Saturday, April 16, 2016

Migrants, Eurobonds and investment to African countries: so will stop the new wave – The Republic

Rome – This is the Migration Compact , the Italian proposal to solve the migrant crisis yesterday Matteo Renzi sent to institutions European. The reception in Brussels was good and several governments, including those in Eastern contrary to a common management of flows, seem to agree with the “contract” approach proposed by Italy to third countries, particularly those in Africa: offer money and aid in exchange for a commitment to stop departures to Europe. Italy, however, pressed, the Union is to follow this road very quickly.

External dimension
The philosophy of Migration Compact is to focus on all third countries in the same way in which a month ago routes from Turkey were closed. Money in exchange for cooperation. Otherwise, all the measures proposed to date by the Union, such as automatic re-distribution of asylum seekers among the 28 or the border guard and coastal EU, will not solve the crisis. On the other hand from Libya arrive economic migrants, not asylum seekers, thus not relocatable in other European countries and destined to remain with us. For this reason according to the government must dab flows in countries of origin and transit in Africa.

4 pages of Italian document before they are offered to the countries Africans. First, set up a European Investment Fund in third countries in which divert all the money that Europe uses for Africa to be allocated to socially useful works. Second, create EU-Africa Bonds to help African partners to invest in growth and innovation. Third, give priority to cooperation on migrants in all EU programs in Africa and create regional missions to manage the flows. Fourth, adjust economic migrants with entry quotas allocated only to those who know the language and attended preparatory courses. Finally, offset the costs of African countries adopting the right of asylum to foreigners.

In exchange for these offerings in the logic of “do ut des “, countries of origin and transit must ensure effective control of borders and reduction of flows to Europe (thanks to EU money and technology). Repatriations from the transit countries of those who have no right to asylum (because coming from a safe country) thanks to EU funding for reintegration programs for those who are sent home. Third countries should then be helped to build a system and infrastructure to accommodate migrants, among them those who will have the right to asylum can enter Europe with an allocation key between the 28. It calls for the new EU Border Guard fund return of transit to the country of origin. Italy proposes the establishment of the Common Eu migration Bonds, European bonds to cover the costs (very high) of the plan.

Finally, there is a short chapter in which it stresses the need to stabilize Libya. Renzi in the accompanying letter of the Migration Compact suggests that precisely with Tripoli will need to make a deal like the one between Europe and Turkey.

in the first informal contacts have shown that many governments like the philosophy of the Italian plan. Even those Eastern (opposed reception, favorable to spend in Africa to seal the external borders). In addition, the European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker and the High Representative for foreign policy Federica Mogherini were already working in this direction and hope to Roma is that a political consensus of the chancelleries would enable them to speed up. The government does not care that all the details of Migration Compact will turn into EU initiatives, but wants cross pattern on the external dimension of the flows to be carried out quickly, otherwise the measures taken so far will prove useless and Italy would risk being alone struggling with waves of migrants coming from Libya. Already Monday Mogherini in Luxembourg will present to the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defence prepared a series of immediate actions before the Italian letter (for a structured plan which is already working on the more time it will take): entrance into Libyan waters of the EU naval mission against smugglers or, if the prime minister Al Sarraj you were to oppose, cooperation with the Libyan coast guard for personnel training, joint missions, exchange of information, equipment, UNHCR’s role in the management of migrants. They are also in the process of finalizing several agreements with countries of origin and transit.

European Union

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