Monday, April 18, 2016

The mass of crude oil arrives in the sea – Il Secolo XIX

 The early investigative consequences, yesterday evening, it appears that the damage is accidental and not the result of sabotage


Genoa – pollution alarm in Valpolcevera for the spill of thousands of gallons of crude oil by the pipeline Iplom yesterday evening that Multedo, from Fegino, flows up to Busalla. To limit the environmental damage the Fire Vigils work tirelessly and have placed containment booms along the banks of Fegino and Valpolcevera and at sea.

On the spot technical Arpal to verify the presence of pollutants in the air and measure how much crude is over in two streams and even in the sea, although according to initial estimates it is of a modest amount. For now the best hypothesis is the rupture of a valve.

To coordinate operations the Department of Civil Protection of the Municipality of Genoa Gianni Crivello, according to which “the situation is back under control.” A vviata investigation of the judiciary which opened a case against unknown persons.

Re-opened in alternating one-way traffic flow in the section of the street in the direction Borzoli Valpolcevera and Rivarolo.

| Photo: the chasm after pipeline blast |

Real-time updates

the municipal environment commissioner: “the exasperation of the people is more than understandable”

on rio Fegino and the stream Panegaro dozens of people have spontaneously begun to come together to look at the condition of their river. On the site of the oil pipe Iplom damaged Arpal technicians have made the further analysis, the second after the last night in the hours immediately following the spill. “There have been detected so far dangerous situations for people – said the city councilor environment Italo Pigpen -. The exasperation of the people is more than understandable. Time will put everything in the safe then the game will open the reclamation of the river bed. We have given an immediate response to the emergency, we have to see if others have acted with the same timeliness. Who will pay for the bonfiica? I think it is clear who is responsible. “

The commander of the Fire Department,” Our intervention has meant that the damage was much more content “

“as soon as received the alarm to secure the area and prevent fire or accidents,” says the commander of the fire brigade, Antonio La Malfa on Polcevera to coordinate clean-up operations a Fegino we intervened last night. “The area was covered with foam, in addition to multiple surveys for the presence of danger and so protect the safety of people.” At the same time the fire brigade intervened on the bed of the Polcevera, where they made an artificial dam with cranes, and have stretched panne anti pollution. “Our intervention has meant that the damage was much smaller – concludes La Malfa – especially the effects it was likely to have on the sea ‘.

Iplom” Incident occurred during the transfer of crude oil from a ship ‘

the oil spill in Valpolcevera occurred “as a result of the rupture of a pipeline underground pipelines connecting the refinery of Busalla.” So says a note from the Iplom, according to which the accident has occurred while it was in progress the transfer of crude oil from a ship in the Porto Petroli Multedo. Occurred a drop in pressure pumping was stopped immediately, explains the note, which states that the emergency plan was immediately activated, which involves the use of a breakdown, means of self-venting and a bridle in the final stretch of the siphoned Polcevera river to retain the product and absorb it. In rio Fegino, in the section concerned, is still in progress foaming to limit evaporation.

“We are executing all it can to limit the damage and the consequences along with the institutions. As happens when, unfortunately, we incur in negative episodes: timely intervention if we test something anomalous, after, recovery of matter and finally cleaning up, which, as is only right, we are we to make load. ” This is what he said on the sidelines of one of several operational meetings, the Iplom Director, Vincenzo Colombo . “We immediately stopped the pipeline – says Colombo – and was followed by a report of the smell of oil from Fegino area. So we checked the loss, by sectioning the upstream and downstream of the valve section, to minimize its impact. Then we set ourselves to do to organize the containment of effects of the loss, through the companies that we use. ”

It was the firm of ecological services of the port of Genoa to put creams on the mouth of the Polcevera, then integrated by others by the Harbour Master’s devices. Another barrier has been placed above the mouth to try to block the black wave that was heading to the sea. “It is between these two dams that, through self-venting, we aspire water and crude oil,” he said.

Opens municipal operations center in Genoa

In order to tackle the ‘emergency in the early afternoon the Councillor for Civil Protection of the municipality of Genova Gianni Crivello will open a session of the CoC, the municipal operations center. With the Department and other community leaders there will be representatives of the Liguria Region and the municipalities concerned, the heads of the firefighters, the Harbour Master and dell’Arpal.

To check the damage caused by the oil around 10 from Sarzana got up flying a helicopter of the Harbour which is flying over the area between the mouth of the Polcevera and rio Pianego where the spill crude. “At first there was talk of the rupture of a pipeline valve – says councilor Crivello who is personally following the emergence from yesterday evening – now there is talk of an explosion along the pipeline. As they confirmed some inhabitants who warned separately a bang. “

Site inspection by Toti

Today at 12 the President of the Liguria Region, Giovanni Toti and the regional Councillor for the Environment and Civil Protection, James Giampedrone will carry out an inspection.

closed schools to Borzoli

“faced with the critical situation of the inhabitants of neighboring areas were invited to travel to their homes, the plexus executives were activated school Borzoli to close the schools and it was decided to close off Borzoli reopened this morning alternating one-way. ” This is what it said in a statement from the City of Genoa in which it is noted that “at the same firefighters have started early action foaming and positioning of` panne’ as a barrier, then operations performed by the same Iplom staff. ” “On the bed of the Polcevera, in Via Perlasca area in front of Ikea, it was then launched an operation, still under way, to try to prevent runoff into the sea of ​​oil produced jointly by firefighters and taken to a specialized . The goal is to separate the fuel from the water of the stream and then vacuuming and, in the next few days, proceed to the clearance operations. “

An oil spill that descends to the Sea and
Marco Grasso and Emanuele Rossi

At 21:20 last night is now clear that the barriers brigade fire, are a desperate attempt to stem the oil slick that now descends towards the sea: “it’s a disaster,” says the foreman sadly . From the bed of the Polcevera back on top of the bridge and gives the order to put into action the bulldozer: if you can not stop the oil into the sea , you can groped to create a barrier that blocks at least one of the oil. The effects of the gigantic spill caused by the rupture of a pipeline tubing Iplom, to Fegino, have just begun. The stench is in the air for kilometers. The air is unbreathable. And to buffer the situation, firefighters poured for more than six hours a special foam, to dilute the liquid mass and mitigate the fire risk.

the pipe that broke is to a pipeline of Iplom , which links the petroleum harbor with still active deposits of the refinery. The early investigative consequences, yesterday evening, it appears that the damage is accidental and not the result of sabotage. The installation of the Fegino coastal depot was seized from l pm Alberto Landolfi, who carried out an inspection on the spot in the night. It is to understand why the loss was not immediately identified, and have been provided to close the stream immediately. According to some sources, the intervention would be complicated by the pressure of the pipes.

The prosecutor’s office opened an investigation to pollution and uncontrolled spillage. The company runs the risk of having to pay the huge environmental remediation costs that inevitably there will be, from now, once the emergency phase. The Valpolcevera and its inhabitants , once again, you have to suffer yet another environmental destruction, associated with the effects of its industries and Easements. the work of five teams of firefighters, coordinated by the provincial commander Antonio La Malfa and environmental protection brigade nucleus is shown immediately complicated. The spill is gigantic. Borzoli Street is closed to traffic.

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