Saturday, April 30, 2016

Renzi in Calabria and Sicily: “South restart”. And remember Pio La Torre –

“We will distribute the south in two years.” And ‘the promise of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi visited today in Reggio Calabria, before and then to Palermo. The Prime Minister has laid a flower at the place where he was killed Pio La Torre. “Together with my party today I brought a flower on the site where Pio La Torre was killed. It ‘a way to tell the name of all that the fight against crime, mafia and all forms of lawlessness is a priority that must unite all Italians. In memory of the martyrs there ‘a seed, their dreams they walk on our legs. ” This was underlined by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, the applause, the depot where the trams Roccella signed the Pact for Palermo.

“Tomorrow May 1 – reiterated the prime minister – we will gather at the Palazzo Chigi, and CIPE will award 3.5 billion of funds: 2.5 billion for research and culture. ” This was announced by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi to Catania to sign the Pact for the South with the mayor Enzo Bianco. “Over the past 10 years, Italy has not even grown because it has no spending the EU funds, and is one shameful scandal have thrown our money, have wasted our resources,” the premier said.

about two hundred people have objected to the presence of the chairman of the Board, Matteo Renzi in Catania . The protest, punctuated by slogans against the government and the prime minister, has been kept at a distance by the security service arranged around the Theatre Max ‘Vincenzo Bellini’. There were no incidents. The premier Renzi, before leaving, he met the commissioner Marcello Cardona to congratulate him. Singular protest of a local resident who has hung a sign on the ironic situation of the district of Catania: “Ciaone old town.”

The President of the Council, Matteo Renzi, was this morning in Reggio Calabria , and signed the “Pact for Calabria” and the “Pact for the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria”, together with the regional president, Mario Oliverio, and the mayor of Reggio, Giuseppe Falcomatà. The signing took place in the National Archaeological Museum, which was inaugurated this morning the new production, just in the room where they are exposed to the Riace Bronzes.
“Today, right from the Museum of Reggio Calabria, we have to give space Italy, which wants to say yes, and wants to look to the future “, the premier said during his speech in the national Museum of Reggio Calabria.

” All together for the next two years we aside the controversy and let’s leave them to professionals not. I just say enough to those who said the South as a place where everything goes wrong . to these I say to try for once to say yes. “

“we have to continue the battle against crime because this is not yet won. that’s why we are in the front row with the courts and with law enforcement agencies to fight all forms of crime.”

Sa-Rc: Renzi, site visit in July and 22/12 inauguration – “in late July, we will do an inspection on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria and 22 December there will be the inauguration, so as we announced. ” He said Matteo Renzi in Reggio Calabria. “On the occasion of the visit – he added – also will address the issue of the work of the 106.”


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