Monday, August 1, 2016

Roma, if waste: Rays defends Muraro. Sparks with the Democratic Party on Waste – The Messenger

Mayor Viriginia Rays explained in the Giulio Cesare del Campidoglio the guidelines of 5 Stars. Among sparks Rays and the Democratic Party on the case Muraro . “The administration of Roma Capitale suffers a deficit of transparency, an image of a dull and by citizens fall of confidence,” said Ray. For Rays ‘citizens’ involvement becomes the first target for the rebuilding of a community identity, especially to create consensus and collaboration necessary for actions that are clearly breaking with the existing interests. “

The clash with the Democratic Party. the leader of the Democratic Party at the Capitol Michela Di Biase has asked to hear the deputy Paola Muraro. Request rejected by the City Council President Marcello De Vito. “It is surprising the decision of the President of the House of the possibility of not allowing us to ask alderman to shed light on his 12 years of consulting Ama – says Di Biase -. It would be many questions that we wanted to do so to the mayor who has the task of governing the city, but also has a duty to deal with the opposition. The M5S asks honesty and transparency and then shy away from the debate. “

” The Democratic Party that I represent – adds Di Biase – would like to know what role he played in the commissioner loves for 12 years, with the money of salaried Romans. When she worked in the municipal, the mayor Ray and I would still at university. What was he doing? He has had other assignments of any kind with other public or private companies in the waste sector? It exists and what the content of this dossier with cryptic language threatened to make public? The commissioner has advised under Veltroni, German mayors, Marino and now councilor with the Rays and has seen governments Berlusconi II, III Berlusconi, Prodi II, Monti, Letta and Renzi. It is always here. We are not interested to know who has done his milioncino. But we can ask her to know that he did for Rome? “.

Transportation . “The resources for such a radical reform of the public transport will also get a serious fight fare evasion to be achieved through more widespread use of the technologies and a serious retraining of redundant staff in the audit staff, the managers and supervisors rationalization , and, finally, gradually introducing the obligation of the front slope exclusively if bearing the

” It will progressively implement in all cars automatic systems for the control of attendance. They will be studied and encouraged solutions to encourage commuting through tax-free subscriptions. The ticketing system will then gradually migrate to systems already in use in other European cities and not, as the London oyster card “.

” The lack of metropolitan networks, tramways and roads of the capital is one of the most symptomatic elements of an imbalance between Rome and abroad. It is important to approach the revolution, changing the root of the criterion of selection of the works, which should be transparent and shared. They will be prepared the Urban Mobility Plan

 Sustainable and in line with other programming tools, a multi-year infrastructure plan that

 identify the most urgent interventions in accordance with the criteria of safety, sustainability, accessibility and affordability. “

” In addition to intervene in those areas of urban planning that may allow an increase in speed

 commercial means, you will have to prepare a new business plan, which addresses the whole governance of Atac in dealing with issues related to personnel reorganization, debt servicing, the tendering process. Will develop a new hierarchy of the surface network, based mainly continued on citizens’ travel needs “.

Administrative Barter. ” Small libraries, theaters, cultural centers that remain closed by inertia or difficulty or close for various reasons, but also because of the inability to make ends meet. We must reverse the trend. They lose out available to the community soon the sites on which you are invested, and just waiting to get back to living like the Cultural Center Elsa Morante or Cinema Aquila, Teatro Valle. It will act also on all fronts, including the reduction of the weight of municipal charges in relation to a contribution to the promotion of cultural life in the neighborhoods in which they operate. With the administrative barter, with specific provisions, you will find the most balanced forms to recognize the value of work of those who contribute to the cultural growth of the Romans, in budgetary compatibility ‘.

Waste . A separate collection “push” an island green in every town hall and mini-islands in neighborhoods

 and finally the opening of the materials selection centers. These are some of the main points of the recipe on waste mayor. “The policy for the management of municipal waste in Rome Capital will be based on the first three steps of the European hierarchy: reduce, reuse and recovery of materials.” “The objectives are necessarily pursued by adopting the following concepts: prevention and reduction of waste; waste collection and recycling; monitoring and control; Ama ‘management.

“There should be a progressive reduction in the production of mixed waste through a recycling push the encouragement of timely charging, or more recycling the less you pay.” Specifically Rays provides “the efficiency of the collection to five fractions: the waste is separated in home mode (so-called door-to-door) in susceptible urbanistically municipalities – the collection will cover paper, plastic and metal, organic waste, glass, green waste and prunings. The municipalities will carry out the unsuitable wet dry collection “.

Also provided” the opening of the selection centers of the materials can be separated from the dry multi-material (plastic-iron) recyclable materials that have, still, an economic value, the construction of at least an island green in every town hall and mini neighborhood ecological islands to meet the needs of citizens “but also” strengthening the capacity of bio-waste treatment, through regional processing facilities in agricultural areas to the use of compost at 0 km, for the production of products for fair trade. “

” the prevention of waste production will have to be implemented through a cultural journey

 awareness and information to citizens on reducing waste, minimizing the disposable in commercial activities / canteens / schools / offices. It must also be prepared a municipal regulation at

 events that provide for arrangements for the use of biodegradable dishes as to give directly to composting. Will, also, important to encourage citizens through the creation of an award for the best performing municipalities that

 produce less waste. Another objective will be to reduce the production of packaging waste with the spread

 of products on tap, the vacuum to make and use the tap water. In particular, this will be done in two ways: returnable for merchants and incentives to merchants, through discounts on Tari, so that you use products on tap; Public Water, agreements for the use of public water in the canteen / school / public office. “

” It will be also planned to open repair and reuse centers, able to extend the life profit of

 consumer products, through the implementation of agreements with existing networks and associations in the used sector. Last aspect to be implemented will be to create initiatives to reduce food waste

 through: the recovery of non-food products sold; incentives for the donation of the chain surplus

 agricultural and food with specific program agreements ( “Law of the Good Samaritan”); enhancement of the used market. “

Love. ” Roma Capitale must proceed with the reorganization of Ama under the auspices of the mayor and the Councillor responsible but at the same time, Roma Capitale and the mayor must reclaim, claim and reclaim the address operational role and the 51% majority shareholder vigilance and due to Acea service city. “

” Love, recklessly, not in recent years it is equipped with the necessary plant infrastructure offering, then, in fact, opportunities to private groups and ACEA to fit in just loves activity. In fact, Love has been relegated to play mere collection, transhipment, transport and waste to landfill, with huge endowment costs for containers, vehicles and means. “

” The actual numbers of Ama are over EUR 600 million of debt, of which 200 million to suppliers, more than 35 million euro per year to the pool of banks that sustains; 250 million costs for the export of waste; about 7500 employees; a fleet of vehicles purchased for more than 200 million in 2009 and 2010 “. “The company has to pay, in addition, higher manufacturing costs per ton treated and per tonne Separate Waste Collection conferred and has low efficiency ratios in street cleaning and maintenance of road bins. The entire plant is suffering from Loves Park maintenance deficit for three years. “

Water . “It is proposed to respect the people’s will for a public and participatory management of water services. It will: inserting in the Rome Statute capital the concept of the “Right to Water” to ACEA ATO2 ensuring a transparent service to the citizens. “

Public Works. ” In the field urban transformations and public works was evident with the emergence of the phenomenon of Mafia capital a serious interweaving of political and business corruption. The main cause of the lack of ethics in city government is in the abandonment of the driving part of the public body transformation function. With a systematic series of zoning exceptions and with a daring use of the allocation of resources for the realization of public works has come to create a gigantic gray area where thrived the bad politics and corruption. “

“The first administration more programmatic objective will therefore be to restore transparency and legality. In the urban sector this will be shrinking to annul them all discretionary exemption institutions, such as compensation and urban planning agreements in urban variant. Even in the public works sector transparent management will be necessary, participatory, inspired by the principles of legality, economy and efficiency by initiating a cooperative relationship, already undertaken by the Administration’s technical structure, with the ANAC to be aimed at changing the procedures uniformandole race at New procurement Code and the guidelines issued by ANAC itself “.

administration. ” the Eurobarometer by the European Commission on the quality of life in cities, published in January 2016, it notes that only 26% of the Romans not trust the government and 50% say they do not trust, in general, of their fellow citizens. We find an administration Capitoline stops for a very long period in the absence of political leadership, cultural institutions in trouble, financial difficulties and inefficiencies, confusion and fragmentation due to multiple changes of direction and lack of shared strategies. “

“We find untapped skills and intelligences, inside and outside the administration, inertia and habits to change, innovation waited too long frustrated. It will act using the principle of fair and equal opportunities as a transversal mode of action of the administration. It will build a city for all and for all. Return the trust in others, in their own city government and in the future is an indispensable condition for the development and well-being is a priority of this administration. “

” The welfare of the people is at the core of the administration Capitoline , a health declined not only in economic terms, but quality of life and relationships, access to services, increased opportunities. “

architectural barriers. ” a city accessible for all is, first of all, a battle of civilizations. Roma must finally become an accessible city for all, enabling disabled people to temporary or permanent motors, the blind, visually impaired, the deaf, the elderly, families with strollers, tourists with suitcases, move freely. The theme of universal accessibility is central to the administration that will define a plan for the removal of architectural barriers (Peba) with a time schedule of interventions, within a framework of certain rules and shared with citizens. ”


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