Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Renzi blocks (for pretend) the Eu budget – the Journal

Rome – The gauntlet Matteo Renzi had launched already at the end of October, saying he was ready to “put the veto on the european budget” if all the Countries of the Union, including those of the East, had not fulfilled its commitments on the reception of immigrants, easing a burden that Italy is now the door for the most part on his own shoulders.

Yesterday, the one that was played only as a threat has been materialized, and is touched with Sandro Gozi, the undersecretary who has the delegation for european affairs, to announce officially to the table of the Council for general Affairs of Brussels, in which there is a formal “reserve” Italian ” on the document review of the budget presented by the presidency of slovakia. A document that the Italian government considers is not acceptable because, he explains, the lack of guarantees for the increase of resources in favour of our priorities”: immigration, security, youth unemployment, or programs for research. “Today, as we said, we put the first veto in the discussion on the budget in Brussels. Did the undersecretary Gozi in my name, to Brussels,” announced the premier from Sicily, where he was yesterday for a series of events of the government and of the referendum campaign. And he stresses: “we will Not accept that with our money pa id to the Eu and other Countries to build the walls.”

The game, beyond the technical merit that exists as well, has a clear implication for domestic policy: raise your voice against “the bureaucrats”, and be seen, I decided to hamper the moves is – at this stage – a sure recipe to increase the popularity of the government, in the function of a difficult election campaign for the referendum on 4 December. And the reactions innervosite of the opposition, that raise the voice about “the bluff” or “fake”, demonstrate that the concern that the move could work there. The presidency of the Eu accuses the shot, and the Slovak minister Korcok admits that, despite “the vast majority” of the member States on the proposal for a change, “remain the strengths of Italy and the abstention of the United Kingdom”. But emphasize that on the balance of a year you can go forward, “majority”. But Italy, ensures Renzi, is ready to do the “big voice”: “rese rve today is the prelude of the veto”.

Meanwhile, the Union itself is going to have good news for Italy, with the go-ahead, albeit with the reserve to express a final judgment at the beginning of 2017, the operation of the government. “It seems to me that our message is understood,” says the minister of Economy Padoan, who stresses how in this phase of great uncertainty in the global Europe “is conspicuous by its absence”, and complained that “the economic model hitherto adopted in the Eu “does not work”. But by the Commission Juncker is coming, according to the estimates given yesterday by the Huffington Post, a document that opens to a prospect of economic policies more expansionary, and for a liquidation of the excesses of the austerity of the mould in germany, with the invitation to recirculate the wealth and invest to stimulate growth. A step that was welcomed with satisfaction by the Italian government and the Pd: the parent company Pse Gianni Pittella speaks of “re al change” and announces: “For the first voltala commission urges us to adopt fiscal policies expansionary. Another that austerity”.


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