Monday, June 15, 2015

Migrants: Paris-Roma clash, Renzi “Ready to go it alone” – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy


Migrants clash Paris Rome Renzi ready to go it alone 18:43 June 15, 2015

(AGI) – Brussels, 15 June – The EU Commissioner responsible for migration policies, Dimitris Avramopoulos, has called for a meeting tomorrow between the interior ministers of Italy, France and Germany, on the sidelines of a Council Affairs in Luxembourg to discuss the border situation following controls partially reintroduced in France, Austria and Switzerland at the border with Italy. This was announced by the spokesperson of Avramopoulos, Natasha Bertaud, stressing that all States must comply with the Schengen rules but also the asylum rules that provide for the registration of migrants when they arrive in an EU country. “Europe has a duty to deal with the problem all immigrants together. For us and this’ plan A. The attitude muscle that some ministers of foreign countries are having goes in the opposite direction.” Matteo Renzi told a news conference. One answer, to Renzi, who asked him a comment on the words of the minister del’Interno French Cazaneuve Bernard, who said: “The foreigners registered in Italy can not cross the border” and invited Italy to comply with the Schengen rules . “If we want Europe to continue to be a community ‘of people as we have dreamed and built, we must take responsibility for resolving the problem of those dramatic Eritrea, through the smugglers in Libya, seeking refuge in Europe” He concluded Renzi. “That immigrant and ‘a complex affair that manages the solidity’ of a country, ours, that can not ‘allow that France has ships in the Mediterranean and let migrants in Italy.” Matteo Renzi told a news conference at Palazzo Chigi. “No national egoism can ‘to close our eyes to what is happening,” said Renzi. (AGI).

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