Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Eu report: “467mila premature deaths a year in Europe for the smog” – The Republic

air POLLUTION has a strong impact on the health of european citizens, in particular those who live in urban areas. Also now that air quality is improving slowly, the smog remains the greatest danger for all, with a consequent decrease in quality of life due to illness and an estimate of 467mila premature deaths every year, such as those attributable to this factor in 2013. These are the first data from the Report “air Quality in Europe-2016″, published this morning by the european Agency for the environment. A first response to the alarm raised by the body to the Eu comes from the european Parliament, in plenary session, has approved a directive to impose lower limits for the main pollutants, with the goal of reducing by 2030 the amount in the atmosphere below the levels of 2005. The particles involved, ranging from sulphur dioxide, the cause of acid rains, the particulate matter that can cause respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

Are, in fact, especially the ultra-fine particles to cause damage to health and these are the heads of the hundreds of thousands of premature deaths estimated in 41 Countries in europe. If you consider the territory of the Eu, are 430mila the premature deaths estimated due to pm2,5, the ultra-fine particles. But to hit the body are also exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone, which, according to the European environment Agency are responsible, respectively, for the premature death of 71 thousand and 17 thousand people. This type of pollution causes or worsens respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and lead to expectations of life to be shorter. Not only. The ozone, at the level of the troposphere, is also considered responsible for the low yield of the crops.


The report of the european agency, which refers to the period 2000-2014, it uses monitors in over 400 cities. Despite the improvements, about 85% of the inhabitants of the cities of the Eu in 2014 were exposed to pollution from particulate matter at levels deemed harmful to health by the world health Organization (Who). The report defines this type of pollution such as a mixture of tiny particles and liquid droplets composed of several different elements including acids, metals, soil particles, or dust. The main source is the combustion of coal and biomass by industries, power plants, and households. Other sources of pollution are transport, agriculture and waste incineration.

“The reduction of emissions have led to improvements in air quality in Europe, but not enough to avoid unacceptable damage to human health and the environment”, he said the Agency’s executive director, Hans Bruyninckx, commented on the report. “We need to address the causes of the pollution of the air, which requires a radical transformation and innovative of our mobility, energy and the food system. This process of change, he added, requires action on the part of everyone, including public authorities, businesses, citizens and the research community”.

The european environment Agency (EEA) is an agency of the European Union dedicated to the establishment of a network for monitoring the conditions of the environment in the Old continent. Established in 1990, operational since 1994 and has headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark. There are the representatives of the governments of the member States, a european Commission representative and two scientists appointed by the european Parliament. It also draws on the advice of a board of scientists.

report air quality
environment Agency
particulate matter
particulate matter
Hans Bruyninckx

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