Thursday, November 24, 2016

Feminicide, kills wife in Seveso (italy) in front of the children: intervention of the police a few hours before the murder – The Republic

The arguments continue, the separation that dates back more than a year ago. Then a new attempt at reconciliation, she returns home. The discussions, however, were the daily, so much so that the woman had already sued for threats and insults. Then she had decided to leave, this time for ever. He has not left the time. Before the last altercation that eventually turned into murder, there was another discussion, so violent as to require the intervention of the carabinieri of Seveso who had removed the man from the house.

But then one of the two children of the couple, the male of three years old, he had started crying by selling the dad leaving the house. Then the woman had called the man to bring the calm. Instead, a few minutes before midnight, the last fight. More violent than usual. The man’s hands clasped around the woman’s neck, the choke until the kill. It all happened in front of the eyes of the two children of the couple, on the eve of the international Day against violence on women. On the day the youngest daughter went a year, on the kitchen table there was a birthday cake. Are 116 women killed in the first ten months of 2016 in the whole Italy, more than one every three days. With Lombardy, which holds the distinction of the region with the highest number of women killed: 20 in the first 10 months of 2016, about once every two weeks.

Is dead as well, in the hallway of their home in via Mazzini, in Seveso, in Brianza, Elisabeth Huayta Elsewhere, 29 years old, peruvian. The violence and fear in which he lived and the woman had never gone beyond the walls of their apartment on the second floor of the building overlooking the square of the station. Until yesterday night, when the neighbours were terrified by the requests for help they called the police. One of the neighbors was not the only call came to 112.

Also the nephew of the man she had composed that same number to tell what had happened. It is to him that the slayer had spoken to him, calling him on the phone a few minutes after the assassination. "I combined a disaster," said 56 on the phone. When the men of the captain Danilo Vinciguerra knocked at the door of the couple, the murderer, the owner of the pharmacy under the house, Vittorio Fernando Vincenzi, 56-year-old Italian, had just hidden the corpse of his wife behind the kitchen furniture.

he Had also bolted the entrance to the kitchen, he did not want the children to see his dead wife. Then, let the children in the house ran up to the landing of the top floor of the building where he lives. It is here that they found the police. In front of them the man he immediately admitted to having killed his wife, a full confession, as he continued to repeat to infinity", I combined a mess." And all the while two children, three years at the largest, a year, the smallest, were taken away by the relatives of the woman.

The 56 was arrested for murder in flagrante delicto. Now located in the prison of Sanquirico, at Monza, where it was heard by the deputy prosecutor Giulia Rizzo. Stunned, Vincenzi has not been able to explain what he was doing

a pot full of water in the middle of the hallway. For investigators before strangolarla the murderer would have also attempted to drown the victim. In the kitchen, the police have also found a ticket. A few lines in which the 56, asked pardon of the woman and even to the police. But still it is not clear if it had been written prior to the dispute preceding the murder, or if it was written only after that, when Elisabeth Huayta Elsewhere was already dead.

province of Monza and Brianza
Elisabeth Huayta Elsewhere
Vittorio Fernando Vincenzi


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