Friday, April 22, 2016

CSM locks Davigo: no to war “Do not unnecessary conflicts foods” – The Messenger

With an interview with Corriere and a keynote address at the University of Pisa Piercamillo Davigo terremota the already rugged terrain of the relationship between politics and the judiciary. Against the first new president ANM and historical pm Clean Hands says that “politicians steal more than before, but now they stopped ashamed.” As for the government, Davigo argues that “Renzi does the same thing as its predecessors,” and that the left “has stopped the fight against corruption with more dexterity than the right.”

Predictable reactions of a political world that rejects the method davighiano to “do all the same brush.” With the exception of part of the opposition, especially the 5 star but also the League and Brothers of Italy, who applaud the intervention of former prosecutors who wanted to “turn Italy like a sock.” But the most significant and authoritative voice she rose against Davigo is the vice president of CSM John Legnini. Who, echoing criticisms raised by more than a colleague of the same head of the trade union representation of the robes, he flatly stated that his words “likely to fuel a conflict of which the judiciary and the country does not have any need, especially in this difficult time we live in which you are trying to achieve, through dialogue and confrontation sometimes even critical, reforms, personnel and means to win the battle of efficient and rigorous justice, starting with the fight against corruption and malfeasance. “


 Indignation in the Democratic Party, the party that more than the others appeared to be targeted by the President of the magistrates. And despite the tacit invitation not to “fall into provocation”, more than a dem exponent is risen against the “unacceptable accusations” of Davigo. The chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the House, Donatella Ferrante, a judge emeritus in turn, said to know, having heard in the conferences, the thought of Davigo, but – he observed – “that these reflections to face President ANM is serious, because it is an attitude of confrontation for its own sake and prejudice against an entire class. ” But what leaves “more astonished,” the leader of the Democratic Party is just that “widespread prejudice and generalized to the entire political class, which contrasts with the role of judge who should judge each case.” Davigo, in fact, detects Ferrante, “he continues to be a judge of the Supreme Court judgment and issues. How can you do with this injury? “. Even the head of the Secretariat of Justice David Ermini Nazarene rejects the thesis Davigo stating that his words “are scary to judges. Looking for a fight but will not find it. The judges – says Ermini raising a phrase repeated often by Renzi – speak with the judgments, we respect their work. “

The Ermini declaration triggers the same Davigo from Pisa replica replies:” To say that judges must only speak with the judgments is to say that must be silent. ” In his Lectio the former PM reiterates its known concepts such as “rewards for those who report corruption” and the opportunity to “undercover operations”, ie sending policemen to give money to politicians to arrest them if they accept it. The conclusion is that “the ruling class of this country when it breaks the law makes an incomparably higher number of victims of any street thug.

Opinions rejected by a vast array of forces. In addition to the Democratic Party, FI, Ncd and Ap, while “solidarity Davigo” is expressed the grillino Luigi Di Maio, who disputes with the Democratic Party that “instead of making its own house in an attack on a judge that no citizen could deny.” A statement of the M5S Senate group also states that the “undercover operations” proposed by Davigo were already in a PDL pentastellata presented three years ago at Palazzo Madama. To attack the Democratic Party is also the exile Alfredo D’Attorre claiming that his former party uses it against the magistrates’ the same arguments of the center. ” From his part, the leader of the League Salvini announced that Davigo will meet in the coming days.



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