Sunday, April 17, 2016

Power, investigated Lo Bello. “Trust in judges, hear me soon ‘- Il Sole 24 Ore

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This article was published April 17, 2016 at 10:25 hours.
the last change is the April 17, 2016 at 12:21 hours.

Ivan Lo Bello ends under investigation of the Prosecutor’s Office of Potenza. For the judges, the vice-president of Confindustria would, together with Paolo Quinto, assembly member of the Democratic Party and caposegreteria Anna Finocchiaro, ‘participant’ the alleged ‘quartierino Roman “, the organization to commit a crime that would have one of the’ promoters and creators “she Gianluca Gemini entrepreneurs, fellow former Minister Federica Guidi, and Nicola Colicchi, former CDO.

It is the assumption of the chief prosecutor of Potenza Luigi Gay, dall’aggiunto Francesco Basentini and substitute Laura Triassi, survey created by suspected wrongdoing in the management of oil facilities in Val d’Agri (Basilicata) . Allegedly it would be a ‘rudimentary organization “, which would show to be” permanently engaged in activities which, although connoted by lawful purposes, are pursued through illegal conduct, such as trafficking in illicit influences and abuse of office ” . Colicchi and Fifth would be “the hinge with the political world,” while Gemini and Lo Bello would do “lever mainly in order to get complacent or corruptible appointments of public administrators, on the contribution of knowledge and political-institutional entrature acquired through years of political militancy fifth and Colicchi “.

Immediate reaction Lo Bello. “I learned from the news agencies was being investigated by the judiciary power. I always had full confidence in the judiciary. I will ask the prosecutor of the power to be heard as soon as possible to clarify everything. ”

This line of investigation is the result of alleged wrongful acts around the Naval Act 2014, the provision which called for the allocation of 5.4 billion euro for the modernization of the military fleet. An operation that is dear to the higher state navy chief, Admiral Giuseppe De Giorgi (who was also investigated and involved in a process to the military prosecutor), which through Gemini and superburocrate with consultancy contract to Mise, Valter Pastena , it manages to obtain the release of disbursements. In return it would be enabled by removing obstacles so would end the draft Gemini: create the largest oil storage terminal in the Mediterranean in the port of Augusta. “If we want to do something intelligent – precise Fifth Gemini January 16, 2015 – you’d better take the jetty so conditions the use of it.” Entrepreneurship has been accomplished through the alleged granting of a wharf with adjoining pipelines, the company Alfa Tanko (of which Gemini would be a silent partner). To do so would set in motion an alleged “system,” which sees the involvement of other suspects: Alberto Cozzo, special commissioner of the port of Augusta – appointed by the Minister Graziano Delrio which is not investigated – the entrepreneur Alfredo Leto and Admiral Giuseppe Berutti Bergotto. The association, finally, he also had an interest in other projects: plans for power plants and the design of “systems of defense and security” in the Campania region. This contract talks with Gemini Pastena, referring also to the supposed interests of Fabrizio Wine, External Relations of MBDA Italy SpA (a company of the Finmeccanica Galaxy), former ambassador to Belarus and Tajikistan the sovereign Order of Malta. Marc would point to the “program of defense systems and security” in the Campania region. To manage it all is Pastena: “I spoke with Nicola (Colicchi, ed) – says the superburocrate Gemini – and with Ambassador (Marc, ed) who is returning to Naples (…) the thing that I wanted to say , in my opinion however is crucial (…) a program agreement with the Mise (…). The Ministry does not take anything, because we bring the money the region and Europe (…) “.

Meanwhile, the Court of Review rejected the power of the tanks of the isolation period is terminated waste storage request of the Viggiano Cova plant (Basilicata). Eni has announced an immediate appeal to the Supreme Court against the confirmation of kidnapping and announced that she had “initiated the stop and entry into a state of complete security” system. This comes after already on 31 March production was suspended.

In economic terms, the Basilicata Region is likely to lose about 1 million euro the week of royalty. According to the charge waste water oil extraction, wrongfully certified as “not dangerous”, would end in two large tanks before being disposed with riniezione underground with pollutants. From the records of the investigation on the Eni website new details emerge from the information of the police of Noe. Eni executives – on whose custody to house arrest, the court of Review will vote tomorrow – had been agreed not to bring out the problems related to the emission of polluted agents, by failing to notify the authorities.



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