Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Veto the Eu budget. Renzi: “they shall Not build walls with our money” – The Republic

MILAN - Italy has “confirmed reservation”, that can be translated into an appetizer of veto’, to the compromise proposal made by the presidency of slovakia for the revision of the multi-annual budget (2014/2020) of the european Union. A document that the executive Italian is not considered acceptable because of the lack of guarantees for the increase of resources in favour of our priorities”: immigration, security, youth unemployment, or programs for research.

“The day today, as we announced, we put the first veto in the discussion on the budget in Brussels. Did the undersecretary Gozi in my name in Brussels” has confirmed the premier Matteo Renzi at the inauguration ceremony of the ‘Tower Biological Ferdinando Latteri’ of the university of Catania. A position gained in recent times and shown shortly before by Gozi, on the sidelines of the General Affairs Council in Brussels. And again the premier: “we do Not accept that with our money to the European Union will raise the walls”.

A stance is very strong, but that at the moment will not have an immediate impact on the functioning of the Union. Italy asks from the top of its contribution to the community budget, which are financed items of expenditure, to which the Italian government believes, from the hospitality to the migrants in the research interventions on youth employment safety. A first stop on which the contenders will have at least one year of time to find a mediation.

In the lunch of the ministers behind closed doors, Italy has held a consistent line,” explained the secretary of state for european Affairs. “Then,” continued Gozi – we confirmed our reservation on the adoption of the budgetary review multiannuale, that without the agreement of Italy may not be adopted because it requires unanimity”. Talking a few days ago the transmission is That, Renzi had explained the position of Italy, recalling the disagreements with some european Countries, had been cited Hungary) on the management of flows of migrants and on the closure of the barriers, in contrast to the efforts of the Italian rescue services in the Mediterranean. “Since we are contributors to the european budget and that we are alone to manage the emergency in the Mediterranean”, said the premier was interviewed by Fabio Fazio, “can not allow other Countries to use european funds to build the walls.”

Today, Gozi has detailed further the choice the Italian. “We did it because we believe that it is a proposal on which we still have many guarantees on the real increase in favor of our priorities: migration, security, european resources for young people (they are for the fight against unemployment or the Erasmus programme), the successful programs such as Horizon2020 cu which can not absolutely accept of the cuts, and the flexibility of the european budget to a greater capacity to react to crisis. On all this we thought that we had arrived at an acceptable compromise, and then we confirmed that Italy is opposed to the budget review multiannuale”. To the question whether a veto, Gozi replied: “The veto puts in a vote to be formal. Today there was a vote is formal, then the diction is not ‘veto’ but ‘reserve’ and we have asked formally, our reserve that the presidency of slovakia will announce”.

The news is intertwined with the judgment of the european on the law of the Italian Budget: how to rebuilt by the Republic on newsstands this morning, from Brussels towards an outstretched hand with the ok (reserve the right) to Maneuver. On this point, Gozi said he was “very quiet of the widely acceptable by the Commission, which should be made official tomorrow. Harder on other considerations: “We are neither nazionalistiné populist. We, however, are very tired of the ambiguities and contradictions in europe. We are very tired of a Europe that he says some things, and then it does not do. We are very tired of a Europe that is small with great things and big things small. And we are convinced that, if Europe does not change, we are faced at the beginning of the disintegration of europe”.

Eu Commission
Eu budget
the Law of balance
Sandro Gozi
Matteo Renzi

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