Saturday, November 19, 2016

Referendum: Renzi, letter Yes to all, and sued those who said money Was –

“we will Send home a brochure for the Yes in the referendum. “And all those who say that we spend public money to do this quereliamo, then we have a beautiful bottom and we give in charity to compensation for damages”. Says Matteo Renzi in an initiative to the Yes Power. The premier also shows how will be the flyer, who will explain what to change in case of victory at the referendum: “If he wins the No does not change anything”, there is written.

“If he wins the No you come out with yet another bunch of all without a reasoning alternative” – added the premier – “There is a part of the old political class that has always been in favor of the reforms, and now is against it only because she wants to go back. I hope no one is afraid – he jokes – I show you a photo of the supporters of the reforms”. “This referendum is putting together a game of pairs fantastic. D’alema, and Cricket, one who supports the policy, and one the anti. Vendola and The Russian. And’ beautiful. We are better of Maria De Filippi”, joking again.

“I am a boy scout in the province of Florence is 41 years old. The idea of driving this Country pro tempore makes me shudder. I don’t need to add a line to the curriculum. It is not important what I do, who cares about me. But the discussion of this phase of the policy does not cover me, don’t give a damn about my future”. He says the premier, Matteo Renzi, in an initiative to Yes in Matera. And a lady from the audience, the screams, ‘I am here for you’, the premier replied: “This referendum is not for me but for our children.”

Renzi: if he wins the No, we will check the political situation – “This government was born to make the constitutional reforms we have made and will decide the citizen if it goes well or not. Our task was also to bring home the restart still going to plan, but it is much more stronger than before”. He said the premier Matteo Renzi in a press conference for the 1000 days of the government.

“I Believe that it is physiological that in front of a possible new policy, there is a fibrillation the greater of the markets, I personally consider as obvious as the axiom reforms-gdp and on the contrary, that the spread should go up if you do not make. That said, however, clarify that the task of those who support the “Yes” is not to use the card of fear, but try to fill in motivations, the reasons behind the “Yes”. The bank of italy then he does his job.”

“All the polls give the “No” in the referendum in the head. You could throw it on the laugh from the moment that in 2016 they do not have the appropriate a single, you should start this time. But I see the game for a referendum is totally open on the grounds of the undecided. And the good reasons that push us to fight for the “Yes” they are stronger than ever. I am convinced that the silent majority of italians knows how to choose on the basis of the question then can choose Yes or no.”

If he wins the “No” “what will happen to the government we’ll find out just living….Seriously I think that this referendum will mark really the change, this government is born to change and make reforms. Where citizens bocciassero reforms, we will review the political situation.”

“You win, according to my forecast, with a 60 percent turnout, with 15 million votes for the “Yes” or “No”, then it is essential to bring lots of people to vote”. And’ the anticipation of Matteo Renzi ‘Otto e mezzo’ on the turnout at the referendum.

“Who does the premier must hope that whoever comes after will be better, of course I am not born for a technical government, the governicchio. If you change and you still are there, if you go back to the big jumble that is the political basis of the “No”, that they are always the same politicians, if they want to float, to govern their country. I am not able to do the mess-ups and accordicchi”.


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