives in Reggio Calabria, the first stage of a mini-tour in the South, and opens The National Museum , reopened after 10 years of work in fits and starts. And right before Bronze Statues , kept there, points out that the “museum and ‘a symbol” of a country that closes all open yards, ending the works and shares. “There ‘need to make a commitment together: for the next two years the controversy let’s leave them to the professionals of the controversy.” Accompanied by ministers Graziano Delrio and Dario Franceschin , the prime minister visited the new exhibition spaces and signs terms for Calabria , which provide for a series of investments to the region, and city ’metropolitan Reggio Calabria “.
Marc, opens the new home of the Riace Bronzes
” the figure of 15 per cent of tourists foreigners in the South and ‘little, but it’ s an improvement. When we arrived in 2014, the entire area under Rome had a matter of foreign tourists less than the province of Bolzano “Renzi noted.” But there is no anger in my heart when you think with Calabria, Puglia, Sicily and Campania, all this gift of God, not to speak of Sicily, does not the province of Bolzano? “.” to us, however, ‘we do not pay to get angry, but we get paid to solve problems. “
Bronzes Riace, the ‘caught’ jewelry 44 years ago by a sub

The visit ‘so the opportunity for an ad the A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria, will be’ completed within the year and inaugurated on December 22 . In the month of July , continued the prime minister, it will be ‘made a new survey on highway construction sites and on that occasion he will speak’ also of interventions for the Ionian highway 106. While for the Strait Bridge ” certainly ‘to our attention but first we have to complete more’ important works such as the Salerno-Reggio Calabria and the situation with regard to the links, for example the high speed ‘Napoli-Palermo. Only after it can ‘talk of the bridge over the Strait. “And the next step, ensures, and’ broadband.
Do not miss yet another dig at” professionals of controversy “,” those who, by morning to evening, they mean more and no of all, the ones who never okay anything, those who want to tell the South only as a scene of crime. Then there are those who, very modestly, with all their limitations, with all the difficulties ‘, they try to tell you’. In this Italian saying is’ I wish to join the courage and determination of the Calabrian people. “
Renzi insists:” I wish there was a commitment to those who do not can not ‘more’, who to speak ill of Italy lives in the world no. With all due respect, with all the humility ‘, with all the necessary courage, today inaugurated a museum, today signed two pacts, but today, most of all, I think we need to give Italy the space that you want to say’ to the future. Say in an archaeological museum and ‘even more’ beautiful ’cause this past makes sense only if we will be able to invest in the future. “
A passage is dedicated to the fight against’ Ndrangheta . “the battle against crime ‘and not’ won, so we are in the front row with the judges, with security forces, with the living forces of society ‘civil fighting against the’ Ndrangheta,” assures.
After Reggio Calabria, the premier stops in Catania. “Catania and ‘a city’ beautiful I just visited from above, squares, churches, the relationship with the Roman and Greek culture. And once you think in this theater culture and how much and ‘our country great. A country of extraordinary beauty. The word pride must once again take up the dictionary of politics. The pride of being Italian because this word ‘was little used, “says just arrived at the Teatro Massimo Bellini, and even in the city’ Etna, Renzi get to sign, with Enzo Bianco mayor, Pact for Catania.

In his speech, Renzi ranges from migrant terrorism . “Africa and ‘the continent with the highest growth rate. Some countries have a growth rate higher than in other countries of South East Asia. If we equip Italy for a real dialogue with the Mediterranean, if we can make the Mediterranean the heart of the new Europe, we will realize that this is’ the practical way to prevent our brothers and sisters die at sea, “he says. While in About the attacks, he observed: “Those who killed Charlie, at the Bataclan, in Brussels, are not people from elsewhere, but been born, raised, educated in our European schools. In whole sections of our community ‘and’ lost the sense of identity ‘. Where missing a meeting place indentitario, and ‘more’ easy that any dangerous. “” That ‘situations happening internationally called cultural issue at stake: if Italy – when adding not do’ never miss the its commitment, and ‘also because’ what ‘and’ happened in recent months in Europe is not ‘just a problem that comes from the outside, but it’ s a problem that arises in our suburbs. “
the last stage of Renzi and ‘ Palermo , the tram depot of Roccella, Brancaccio, for the signing of the pact for the city’. a crowd greets him inside the building, a sign of the new public policy of mobility ‘town. Before arriving, Prime Minister pays tribute to Pio La Torre, the Communist Party leader killed by the Sicilian Mafia 34 years ago , in the place of the attack, via Li Muli. present, among others, the president of the Ars Giovanni Ardizzone, the governor Rosario Crocetta, mayor Leoluca Orlando and the prefect Antonella De Miro.
“Today we brought a flower in place of the ambush in Pio La Torre to say that the fight against crime ‘was organized, the mafia, against all forms of illegality’, not ‘a priority’ of each other, but for all Italians and should be a battle that must unite all good people “, he underlines Renzi, that” in the short story in our martyrs there ‘the challenge for the future, for freedom ‘. We have to live up to our responsibility’. “

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