Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Public Administration, government and trade unions sign framework agreement – Rai News

Cgil, Cisl and Uil signed the agreement for the release of the renewals of the contracts. Average increase of 85 euro per month


agreement Reached between the government and the trade unions on the renewal of the contract of public employment. It was signed by the leaders of the Cgil, Cisl and Uil, Susanna Camusso, Annamaria Furlan and Carmelo Barbagallo after a negotiation of more than seven hours with the minister of Public administration, Marianna Madia. The increases will not be less than 85 euro monthly average.

The announcement of the minister Marianna Madia on Twitter
The minister of Public administration, Marianna Madia, has given Twitter its satisfaction for the signing of the agreement.

Sideboard: now season contract innovative
Speaking to the ministry after signing the Madia said: “Now we can open a new season of contract innovative, today’s agreement is very innovative and allows us to provide citizens with quality services and do it together with public employees. Laugh space to negotiation and there is a shared commitment to increase productivity, we explicitly awards to heavy rain. “The government – explains the minister – is committed to allocating € 85, – average workers. There will be an increase, especially for low income and for those who has suffered most the crisis.”

Camusso: did a good job
Positive and the comment of the secretary of the Cgil. l”We have done a good job, which makes it possible to reopen the season for contract renewals in the public sector”, says Susanna Camusso. “The government is committed to change the law to the Brunette, and the good school” giving space to the bargaining. It also adds Camusso, “the government is committed to extend expiring contracts for precarious workers in the Public Administration” and “is committed to a total of € 5 billion over a three-year period 2016-2018 for the contract renewals of the 4 portfolios”.

Furlan: satisfaction with the agreement, increase decent
also Met Annamaria Furlan. “We are happy” for the agreement reached, the increase of € 85, – represents a digit “dignified” and “we have established that the contract prevails over the law, the law of the Brunette was behind us”. Then, he summarised the secretary of the Cisl, “payroll heavier and more quality for the work and the public services”.

Barbagallo: a year ago, unthinkable deal
The secretary of the Uil, Carmelo Barbagallo, expressed in the same way “satisfaction” for the framework agreement. “A year ago an agreement so we could dream of, it was unthinkable,” he says. Barbagallo has pointed out that for the rock of the tax bonus of 80 euro, which would no longer be able to access about 200 thousand workers, the public effect of exceeding the income threshold, “we found a sort of life preserver. In bargaining to secure it will be to the parameter scale of which will be revised.”

Cgil: after the practice of unilateral acts
“After seven years of block of the bargaining is done by correcting the rules introduced by law Brunette and the good school that restricted the bargaining and restored the role and ownership. You restore a system of labour relations in all sectors, based on the participation of workers and trade unions in the organization and working conditions, professional enhancement, which exceeds the practice of unilateral acts”, says a note from the Cgil

Cisl Fp: obtained change of pace
“the New rules for the new contracts. It is the step change that we wanted and that we achieved thanks to the mobilisation, courageous and determined of millions of public employees. We have signed an agreement on public employment for a new season of public services, with workers in order to citizens. The marathon of the public work continues”, says John Faverin, secretary general of the Cisl public Function

the chairman of the Board commented on Twitter
“After seven years at #lavoltabuona for public employees. To recognize the merit, betting on the quality of services #passodopopasso,” wrote Matteo Renzi in a tweet.


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