It has been found dead in a canal in Mantova child of six years old Indian died Wednesday afternoon in the town of Guidizzolo. The body of the little was found during the night in a siphon in Virgil channel by firefighters. To retrieve the body were the divers.
The research of Jashan, son of an Indian couple, have involved police and about 200 volunteers have gone on all night. The child had been seen for the last time on Wednesday afternoon in the center near the elementary schools of the country. The child was entrusted to the grandparents but in a moment eluded their surveillance and made disappear without a trace. According to the family it would not be the first time that the child is away from home, only to be found after a short time. This time, the absence was prolonged too much and there are fears for his fate. The research, to which the fire brigade, have been extended also participate outside the country, in rural areas where there are numerous ditches.
The body of the small surfaced in Marchionale channel in the territory of the municipality of Medole (Mantova), adjacent to the Guidizzolo (Mantova) around 2am last night. The channel, in Guidizzolo, flows right not far from the place, the elementary schools of the country, where the baby yesterday at 16 had been seen for the first time. At present the only hypotheses about the dynamics is that of misfortune: the baby would come too close to the shore slipping. then the current would have dragged in the countryside for a few kilometers where it was found.
The child suffered from a mild form of autism, as confirmed by the mayor of the town, Sergio Wanted, who followed the research of small up to the time of the discovery of the tiny body. “Jashan – he says – had autism and problems at school, where he attended first grade, had a special education teacher. In addition, social services of the municipality followed the family, Indian immigrants. ”
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