Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The dead suspect to the emergency room Doctor and nurse in handcuffs – Corriere della Sera

anaesthetist, had claimed for himself the power to dispose of the life and death of the people. And as a weapon used drugs, the same old every day, it was enough for an overdose. His first victims were some of the elderly patients, at least four of the confirmed cases, for whom, obviously, he thought to shorten the suffering. Then together with his lover, a nurse in the same Emergency room of the hospital of Saronno (in the meantime, both have been transferred), has developed the plan to kill her husband. The have administered for a long period a number of drugs “incongruous” with his health, weakening it until his death. Now the “doctor death”, Leonardo Cazzaniga, and his lover Laura Taroni, have been arrested by the police, in execution of an order for custody signed by the gip of Busto Arsizio Luca Labianca Tuesday morning. The predicate offence objected to both the murd er.

are There other persons being investigated because, despite having received reports of incidents suspected by the other health of the structure, they would not have activated with the necessary diligence. The suspected overall in the survey conducted by the pm Cristina Ria are a dozen, in various capacities, including doctors and other. The police have made a series of excavations in the hospitals of Busto Arsizio, where the direction of the hospital of Saronno, where according to the allegations the facts occurred, and Angera, the hospital in which it would be transferred to the Sideline, in the context of the investigation that would be in progress for more than a year.

The first four murders took place between 18 February 2012 and 9 April 2013. The victims were the elderly and the sick, to which dr. Cazzaniga had, according to the indictment, administered lethal doses of intravenous drugs, in overdose and in quick succession: chlorpromazine, midazolam, morphine, propofol, and promazine. Except for the motive statement: the doctor was not acting for personal gain, but evidently thought to practice a sort of “euthanasia”. Cazzaniga used to refer to his / her own “protocol” for the treatment of the terminally ill.

other than the case of the husband of the nurse Laura Taroni, which were administered, for a long period of time, the drugs “absolutely incongruous” with respect to its real health conditions, weakening it until his death. To snap the investigations of the operations unit of the Carabinieri of Saronno coordinated by captain Joseph Queen – recently moved to Bergamo, but detached for this service – the complaint of a nurse in June of 2014. Are taken, the interceptions, made surveys of assets, acquired documents, and arranged consultations medical-legal.

The consultants have identified four cases in which the administration exaggerated of the drug she had been found by a clinical diary of first Aid and the causal link between the drugs and the death. Other cases have highlighted a administration abnormal medicines but it was not possible to exclude that the patient, in view of the severity of the conditions, he would not have died anyway.

November 29, 2016 | 10:16



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