The rise of Stefano Parisi in Forza Italy and more generally in the center continues to cause controversy. The former CEO of Fastweb is planning to parire today at its headquarters in Rome Parioli (it prefers for now to avoid the official seat forzista or even just lean Palazzo Grazioli) a series of meetings with the coordinators and the treasurer of the blues party.
Parisi does not seem worried by minimante resentment of big blue and the stored received in recent days by Matteo Salvini. The League leader who has returned to the invitation to the convention organized by former candidate for mayor of Milan Parisi scheduled for mid-September in Milan (officially because in conjunction with the Northern League rally in Pontida) has no intention to take part in the rebirth of the center-right moderate sauce as they want instead Parisi, but especially Silvio Berlusconi, one of its main sponsors.
It is indeed the Knight to have entrusted the task of reshaping the manager Forza Italy glimpsing profile former manager the man to regroup the galaxy of the moderates, it said the pin of a future coalition. The projects of the leader of Forza Italy, however, are not the same Salvini that no accident returns to attack head
Berlusconi accusing, without mincing words, of being responsible for the split in the coalition: “If someone has divided the center-right and wanted to lose, that’s Berlusconi”, accuses the leader of the League by the party’s party going on in Cervia. Words that highlight the nervousness of the League’s Secretary who in addition to having to deal with Parisi
must cope with bad feelings even within his party.
If the first model to the former Milan manager is rejected by the leaders
League ( “I have sewed their mouths, I ignored it, and half the voters stayed home,” he says talking about the outcome of the administrative capital of Lombardy), the same can not be said for another big Carroccio as Roberto Maroni. The governor of Lombardy, in fact, has made no secret of watching with attention and interest in the projects to which works the former CEO of Fastweb. And the same Giorgia Meloni, as reported today by the Journal, is preparing a farewell Lepenist alliance with the League. A distinction that weighs in the League also in anticipation of the party congress scheduled in December. That’s why without quoting him directly, Salvini does not spare even a jab Maroni: “If someone wants to go with Alfano can not stay in the League.”
What the People Area is one of the interlocutors who looks to piece together the center is obvious. Today, in an interview to the press, Angelino Alfano says it is working on a national assembly to give life to the new political entity of the moderates. “It will do in September – announced the leader Ncd -. We want to build a new subject that gives
representing millions of Italians. We are working with many
territorial movements. ” “It will not be an aggregation of acronyms and management teams – ensures the leader of the New Centre-Right -. We will turn to
those voters from the center who do not want to go behind Salvini and Casapound. And that does not resign themselves to an electoral challenge that sees players only Pd and 5 Stars “.
‘The attempt to Parisi – does so knowing Alfano – can have a good outcome if you will be consecrated by the primary, and if it the lepenisti in to do no harm. Lupi has always had an eye toward that direction, and other founders of our party friends, as Lorenzin and Cicchitto, have always shown particular concern. ”
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