Rome – Do not have passed in the Senate the two motions of no confidence in the government. For the first, presented by M5s, the yes were 96 while no 183. No abstained. The other motion, presented by the MPs of Forza Italy, Cor and the League was defeated with 180 no and 93 yes.
First of two votes on motions of censure, Matteo Renzi had responded to opposition procedures. The President of the Council, also supported by the statements of the former President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano, has defended the actions of the government talking about the respect of the commitments made, the position against “barbarism of justicialism”, the story of power that still remains open. “This Parliament is doing what it had pledged to do and this government is meeting the commitments it taken with the Parliament,” he said Renzi replicating in particular the motion of Forza Italy which accused the government of not being capable of doing what they had pledged to do. “We are not on the contents of agreement – said Renzi – but it is impossible to deny that the arguments of the keynote speech have been successfully addressed by Parliament and the Government: constitutional reform, election law, the measures on taxes that are not pretty for some or for others are wrong but they see the bonus 80 euro, IMU and Tasi first house, Irap on labor costs. If this government had obligations towards the Parliament resulting from the vote of confidence, he rispettatti them: you can not share in about but have become law. and there are others: PA., Good school, international cooperation and the many measures related to the third sector. “
” the case is not closed by power. “ Renzi has returned to speak of the judiciary and of the power of surveys that have never come to judgment: “I respect the judgments of the courts, not the tissues that break the confidentiality of investigations. I hope that when you come to judgment, do not attack the judiciary but respect the Constitution: a notice has been for over 20 years as a final sentence. Lives of decent people were destroyed, but a warrant was never a conviction and that’s why we will not ask the resignation of the director of the Movement 5 Stars in Livorno, because we believe in the presumption of innocence. This country has known figures of heroes judges who have lost their lives but also, in the last 25 years of authentic barbarism pages linked to justicialism. “The story of power, says Renzi,” is not closed, the sentences must arrive early. ”
“Just justicialism.” “as a citizen, I think that when a judge is put in working condition must be accompanied by supporting not against criticism, but when you get to my judgment ergo the side of justice against justicialism that only makes victims and does not help the country, “he continued the Prime Minister. in the investigation of power” there is no possibility of corruption for the government. The only criminal affair that there will be, will be the one to which we will call towards the Democratic Party, so we ask you to waive immunity, and we will see who is convicted or not. “Renzi advocates for the defense of jobs:” There are 400 people from tomorrow in layoffs, employees Eni Viggiano. There are thousands of people who risk their jobs in Basilicata “, and” if there was not a sacrosanct battle in defense of Fiat Chrysler Melfi there would be more. “
“We will close five coal plants.” Renzi again touches the themes of energy, renewable and environment: ” With Enel we close five coal plants in this term, without losing any place I work because Enel is committed to redevelop all the working men and women of those realities. ” “We are leaders in renewable energy and we will be able to be a leader in the path to the 2020-2030 targets”
The motions. There were two motions of no confidence in the government Renzi: the first document was signed by the Movement 5 stars, the second was signed instead by Fi, the Northern League, Cor. Both asked the Executive mistrust in relation to art.94 of the Constitution and 161 of the Rules of the Senate (one of the center it also engages the resignation). With regard to the meeting the general discussion and the voting declarations in relation to the two motions have been common, but at the end we proceeded to two separate votes with a nominal calling senators. The substance of the vote, beyond any consideration, “worth the device”, ie irrespective of the reasons it is a vote in favor or against the government.
Cricket: “#sfiduciamoli” . the M5s has ridden the “oil” scandal to support the vote in the Senate on the motions of no confidence in the opposition to the entire Renzi government. “Today the Senate will vote no confidence in the Government proposed by M5S. #Sfiduciamoli. To take care of the citizens, not the lobby” was the title of the post on the blog of Beppe Grillo, who has also relaunched on Twitter. Because “there are a million reasons to sfiduciarli”.
Pd: “Motions destined for defeat.” they did not wait for the reaction of the Democratic Party: “the no-confidence motion we are debating today in the Senate is yet another manifestation of propaganda meaningless and doomed to failure,” said the chairman of the defense committee in the Senate dem Nicola Latorre. “At a time when the country should focus on large problems, starting from emergency refugee – he added -, there are those who continue to make propaganda. We have the task of governing the country.” This was echoed by the Democratic Party Senator Francesco Scalia: “Cricket announces the charge for the ritual of no confidence in the government Renzi today in the Senate. Another case of #vinciamopoi. The defeat in defeat,” he wrote on Twitter.
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