Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Referendum reforms, deposited the signatures of the majority and the opposition – Il Sole 24 Ore

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This article was published April 20, 2016 at 24:21.
the last change is the April 20, 2016 at 14:40 hours.

the fastest were the opposition parties (M5s, Sel, League and Forza Italy) , which today mid-morning filed at the Registry of the Court of Cassation 103 signatures of senators who do not share the constitutional reform (beyond 65 requests), gathered yesterday afternoon at palazzo Madama to activate the referendum procedure under ‘ Article 138 of the Constitution. Following were the majority groups in the House to hand over to the Supreme Court signatures of parliamentarians to request the referendum on constitutional reforms.

In Cassation signatures majority deputies, senators sled deposit
The leaders of the majority in the House – Maurizio Lupi (Ap), Lorenzo Dellai (Des-Cd) and Ettore Rosato (Pd) – led to the Supreme Court in the early afternoon 237 signatures of deputies of the majority to request the referendum on constitutional reform. Due to a slight indisposition of one of the three delegates, the president of the group Ap Renato Schifani, the delegation of the majority senators who voted for the constitutional reform has decided to postpone the next few days the deposit of the signatures collected in support of the referendum. Even the opposition parties in the House have a quorum for the referendum on constitutional reforms required, collecting signatures of 166 deputies. The quorum of 126 deputies was equal to 1/5 of the House Assembly.

No Reform Committee, which kicks off April 25 collecting referendum signatures
The Committee for the No has decided to collect signatures to get the constitutional referendum “because he wants to live in the future referendum campaign not only the presence of some in Parliament has spoken out against this deformation of the Constitution – reads a note – but mainly aims to make people feel strongly the will of the citizens. ” On banquets for the collection of signatures will be three modules: one to get the constitutional referendum, two for the repeal of the fundamental rules of the electoral law (the majority premium and locked candidates). And this from the symbolic date of 25 April, 71st anniversary of the Liberation.



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