Wednesday, November 23, 2016

De Luca: the Mafia boss asks the public Prosecutor of Naples on the pressures to the statutory auditors for the Yes. – The Republic

“The Antimafia Commission, unanimously, has asked me to request urgent information to the public Prosecutor of the Republic of Naples in relation to any ongoing investigations, records and documents acquired and the position of the parties involved, to verify the conditions for the initiation of an inquiry by our Commission, that of course are related to the theme mafia. We have always acted in this way to start our investigations and we will use the same method”. So the president of the anti-Mafia Rosy Bindi, on the each other De Luca, referring to the audio in which De Luca, recorded without h is knowledge in a closed-door meeting, inviting 300 mayors to farvotare, “Yes”, recalling the investments of the government Renzi pe Campania.

it is the second case involving the governor of Campania after the video off the air to the Matrix, where you could go to the heavy considerations in respect of the same Bindi.

Bindi has made it clear, at the opening of today’s session of the commission, that the request has arrived at the office of the presidency on the part of the groups Gal, Fi, Lega, the Italian Left, the M5S. And clash, on this story, between Pd and Five Stars in the anti-Mafia. “No one asked in the office of the presidency,” says the senator, Franco Mirabelli, the parent company of the Democrats – the convocation of De Luca, and there is no investigation opened by the Mafia on him. As always, he adds, faced with a request of the opposition to open an investigation, the commission unanimously voted for the mandate to the president to verify the existence of the dossiers opened by the Prosecutor of Naples. The rest is propaganda – ends Mirabelli – the obvious attempt to manipulate each other in view of the referendum”.

“An act of shameful – meet in a joint note of the members M5S of the Antimafia. The governor of the Campania admits to make use of the voting patronage and instigates the statutory auditors of the Pd to use this method to win the referendum. It would be important – still – that the anti-Mafia opened a fact-finding investigation and to summon the minister of the Interior. Instead it was decided only to ask for information to the public Prosecutor of Naples. This is the real situation of the political class of the Pd”.

While he blows, the storm, De Luca finds the time to whip up a “curtain” with the fishermen in the port of Pozzuoli, in the course of an official ceremony (the report is “posted” by the same president of the Region on his profile on Facebook). De Luca joked on the pier, surrounded by the fishermen, one of whom offers him a free cod. Here the governor joked about the possibility for this gesture to be challenged a “vote trading” and called as a witness to the supposed crime, the mayor of Pozzuoli, Vincenzo Figliolia. “No one knows how it is over the murky affair” – writes the governor on Fb -. However, De Luca is committed to preserve, however, the backbone of the fish, and send it as the body of the crime, Luigino Di Maio why he should make the use of the judiciary more effective.”

"we Learn of the request from the anti-Mafia Commission,” said then the governor. “It makes us curious to know the process on the crime beat and how to evolve the crusade of the squid. We re-launched the debate on the amendment was called "De Luca". I would just like to remind you that it is a proposal advanced jointly by the Conference of the Regions well before to open up this debate, and it is an initiative to remove an absurd situation, for which until a year ago, were the commissioners for the Health of the presidents that led to the debt, while they may not be those that are healing. It is not very difficult to unravel this mystery – continues De Luca – and subtract it to the ownership of De Luca. It is curious that those on the battle for a referendum

complain about the neocentrismo and subtraction of powers to the Regions, straccino the clothes in the moment they are recognized. As always, we reconfirm that the new Campania is ready to accept the challenge of the rigor, remediation and fairness in administration. For every other element of folklore, if you would come back after the referendum, when we will announce the list of all those who will be sued for defamation".

Vincenzo De Luca


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