Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Ventimiglia, eviction of migrants on the rocks Photo | Video – BBC

Milan , June 16, 2015 – 08:39


The police have cleared out, in the early morning on Tuesday in Ventimiglia, migrants stopped for a few days on the rocks of the Balzi Rossi, in the area of ​​Ponte San Ludovico, a few steps from the border with France. There were moments of tension when beginning some refugees resisted passively, but the situation has since calmed. The migrants were taken up on the buses of the Red Cross to transfer them to the station of Ventimiglia. Remained on the rocks over a hundred refugees, mostly young, who escaped the eviction, they refuse to go away and ask to be able to cross the border.

L ‘ operation

In riot, the police have focused in particular on the gardens in front of the rocks, a few steps from the border, still closed for the migrants and for days ask to go in France and then reach relatives and friends in the countries of northern Europe. Some refugees have tried to escape the police, he took refuge again on the rocks. Who has resisted or was thrown to the ground was pushed up to force the bus, someone dragged weight agents. Assisted operations also volunteers of the Red Cross. For eighty migrants that just ended was the third night spent at the Balzi Rossi.

shadow carousel


Ventimiglia, evicted migrants


The tension between Italy and France

Tuesday morning intervened Italian Interior Minister Angelino Alfano. “We are here to work to avoid the bankruptcy of Europe” on the immigration issue, he said the minister coming to the EU Council in Luxembourg. Alfano reiterated that the images of refugees on the rocks and closed the border are “a slap in the face to Europe” and the demonstration that the migrants do not want to stay in Italy. France, however, returned the ball back to the sender. “There is a closure of the borders,” but the application of the rules of Schengen and Dublin, said French Interior Minister, Bernand Cazeneuve, after seeing Alfano in Luxembourg, together with his German counterpart Thomas de Maizière. “It is normal that the immigrants are sent back to Italy, as it is the country in which they arrive,” said the French minister.

shadow carousel


Ventimiglia, migrants camped on the rocks and the train


June 16, 2015 | 08:39



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