no sign of fade confrontation regarding the reform of self-defense , on the back to the Commission for Justice, after yesterday is back in the Chamber to the Chamber unfortunately without achieving any results. strong contrasts emerged inside the majority, after the amendments to the penal code they have not found the agreement between the Democratic Party.
to ask for further study ‘was popular area who would like to enter the text in the current specific rules for the protection of minori.Tra the harshest reactions referral back to Judiciary Committee there was to Daniela Santanchè l in which he stated that he could not justify “this constant flight from the Parliament, this does not want to discuss an important issue for Italian citizens because the Democratic Party absolutely want to make it clear that the safety of Italian citizens is something that does not care absolutely nothing” .
the reform was founded on the initiative of the Northern League who asked to amend Article 52 of the criminal code since according to the League the legitimate defense It must always be recognized for who surprised a burglar in your home or in your ufficio.Nel examination in committee, yesterday the Democratic Party has, however, presented an amendment that modifies the text, going this way to act not on the 52 but article 59 of the criminal Code and this has infuriated the League not only withdrew the signatures to the bill but has presented another . “Any person who commits an act” for refusing entry, by tampering or against the will ‘of the owner, by force or threat of use of weapons by the person misrepresented or more’ united people, private home, or anywhere else where it is exercised an activity ‘trade, profession or business “, that’s what basically supported by the League, and that’s what you ask with the change to the law.
the text of the Democratic Party, however, as anticipated aims to amend Article 59. “ E ‘always excluded the fault of the person who lawfully present in a home, use weapon lawfully held against the aggressor, if they occur at the same time two conditions: if an error in assessing the situation of danger and ‘consequence of “a serious mental disturbance, and if it’ was caused by the person against whom and ‘direct the fact “, instead because this is basically expected from the proposal of the Democratic Party.” We need a timely and exhaustive detail legislation “that avoids a Justice ‘patchy’ says the former deputy minister of Justice Ap Coast. “For us the text that’s okay,” said the head Justice of the Democratic Party David Ermini, author of the amendment by which it amends Article . 59 and excluding “ the agent’s fault that the error refers to the dangerous situation and imposed limits is a consequence of a serious psychological disturbance and is caused intentionally or negligently by the person against whom it is directed the fact.”
it’s over with Members of the League waving placards with the slogan launched by Matteo Salvini on Twitter: “the defense is always legitimate.” The President of the Assembly turn, Roberto Giachetti (Pd), is forced to ask for the intervention of the clerks, “you can not keep the signs in plenary, remove those signs.” A scatenere the protest of the Northern League is the vote that soon will mark a new referral examination Judiciary Committee of the draft law on self-defense. Reference that the House approves “to 160 votes of difference”, with the “yes” of the Democratic Party, the popular area and Italian Left. Against, in addition to the league, Forza Italy, M5s Conservatives and Reformists. “Do not you dare to address the real problems of life, frigates veins!” Screams the majority of the League’s colleagues Barbara Saltamartini. Directors of the new stalemate, this time, are the centrist Popular Area. It is them, in opening sitting, the request to return to the Commission. The party to Angelino Alfano joined the text in plenary a month after an earlier referral, do not like.
A peer name, Antonio Marotta explains that it is necessary “to strengthen self-defense” and “restrict to the maximum possibility of intervention, using subjective and arbitrary interpretation by the judge. ” All this because the measure after a raid in the Commission by the Democratic Party, is no longer involved on Article 52 of the Criminal Code – ie on self-defense, as per the original proposal of the League – but on Article 59 or on “circumstances attenuate or exclude it. ” In this case “a serious mental disturbance” by those who shoot in a “dangerous situation.” A disturbance, objects Marotta, who “must be assessed by the magistrate and then we come back another time there where we were.” The opposite of what they expect centristi.Per words of Enrico Costa, Minister of Regional Affairs and Family, “a clear rule, punctual, precise defining what is lawful and what is unlawful.” It is the former Deputy Minister of Justice, on the same input Alfano, to lead the opposition to the current wording of the reform Ap: “The protection of the family is an essential point.” The Democratic Party does not seem real to take more time on an issue that, in addition to split the government forces, is a workhorse for the center.
So David Ermini, majority speaker, expressed “favorable opinion “postponement. Shortly after Walter Verini repeated that the issue of security “can not be addressed forgetting any proportionality between offense and legitimate defense.” And then the real emergency, adds the leader, Ettore Rosato, “it is not the change of the law on self-defense, but unlocking the Senate of the complex of laws on judicial reform.” So yet another postponement, amid protests of the center, it becomes reality. “It is unacceptable that for the second time in self-defense can not be discussed in this House!” Attacks Maximilian Fedriga, leader of the Northern League. The fittiano Massimo Corsaro updates the accounting stalemate: “This proposal is lying on the Commission for more than six months. Verini come and explain everything except the need to make further reflections “. For the League is proof that the majority wants to “cover up” the reform. In a “normal country”, urges Salvini, such a trivial proposal – “legitimate defense is always legitimate” – “would be approved in a quarter of an hour.” Instead it comes “yet another proof that the government and part of Parliament prefer the criminals, they are friends of the offenders.” The bill provides for the League’s Nicola Molteni, shadow rapporteur, “there will come out by the Commission. There is a political split in the majority. ” Does not see cosìMaurizio Wolves, parent DiAP “IlParlamento can make a good law.” In committee Justice could go on stage a rapprochement between centrists and Forza Italy. “It is necessary to find an agreement,” opens Maurizio Gasparri (FI).
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