Thursday, June 4, 2015

Mafia capital: new arrests, politicians in handcuffs – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

Mafia capitalepolitici in handcuffs Renzi who steals goes to jail 20:41 June 4, 2015

(AGI) – Rome, June 4 – Nineteen People in prison , 25 to home , other 21 investigated at large free and as many searches. Causes yet another earthquake the second tranche of the investigation called ‘ Mafia Capital ‘ already ‘last December had triggered the handcuffs of 37 suspects , with the involvement other 40 .

Once again, the former terrorist of Nar Massimo Carminati and the president of the cooperative ’29 June ‘ Salvatore Buzzi , are the big guns the order for custody of the investigating judge Flavia Costantini, performed by the police of Ros.

news ‘, compared to the first strand, and’ who have been called into question senior policymakers , right and left (to the City in the Regione Lazio), payroll organization mafia that Rome did business of all kinds (business immigrants ‘primarily’) and had always won the best procurement (including points green and bicycle paths) coming terms with entrepreneurs in collusion and corrupt politicians. There were those who benefited from a monthly salary and who was content to accommodate friends or acquaintances in cooperatives. So Mafia , but corruption and bid rigging .

In prison they are over, among others, Luca Gramazio , former adviser parent PDL in the city council and then by region and ‘felt’ institutional face ‘of Mafia Capital for putting his offices at the service of criminal association with which he developed “strategies of penetration in the civil service”.
In return he received 98 thousand euro in cash in three installments of 15 thousand bank to finance his committee, taking 10 people, which was guaranteed a salary.

There are also Mirko Coratti , former president of the city council in proportion Pd , who resigned in December after the first wave of arrests and his chief secretary , Franco Figurelli. According to the prosecutor, would receive the promise of 150 thousand euro, the sum of 10 thousand and the hiring of a person reported to Coratti in exchange for a series of favors to do cooperatives Buzzi .

cell are also finished Daniel Ozzimo , former commissioner Pd to the House, Angelo Scozzafava , former head of the fifth department Promotion of Social Services and the health of Rome, Pierpaolo Pedetti , the municipal council in 2013 with the Pd , Chairman of the Heritage Commission.

In home Giordano Tredicine , councilor for fi , the manufacturer Daniele Pulcini, and former President of the Municipality X Andrea Tassone .

In the survey and ‘it found involved the entire leadership of the cooperative’ The Cascina ‘, close to the Catholic world, engaged in the management of refugees: in handcuffs managers Domenico Cammissa, Salvatore Menolascina, Carmelo Parabita (all at home) and Francesco Ferrara (in prison) . To the investigating judge, Luca Odevaine , which belonged to the National Coordination on the reception table for applicants, would receive from the four “the promise of a monthly salary of 10,000 euro, increased to EUR 20,000 monthly after ‘award notice of 7 April 2014 “. The order also known as Gianni Alemanno that, according to the investigating judge, once closed the mandate of the mayor of Rome, he would turn to Buzzi to get support in view of the European in May 2014. Buzzi , in turn, would be activated by contacting the entrepreneur John Campennì ‘, the expression of a clan of the Calabrian’ Ndrangheta, so that ” friends South “supportassero this campaign.

‘Meanwhile, political confrontation on the effects of the investigation’ Mafia Capital ‘. ” Who has broken the rules of the game and ‘fair that you pay every last penny, “says the president of the Council, Matteo Renzi. And the commissioner of the Democratic Party, Matthew Orfini specifies:” The Departments Marino and Zingaretti have been a bastion of legality ‘, and what is happening and’ also had their complaints and the actions that they have put in place “.

By contrast the idea Movement 5 Stars and Alessandro Battista . “Matthew Orfini – explains – and ‘fruit and whereas they arrested and investigated nearly half the party, when it comes to fruit speak of oranges.” No less hard Matteo Salvini : “What else has to happen ’cause Marino to go away and come back to the polls?”.


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