The case Muraro inflames the Capitoline Assembly session convened to discuss the guidelines of the junta Virginia Rays. And the councilor says its on Grillo’s blog: “Many untruths have been written about me. First, I have no conflict of interest, working as a consultant is legitimate … It is up to the Romans … figure out who just to make sure that nothing changes chooses to sacrifice the city planning a real coup waste a few days after the victory of Virginia Rays. “
at the opening of the city Council session, there has been a clash between the parent company the democratic Party, Michela Di Biase, and the president of the classroom, Marcello De Vito (Movimento 5 Stelle). A trigger repartee, the story of the Environment, Paola Muraro, who has had a service contract with the Love past years to a value of about 1 million Euros. Di Biase has asked to speak on the issue, but to no avail. De Vito has in fact pointed out that the agenda included only the discussion of the program guidelines.
At the mayor controversy Rays replied with a curt:” The resignation of Muraro? But never mind, it is to ask the Democratic Party, which is frankly ridiculous. “
The wastes. The recipe for the waste problem then illustrated by classroom mayor has four lines: prevention and waste reduction, waste separation and recycling, an activity of monitoring and control and, finally, the management of Ama Spa. ray explained that the prevention of waste production “should be implemented through a cultural journey by then, awareness and information to citizens on waste reduction. “
” Love, recklessly, – continues Rays – in recent years does not have the necessary plant infrastructure – explains – providing, in fact, opportunities to private groups and ACEA to fit in just loves activity. In fact, Love has been relegated to play mere collection, transhipment, transport and waste to landfill, with huge endowment costs for containers, vehicles and means. “It also adds Rays” The actual numbers of Ama spa are: more than 600 million Euros of debt, of which 200 million to suppliers, more than 35 million euro per year to the pool of banks that sustains; 250 million costs for the export of waste; about 7500 employees; a fleet of vehicles purchased for more than 200 million in 2009 and 2010. “Applause for the mayor in the reading of the passage on Malagrotta landfill, at the center of recent controversy towns” the Malagrotta landfill was officially closed October 1, 2013 – recalled rays emphasizing each word – currently require securing and managing the post for the next thirty years by the operator, whose post operating expenses are already welded with waste rate, “said ray. and the space dedicated to the public classroom erupted applause that greeted the mayor remains serious but nodded.
transport. In his speech, Ray claimed that for public transport Roman must be “radical reform” involving a “technological revolution in the field. We aim to sustainable mobility – he underlined – and will prepare a multi-year plan for transport infrastructure. What we need is a revolution that changes for the root method the selection criterion of structural works to be executed. Will prepare an urban plan of sustainable mobility as well as a multi-year infrastructure plan. “It aims to encourage mobility of iron and muscle mobility and to encourage bike sharing and car sharing services while also providing a car sharing communal free-flowing. The mayor found that “the universal accessibility theme is central to the administration that will define a plan for the removal of architectural barriers with a trial program of interventions.” And then the fight against tax evasion: “the resources for such a radical reform public transport must also get a serious fight fare evasion to be achieved through more widespread use of the technologies and a serious retraining of redundant staff in the audit staff, the rationalization of executives and managers, and finally, gradually introducing the ‘obligation to front climb only if fitted with the
Other elements contained in the guidelines: Community funding of the control room for a” transparent management of available resources “in order to” improve ‘effectiveness. ” Realization substantial revision of procurement, with full transparency, reorganization of the offices and priority to a “widespread programming urgent Capitoline skill jobs, such as lighting and resurfacing sidewalks.” In terms culture Announces’ “turnaround”, “using available resources, reducing waste, working on attracting new” and giving back to the local community spaces “that are waiting to return to live” (Elsa Morante center, cinema Aquila, theater Valley).
and yet: the control room on EU funds (transparent and more effective); deláservizio public and participatory water management; impetus to asbestos remediation with appropriate branches in each municipality; tourism policies in the name of “maximum visibility to all corners of Rome at the lowest cost” (alternative tourist circuits, together with web operators to increase the attractiveness of Rome); protection of biodiversità- valuable feature of Roman territory – and commitment to promoting “the healthy and sustainable power against the use of land and habitat destruction”; “New impetus to local markets”, increasing the refreshment “in accordance with the law” and developing a short chain and sale of products to zero km.
Finally, the chapter of open government: aim, “placed at the basis of the
government transparency, supported by open data, focusing on participation and collaboration” and then “take into account the decisions and outcomes (accountability)”. keyword tool, the opening of a “portal of participation” Here, our portal: “a public space to enable the processes of participation and active citizenship as petitions, best practices, ideas, proposals”.
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