Thursday, May 12, 2016

civil unions, what it will cost the right to the survivor? – L’Unione Sarda

The right to a pension for those who decide to join civilly could cost much more than expected from the general accounting office, at least in the long run.

Following the approval of the law on unions civilians, the so-called draft bill Cirinnà, begins the controversy on this right cost, that allows you to get a child support if the partner or the partner’s death.

STATEMENTS OF SACCONI – For the Chairman of the Committee of the Senate Maurizio Sacconi, the costs of this right “are imponderables”, we must recalculate the covers. While not talking about a precise figure, Sacconi, in his statement, has added the expenditure on survivors’ benefits deriving from the bond of marriage (40 billion euro) to which could arise from the extension of this right to those who join civilly .

STATEMENTS OF BOERI – It is different calculation made by INPS, the national pension fund led by Tito Boeri. “There is an impact on the accounts, as is bound to be, but it is in the order of a few hundred million euro and is therefore sustainable,” said the president. “Costs are not so unbearable – said Boeri – we sorted German experience because its legislation is similar to Italian. We have provided some elements of assessment to the parliamentary committee, but the costs are not sustainable.” But those few hundred million?

COSTS KNOWN – Our law obliges the government and Parliament to find the funding for all the laws that will result in charges for State. According to the calculation made by the Ministry of Economy, the cost of this right will be 2025 of 6.1 million euro. This is the only cost for 2025 and the years to follow, the allowance survivor law. The annual cost to all the rights granted to those who will join civilly will be 22.7 million euro per year by 2025. Hence to ten years, however, the state has provided an expenditure of 131 million euro. So what calculations referred the president of INPS, Tito Boeri?

The CLARIFICATION OF THE PRESIDENCY INPS – “The costs for social security spending are to calculate the long term – is to know the INPS Presidency – and President Tito Boeri was referring to a projection by 2050 if not 2060 “. The couple, in fact, tend to marry at a young age, “is therefore not possible to have an accurate estimate of how much you can spend in the long run. Moreover, the feedback of the INPS study (which was not disclosed, ed ) are also attributable to the tendency of homosexual couples “to come out once the institution of civil unions to be socially accepted. “Definitely will be revised coverage of this law with the passing of years,” they say the Presidency INPS

HOW MUCH IT WILL COST THIS RIGHT? – The forecasts are forecasts, may be right or wrong. Much or little. What is certain is that by law the state must turn his gaze to finance ten years following approval of the law. The 2016 estimated expenditure is 100 thousand Euros, to arrive at an estimated cost of 6.1 million Euros in 2025. We just have to wait.

Edward Garibaldi


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