Monday, April 18, 2016

Failed referendum on drills: the quorum is not there. Stravincono the yes – The Republic

Rome – The quorum in the referendum on the drills was not achieved: only has voted 32,19% of voters (final data, amounts to 15,806,788 citizens who went to the polls in a total of 50,675,406 eligible) and then the consultation is not valid. so needless to the clear victory of the Yes between those who went to espirmere their vote (13,334,764, equal all’85,84 percent): the extraction of oil and gas activities within 12 miles of the coast will continue until ‘depletion of the reservoir, for already active licenses.


the premier Matteo Renzi commented hot the result: “the government is among the winners. the winners are engineers and workers, workers of the platforms”, but “utmost respect for all Italians went to vote, though they have voted. Who votes never loses. “

Then he attacked the promoters of the referendum:” But there are losers, have names and surnames. are those councilors and some presidents of the region who wanted to ride this referendum for personal needs. For the needs of internal counts from someone. It shows that the demagogic does not pay. “

the governor of Puglia Michele Emiliano , one of the main promoters face Yes, the governor of Puglia, promises that the movement will continue to fight against the drills and replied to Renzi saying that the vote was still “a success” with 14 millions of voters. They are “the same votes that the Democratic Party has taken in its largest election result, which are Europe’s two years ago – he observed – the government will have to take this into account.” It emphasizes the positive aspect of the millions of voters who voted Yes even the 5 Star Movement with a post on the blog of Beppe Grillo: “With over 15 million citizens who have said YES to democracy and a future with clean seas, renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable tourism! they are many and they fought a battle to be heroes of democracy. “

oN SOCIAL / charcoal (Pd) tweets” #ciaone “is controversy – Photo

Even at 19 it was clear that the quorum was a mirage. At that time he was only attended by 23.48% of voters. At 12 he was at an altitude of 8.3%, a percentage that had raised hopes the front for the Yes you could reach that 50% plus one of voters needed to validate the vote.

L ‘turnout in the regions. Basilicata was the Italian region that has recorded the highest turnout, with 50.5%, the only region to exceed the quorum. And only province to exceed 50% share was Matera, with just over 53% (Power stopped at 49%). Also in Puglia – very region to issue drilling, with Emiliano governor among the major promoters of Yes – the turnout is above the Italian average, although it stops just over 40%. In Veneto, the turnout was 37.9%.

Black shirt the influx in Trentino Alto Adige, shortly Region affected by the theme drilling at sea: here the turnout has stopped at 23.8 %. But also the regions of Campania and Calabria, although the sea they have it, they voted recently (rispettivemente 25.9% and 26.4%).

Everything is played on a number: 25,393. 171. Were voters who had to go and vote because the referendum was valid. A goal that was reached ever more rarely in the referendum: we are far from quell’87% of the 1974 divorce referendum since 1997 (with the exception of 2011, for public voting on the water) the quorum was not more reached.

Among the overseas voters, the turnout was even lower. 782,709 voters have voted by mail, accounting for 19.81%. This was announced by the Foreign Ministry, noting that in Europe the percentage of envelopes returned to the seats of the total of sent parcels is 19.4%, in South America by 21.5%, for the North and Central America the figure is 17 , 91% while in the Africa-Asia-Oceania division the percentage is 16.56%.
On what is voted. The voters were called to say, in essence, if they wanted that “when the concessions expire, is apprehended deposits in activities in Italian territorial waters although there is still gas or oil?”.

it was a referendum: in case of victory of the Yes (or Yes to the cancellation of a part of the law that the extension “for the term of the useful life of the oil field, in compliance with safety standards and environmental protection” ) concessions for facilities of oil and gas within twelve miles of the coast would not be renewed.

With the failure of the referendum (which is equivalent to a no victory) the rule remains in force so com ‘it is, that the mining will continue until all of the oil field.


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