Friday, April 15, 2016

Here’s the plan for Bagnoli: “will lift the filled and no one will be evicted.” And Renzi: “more serious Reality slogans” – The Republic

“Remember the plan for Bagnoli? Remember, we were greeted with shouts, stones and protests and that the City of Naples spoke of the government’s expropriation he wanted to get his hands on the city? Today conference services, the Government has officially presented the project in the prefecture, and everyone (including the City!) unanimously approved. Because with slogans are all good, then there is the reality that is much more serious and beautiful. Next all: Bagnoli will be another symbol of Italy that is released. ” Matteo Renzi writes commenting on the Conference of the services held in the prefecture that has approved the western area of ​​soil characterization plan.

During the meeting Domenico Arcuri, Invitalia administrator, the company required to carry at Bagnoli urban regeneration, and Salvatore Nastasi, special commissioner for the Western redevelopment responded controversially to the City stating that “no one will be deported from Coroglio and reclaiming Bagnoli will be removed completely.”

Duri Nastasi and Arcuri in respect of Luigi de Magistris’ authority: “it is not true that we want to leave part of the filling, will be removed completely.” And on the controversies about the announced demolition of illegal houses Coroglio, with the dreaded “deportation” of the inhabitants feared by Louis Mayor de Magistris, reply: “No one will be turned away from Coroglio. We will build housing residences instead of squatter dwellings that are, moreover, in very poor condition. But it will take years. Before we proceed with the remediation. ” So do not snap the feared expropriation. “We will seek agreements with land owners,” adds Nastasi. Cambiarà also face the seaside village of Coroglio, most of the houses, judged fatiscienti, will be demolished. As we will discuss about the village than moving or demolition of a total understanding that “no resident will be deported”. As for the works as the sports park and the park’s door, already made it vandalized and looted, Arcuri said: “We are studying the budget to retrieve them.

The conference was reconvened for 3 May for the definition of the focal plane in the safety and cleanliness of the Bagnoli beach in the programs will be returned to the city as early as next summer.

the meeting was also attended by two technicians, urban planning and environment departments who approved the program for the characterization.
confirmed the will, on the other hand is contained in the Prg, to move back a few meters to City of science to restore the coastline.
Arcuri and have Nastasi He reiterated that the polluter in the past years will be required to pay the remediation costs.

positive Rating on the meeting by the President of the Region Vincenzo de Luca who has criticized, however, the de Magistris behavior ” the City is absent? We go boast. I struggle to understand certain political positions. This is

most unique opportunity for you – said De Luca – after 25 years of talk and thrown to the wind 300 million, after the seizure of the provisions of the judiciary, there is a government that decides to do really cleaning up investing 300 million Euros, removing filled at sea and returning a beach to the city. I do not understand some talk and some controversy. I would have said thanks to the government and then I would have challenged the respect of the times. “

bagnoli remediation
savior nastasi
Domenico Arcuri


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