Saturday, April 23, 2016

Renzi: “I respect the judges and judgments aspect.” Orlando: “Do not overwhelm everything in controversy” – The Republic

Rome – “We need respect between” the judiciary and politics. After the Prime Minister’s office later denied the statements of the new president ANM Piercamillo Davigo (as he himself later resize), Matteo Renzi back on the relationship between judges and politicians. He calls for “respect”. He adds: “Every day I read controversy between politicians and magistrates. A film already seen for too many years. Personally I admire the many judges who try to do their duty well. And also many politicians who try to do the same. The ratio politicians and magistrates should be very simple: the political respects the judges and awaits sentencing. the judge applies the law and condemns the guilty. I respect the judges and the judgments appearance. Good luck to all.

the “same respect in an interview with Republic on newsstands, he recommends the deputy chairman of the High Council of Justice, Edmondo Bruti Liberati . Stressing: “There is a good judiciary against an Italy of bad.”

The Keeper Andrea Orlando, after listing the accolades to the government work theme of Justice received in the US, calls on Facebook to “avoid overwhelm” the “heritage of the daily controversy, seeking synergy and sincere cooperation between all the actors of jurisdiction.”

in Washington, he writes Orlando, “we found attentive audience and curious than the path of reforms that we have begun.” The minister lists the “great investment in new technologies, innovation of the PCT, the drop of nearly a third of the backlog in recent years, the improvement of the times, the specialization and the results of the new enterprises court”. “The importance and the value of the things we’re doing,” says Orlando, “There has been recognized” by the “International Monetary Fund, the Atlantic Council and the World Bank”. He explains that the work is not finished. “Reforms in the field of civil justice we have more than half of the route announced two years ago, this year will close the comprehensive reform of the civil process and the reform of bankruptcy law”. “All this – said the Keeper of the Seals – does not mean that there are not still many difficulties and inefficiencies,” however “tells us that we are moving in the right direction.”

Davigo had attacked “the ruling class of this country when it breaks the law makes an incomparably greater number of victims of any street thug and does more serious damage,” adding “politicians have not stopped stealing. they ceased to be ashamed.” And the new president Anm rained also the criticism of his colleagues. And the protests of many of the political world, including the President of the Democratic Party Orfini. In defense of the magistrate the M5s items and Yes. Beppe Grillo , after the words of Renzi, returns to action: “The Davigo judge is not against the government, is against the corrupt … If things are the same it is not the fault of Davigo “. Then on his blog adds, referring to Renzi “The bombaminkia of Rignano, that perhaps has never opened a history book, reacted with an original” Davigo whom? “, Ignoring the fact that Davigo was part of the Clean Hands pool when he was only known to be a boy scout that was firing large. “

Meanwhile, in the day further statements. Are those of Francesco Minisci , Secretary General ANM that, on the merits, says: “The National Magistrates Association does not intend to fuel the conflict, with the sole aim of the operation of the judicial system. It will be a rigorous institutional counterpart and determined without discounts, but the ANM has no enemies. ” He adds: “We had no doubt that the statements of President Davigo, as he himself pointed out properly, they had no intention of generalization, but they referred to specific events that took place and tested.”


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