Friday, April 29, 2016

Berlusconi turns on Marchini, brawl right – Il Sole 24 Ore

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This article was published April 29, 2016 at 6:38.


When the big blue cross the threshold of palazzo Grazioli everything is already decided. In those same rooms, just before, a handshake between Silvio Berlusconi and Alfio Marchini sanctioned the understanding that Italy Force door to drop Guido Bertolaso ​​and support the entrepreneur’s race for mayor of Rome. But even more, on the political level, approximates the former premier to the moderate center and away from the axis Lepenist Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini. And the centrists toast. Pierferdinando Casini exults: “That Berlusconi is a turning point.”

The worrying survey and the risk of a blue debacle, unable to keep up the “duo” Salvini-Meloni, causes the head of Fi is convinced in the horse racing gearbox. And in the afternoon is the same Guido Bertolaso ​​to withdraw the nomination: “I decided to sit down on the bench to foster the unity of the moderates, but I remain available to the city.” The turning point, after all, is nothing but a return to the past. Marchini fact – explained Berlusconi himself at the top of his party – has always been our first choice, as Lettieri and Parisi is a “man of action”, is not by politics and then was a candidate who also liked to Matteo Salvini. considerable detail, so much so that the Blues decide to put black on white in the note which announced before lunch time to converge on the entrepreneur Roman. But that the agreement with Marchini was in the air you could sense that the contacts were never interrupted despite Bertolaso ​​was armored to the sound of statements by Berlusconi. To seal the agreement a phone call with the Knight and then the meeting this morning at Palazzo Grazioli.

Support for Marchini allows Berlusconi to get out from the shadow in which it was done with the isolation of Roma and the risk that its candidate came last in the election race. “Now we can play the game,” was the premise with which the former prime minister greeted at Palazzo Grazioli the general staff of the party. The big Fi, the Knight did understand how what he has in mind is a project that goes beyond the local elections: rebuild a moderate force – was the reasoning – allows us to be the scales not only in a possible runoff in the capital but also in the general election. Isolate the more radical wing represented by Giorgia Meloni Matteo Salvini and then the other goal: “To win the league – explains one of the big blue present at lunch – he needs us, just look at the situation in Milan.” And it’s tough reaction of both Meloni Salvini, both convinced that the real instigator of Berlusconi’s choice Renzi. “A pattone of the Nazarene” summarizes the candidate FDI, while the Northern League leader exclaims: “Renzi and Casini call and Knight responds.” The secretary of the Right Francesco Storace seems determined to converge on Marchini.

The decision to pool all the forces of Marchini has the effect of silencing the in Fi domestic disputes though, tells who was present at the top, Giovanni Toti did not fail to express his doubts with respect to the fact of turning away from the Northern League which governs Forza Italy in three regions of the North.

But the possibility of reopening a dialogue with moderate forces (the project has always been sponsored by companies, the right hand man Gianni Letta and the so-called magic circle), thus strengthening the role Fi is for the former head of government the best card you can spend in the future is with the League and with the Democratic Party weblog Matteo Renzi. Woe to talk about a new “covenant of the Nazarene” but certainly the Knight leaves open all possibilities. Here we need to look at the results of the administrative and especially to “test” the consent of Alfio Marchini. Several still problems to solve such as the presentation of the lists and the hypothesis that fi is not obliged to present its symbol since the Roman businessman always has professed as a man “free from political parties.”




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