Rome – Following the approval of the bill on civil unions, the president of the Council Matteo Renzi vindicates the decision to place trust on the law. “The trust is used to see if you can go faster in Parliament but also a risk: it means to say ‘on this thing I play the face of the government, because if it does not work I go home’” said Renzi in registration for door to door . “Whenever the rights of same-sex couples has made a law that became a beautiful object of discussion but no matter parliamentary election. But now finally things get. The law is balanced, compromise, not everyone can rejoice” .
“the negative attitude of the church was widely expected. I am Catholic, but I swore on the Constitution and not the Gospel” said Renzi. “If you are convinced that something is right, you do it. And if you have to pay the consequences in electoral terms, match it. The things that we do are doing, regardless of the risk of losing support. The connection with the constitutional referendum I find strange, but respectable. “
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Among the new rules there is also the reversibility of pensions for gay couples, so a burden on INPS accounts but the president of ‘institution Tito Boeri reassures: “there is an impact on the accounts, and it is inevitable that there is, but it is in the order of a few hundred million euro and is therefore sustainable.”
Boeri stressed , at the presentation of Honeycomb Report on helping cancer patients, that “there is definitely an increase in costs for the system, but not of the magnitude that was feared. We have provided” explained the president of INPS ” some elements of the evaluation committee and the costs have not proved so high. they are sustainable. we are in fact aligned to the German, because German law was similar to the Italian one. “
in the new law it was not addressed the issue of stepchild adoption and deputy Michela Marzano has resigned from the Democratic party in the House, but remain in parliament as a deputy, criticized the position taken by the party on civil unions. A decision that had already been announced in February, when the law on civil unions was passed without including the possibility of adoption of the son of the deputy-sex couples partner would leave the party. Confirming his inflexibility on the point in an interview with Republic on the eve of the decisive vote in the House, where he still expressed his “yes” civil unions because it would be “a crime not to.”
on the stepchild Renzi clarifies during the transmission of Bruno Vespa: “If a law on adoptions had been able to do in this term we would have already done, we’ll see if we can do between now and 2018. Now it is premature understand if the numbers are there or not, in this Parliament so far there were no. “
in general,” I’d like deideologizzare the theme of adoptions. there are a lot of children alone, a lot of couples heterosexuals who would like to adopt but have a very cumbersome system of procedures, where you often have to know someone and it’s not fair. I’d like to discuss calmly, reflecting for the good of the child “. However, “now we value what we have done”, that the law on civil unions.
Meanwhile League, WiFi, Idea, part of the People’s Gym, Brothers of Italy back together to share the battle against unions civilians. In a press conference at Montecitorio deputies and senators have announced the creation of a committee chaired by Eugenia Roccella, former spokesman of the first Family Day, for the referendum request on the part of the bill governing civil unions if the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, who has the final say, decides to enact the law.
the Catholic newspaper “Avvenire” from its columns does not seem in line with the position of the center-right parties “a wrong law”, the front page of the final approval of the bill the daily entrusting his comment in an editorial of the jurist Francesco D’Agostino, in turn entitled “Now and resilience.” The lawyer, on the face of the “definitive assimilation ‘egalitarian’ of gay marriages in marital those” calls to refer to the slogan “resist, resist, resist” but noted that “do not appear perspective – evoked by some – of a referendum battle to abolish totally the new law nor to appeal to conscientious objection of those who will be called to record (not to celebrate, as some would claim) the planned civil unions and regulated under the law: that is not the main road along which to develop a ‘commitment against’ no, ‘for’ family and ‘for’ a humanism that preserves the originality of the person. “
Even the cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi , President of the Pontifical Culture Council of the Vatican, not excommunicated the new law on civil unions. The state is “his part” and
engages in “choices that are specific” but “do not forget your family.” It approaches the new measure with an attitude of greater understanding than those who had harsh words. “There are different views, and it is right that the state must do its part,” says the ‘Minister of Culture’ of the Vatican, at the presentation of the project ‘House Italy Paralympics in Rio 2016′. We would like all of us to commit itself more to the family, but we also say that the state makes choices that are his own. “

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