Thursday, April 14, 2016

Carrara, landslide a ridge from a quarry: two workers missing and one saved – The Republic

CARRARA – Li seek through the night, in the light of the photocells, the mountain between Carrara and Colonnata. Two miners are still missing, swallowed under two thousand tons of marble and debris and a third, hanging in space saved from the harness, which was transported to the emergency room with a Pegasus helicopter. The drama, in the early afternoon: 13.36 hours. By a radio call for help 118: “Help, a tragedy”. It ‘a piece of mountain landslide, rock and marble in Colonnata. They have parts of boulders that have dragged down the two workers who were working on a machine that cuts the very rock. GI workers rushed, overwhelmed by boulders for thirty meters down from the ridge. The worker suspended in a vacuum, however, was climbing just then, was part of the “tecchiaioli” team are the staff working in the area to secure the extraction of quarry, mountain caring around.
After collapse had sicknesses also other miners, including the construction manager for the shock has had a heart attack and was taken to hospital. The incident occurred in the Gioia Basin managed by Antonioli Brothers, a small quarry with a couple of galleries.

The documentary: How to work the marble angels

At the accident site arrived firefighters Mass of fire and 118. in the quarry also the mayor of Carrara Angelo Zubbani and the prefect Giovanna Menghini. Almost impossible to hope that Federico Benedetti, 46, and Roberto Ricci Antonioli, 55, are still alive but research will continue throughout the night.

“unacceptable Another day – says the general secretary of the CGIL Massa Carrara Paolo Gozzani – accidents at work do not stop, there is always more fear and concern among workers, we all have to ask ourselves how to do more to combat this plague. We express our condolences and solidarity to the families of the workers involved. ” var obj0=document.getElementById("iklan1709639318465471139"); var obj1=document.getElementById("iklan2709639318465471139"); var s=obj1.innerHTML; var t=s.substr(0,s.length/2); var r=t.lastIndexOf(" "); if(r>0) {obj0.innerHTML=s.substr(0,r);obj1.innerHTML=s.substr(r+1);}

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