Monday, August 1, 2016

Forza Italy: Toti, the fatted calf sacrificed on the altar of Parisi – The Daily

From the rooms of Region Liguria leaked the news of a Giovanni Toti pretty furious at the drastic called into line by the lord and master Berlusconi , which has planed away with one fell swoop aspirations to play a national role as leader and the system of alliances based on which the conquest of the centrality to the right.

After having danced for one season merengue new federative of all junk policy nimrod – the Santanché Calderoli – must have been hard for the governor of Liguria, born in Versilia and heart in Cologno Monzese, knowing confined to a marginal territory and having to engage in something that even ignores the basics: administer. Above all, it sounds strident be overtaken at the top by one Stefano Parisi , whose politics recipes are identical to their (put together a coalition alfaniani to the leaguers ); with the small detail that in Liguria he has won while in Milan not. In short, a loser clone .

Why this sudden Horse Exchange , decided that Arcore?

Answer the question it can offer useful information on the entire policy framework and movements in place. Accelerated from ‘ appointment referendum autumn. How, on the other hand, it shows the sudden change in the direction of Free – by Maurizio Belpietro critic of the constitutional reform / electoral Woods-Renzi , renziano to complement Victor Felts – not least the stunts in Rai to cover all the newspapers of the house with Pasdaran “yes” .

Here – so – why the gear in racing at the top of Forza Italy: Toti gave increasing signs of scandalous independence , highlighted by the oppositional tune with the government with anti-renziani declared Renato Brunetta and Paolo Romani , the lepenisti amatriciana (and cassoeula) Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini .

Instead the chirpy former general director of Confindustria Parisi ensures increased flexibility and knowledge of compatibility to be sailed man of the world. Ie, can guarantee to master the resumption of consociational line (inciuciesca / Nazarene) with Premier Renzi. This shows that – beyond the playacting – the Berlusconi on Sunset Boulevard is aware of being under slap corporate level by the government (read Renzi). No coincidence it was the company party Felice Confalonieri to push for a restructuring of the political matters that would save what can be saved of the business; already damaged by a Bolloré (Vivendi) that moves to Berlusconi.

On the other side, this also signals the growing nervousness of the Prime Minister, with respect to the presumed outcomes the referendum . And unscrupulous pressures to 360 degrees which is exerting (together with the propaganda campaign , between the terrorist and the insane, which is committed to spur beat the Woods minister) demonstrate that polls reserved in its possession are not at all reassuring.

More generally, placements in place provide us with important indications orography in gestation in the political scene: if the redesign of the State object of the month of November consultation promotes post-democratic order tends to democratura , with which the guild politics and its partners armored their control over the company (executive preeminence , or rather the premiership, the other powers; reduction of electoral control over public organization), what is coagulating around Renzi is a real order to block the privilege protection. In other times it would be called the “right” (with apologies for 5S and their rudimentary political science instruments that reject the cultural-ideal distinction).

It is therefore normal that Berlusconi is affected by the recall (over that blackmail) operation: dog eat dog . And as a token of good faith you sacrifice the fatted calf Toti , to celebrate the arrival of a tireless servant of power whatever , be it capitalism or relational careerist politician, which the Parisi.


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