Wednesday, April 27, 2016

pension reform, news April 27: ‘tricks to the banks’ and the Professor Guiso – Blasting News proposal

There are many news concerning the social security world and the much requested Pension reform for 2016 : First, we note that the Minister Poletti has ‘promised’ that the Renzi government will not intervene on reversible and, to that effect, it would already prepared an amendment to the bill on poverty. Meanwhile, do not calm down the controversy around the prime minister’s statements on minimum pensions : After the promise, arrived a few days ago the denial during a brief interview with a citizen – according to Cazzola guest DiMartedì , is a wise decision, since it was not sustainable given by the financial point of view. It should also indicate, a statement by the Meloni which has harshly attacked the work of Matteo Renzi, and an economist reflection and Professor Guiso , published in IlSole24Ore . Finally, to complete the picture, it is stressed that the protests continue: precocious workers invite, in fact, everyone who wants a pension reform, to participate in the demonstration on 19 May 2016.

the ‘tricks to banks’ and reform pensions in 2016: latest news today, April 27

the theme of the pension reform for 2016 it can not also become material for the campaign that is starting in major cities ahead of the June elections. Giorgia Meloni , a candidate to Rome for FDI and the Northern League, is still trying to shrink the center around his figure, although Berlusconi seems convinced to want to continue with ‘his’ candidate Bertolaso; In the meantime, however, the FDI leader launches an attack very hard to Prime Minister Renzi : first, reproaches him the unfair practice of election promises, only to back down for lack of funds (the reference is, of course , to the issue of minimum pensions); secondly, he reminds the prime minister that if you continue to do ‘tricks to the banks’ , very hardly can find money to help retired or thinking flexibility instruments output. The attack is very hard and covers the entire economic policy of the government Renzi, that would be designed to promote the great financial capital, rather than to rethink the precarious Italian welfare state.

The reflections of prof. Guiso and pensions reform in 2016: latest news today, April 27

The question of the Pension reform for 2016 is working even economists and professors, looking for solutions that are as sustainable as possible and ‘futuristic’. According to the economist Guiso, who spoke on the pages of IlSole24Ore , a measure of flexibility in output would not help absolutely at increasing youth employment: if the aim is to it would be better to imagine other forms of intervention. According to the professor, therefore, the Renzi government should put in place different measures, ranging from broad subsidies in view of a mechanism assumptions that promote geographical mobility, through a rethinking of tax rates and the question of pension funds . The idea, in short, that you are doing forward is to increase the impact of supplementary pensions : the citizen must use tools to increase their future retirement, whose load can not be only state expense. For updates on controversy and pension funds, Click ‘Follow’ , high above the article.


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